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Bonewit Chapt 14
Radiology Logan Greene
Term | Definition |
Contrast Medium | A substance used to make a particular structure visible on radiograph |
Echocardiogram | An ultrasound examination of the heart. |
Enema | And injection of fluid into the rectum to aid in the elimination of feces from the colon. |
Fluoroscope | An instrument used to view internal organs and structure directly |
Fluoroscopy | Examination of a patient with a fluoroscope |
Radiograph | A permanent record of a picture of an internal body organ or structure produced on radiographic film |
Radiography | The taking of permanent records (radiographs) of internal body organs and structures by passing x-rays through the body to act on a specially sensitized film. |
Radiologist | A physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disease using radiation and other imaging techniques. |
Radiology | The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radiation and other imaging techniques (such as ultrasound, CT scans, MRIs, and nuclear medicine) in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. |
Radiolucent | Describing a structure that permits the passage of x-rays |
Radiopaque | Describing the structure that obstructs the passage way of x-rays |
Sonogram | The record obtained with ultrasonography |
Ultrasonography | The use of high-frequency sound waves to produce an image of an organ or tissue. |