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Economic Terms
A summary of key concepts from the history of economic thought
Term | Definition |
Fiscal Policy | Any action taken by the government which alters current revenue & exp |
Monetary Policy | Actions taken by the ECB which influences the money supply, interest rates and availability of credit. |
Consumer Surplus | The difference between what a consumer actually pays for a good and the maximum which he/she would have been willing to pay rather than going without it. |
Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) | Shows how sensitive or responsive demand is to a change in the price of the good itself. |
Cannons of Taxation | Fair tax system; equity, economy, certainty & convenience |
Free Trade | Without tariffs/tax, markets operate effectively & trade will be spread between nations |
Laissez-faire | No government intervention except for defense/justice. |
Iron Law of Wages | An increase in wage above subsistence level = increase in population = increase in supply of labour =decrease in wage |
Protectionism | When tariffs/tax is used to make imports dearer and when subsidies are used to make exports cheaper. |
Economic Rent | Food produced on good land earned a surplus over that produced on inferior land. This surplus led to an increased rent payable for the use of good land. |
Law of Comparative Advantage | A country should specialise in the production of those goods in which it is relatively most efficient and trade for the remainder of it’s requirements. |
Say’s Law | “Supply creates it’s own demand”. |
The Multiplier | Shows the relationship between an initial injection into the circular flow of income and the eventual total increase in national income. |
Liquidity Preference Theory | The 3 reasons (motives) for holding money, are: transactionary, precautionary , speculative |