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Combining forms
Term | Definition |
antagon- | oppose or work againts |
anter- | before; fort part |
anthrac- | coal |
anxio- | fear; worry |
aort- | aorta |
apher- | withdrawl |
aphth- | ulcer |
apic- | apex (tip) |
appendic- | appendix |
appendicul- | limb; small attached part |
append- | small structure hanging from a larger structure; appendix |
appercept- | fully perceived |
aque- | watery substance |
arachn- | spider; spider web |
areol- | small area around the nipple |
arteri- | artery |
arteriol- | arteriole |
arter- | artery |
arthr- | joint |
articul- | joint |
asbest- | asbestos |
ascit- | ascites |
aspir- | to breath in; to suck in |
asthen- | lack of strength |
asthm- | asthma |
astr- | starlike structure |
atel- | incomplete |
ather- | soft, fatty substance |
atheromat- | fatty deposit or mass |
athet- | without position or place |
atri- | atrium (upper heart chamber) |
attenu- | weakened |
audi- | the sense of hearing |
audit- | the sense of hearing |
augment- | increase in size or degree |
aur- | ear |
auricul- | ear |
auscult- | listening |
aut- | self |
autonom- | independent; self-governing |
axill- | axilla (armpit) |
axi- | axis |
bacteri- | bacterium |
balan- | glans penis |
bar- | weight |
basil- | base of an organ |
bas- | base of a structure; basic (alkaline) |
behav- | activity; manner of acting |
bili- | bile; gall |
bilirubin- | bilirubin |
bi/o- | life, living organism; living tissue |
blast- | immature, embryonic |
blephar- | eyelid |
botul- | sausage |
brachi- | arm |
bronchi- | bronchus |
bronchiol- | bronchiole |
bronch- | bronchus |
brux- | to grind the teeth |
buccinat- | cheek |
bucc- | cheek |
bulb- | like a bulb |
bunion- | bunion |
burs- | bursa |
cac- | bad; poor |
calcane- | calcaneus (heel bone) |
calc- | calcium |
calcific- | hard from calcium |
calci- | calcium |
calc- | calcium |
calcul- | stone |
calic- | calix |
cali- | calix |
calor- | heat |
cancell- | lattice structure |
cancer- | cander |
candid- | candida (a yeast) |
can- | resembling a dog |
capill- | hairlike structure; capillary |
capn- | carbon dioxide |
capsul- | capsuke (enveloping structure) |
carb- | carbon atoms |
carbox- | carbon monoxide |
carcin- | cancer |
card- | heart |
cardi- | heart |
cari- | caries (tooth decay) |
carot- | stupor; sleep |
carp- | wrist |
cartilagin- | cartilage |
catabol- | breaking down |
catheter- | catheter |
caud- | tail (tail bone) |
caus | burning |
cavit- | hollow space |
cav- | hollow space |
cec- | cecum (first part of large intestine) |
celio- | abdomen |
cellul- | cell |
centr- | center; domain part |
cephal- | head |
cerebell- | cerebellum (posterior part of the brain0 |
cerebr- | cerebrum (largest part of the brain) |
cervic- | neck; cervix |
cheil- | lip |
chem- | chemical; drug |
chez- | to pass feces |
chir- | hand |
chlor- | chloride |
cholangi- | bile duct |
chole- | bile; gall |
cholecyst- | gallbladder |
cholendoch- | common bile duct |
cholesterol- | cholesterol |
chol- | bile; gall |
chondr- | cartilage |
chori- | chorion (fetal membrane) |
chorion- | chrion (fetal membrane) |
choroid- | chriod (middle layer around the eye) |
chrom- | color |
chron- | time |
cid- | killing |
cili- | hairlike structure |
cin- | movement |
cingu- | structure that surrounds |
circulat- | movement in a circular route |
circul- | circle |
cirrh- | yellow |
cis- | to cut |
claudicat- | limping pain |
claustr- | enclosed space |
circulat- | movement in a circular route |
circul- | circle |
cirrh- | yellow |
cis- | to cut |
clavicul- | clavicle (collar bone) |
clav- | clavicle (collar bone) |
cleid- | clavicle (collar bone) |
clinic- | medicine |
clon- | indentical group derived from one; rapid contracting and relaxing |
coagul- | clotting |