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tendon tissue which connects muscle to bone
ligament tisue which connects bone to bone
abduction motion away from midline of the body
adduction motion toward the midline of the body
joint point of juncture of two or more bones
synovial fluid lubricating fluid of joints
greenstick fracture incomplete break, bone is partially broken and partially bent
spiral fracture bone twist resulting in one or more breaks
impacted fracture broken bones ends jam into each other
simple fracture bone is broken, no external wound, also known as a closed fracture
compound or open fracture bone is broken, skin and soft tissue torn, increases chance of infection
comminuted fracture bone fragments or splinters into more than two pieces
dislocation displacement of bone from its normal position in a joint; ligaments may be torn and stretched
subluxation dislocation that pops back into place
arthritis inflammation of bones at joints
kyphosis increase in the curvature of the spine resulting in a hunchbacked appearance
lordosis exaggerated inward curvature in the lumbar region of the spinal column
scoliosis side-to-side curvature of the spine
sprain injury to ligaments
strain injury to tendons or muscles
muscular dystrophy progressive wasting and weakness of muscles
paralysis muscles do not contract because nerves controlling them are diseased or injured
muscle atrophy decrease in muscle size due to disuse
hypertrophy increase in muscle size resulting from increased use
spasm sudden, violent and involuntary contraction of a muscle
superior upper, or above something
inferior lower, or below something
anterior front, in front of
posterior After, behind, following, toward the rear
medial Toward the mid-line, middle
lateral toward the side of the body
proximal toward or near the trunk of the body, near the point of attachment to the body
distal Away from, farther from the origin or attachment to the body
internal inside the body
superficial toward the surface
midsagittal plane Divides body into equal right & left halves
frontal plane Divides body into front & back portions
transverse plane Divides body into upper & lower portions
Created by: csavony
Popular Medical sets




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