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Med Term Final

cardi/o heart
cardiomyopath disease of heart muscle
derm/o, dermat/o skin
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
glyc/o sugar
hyperglycemia elevated blood sugar
pyel/o renal pelvis
pyelolithotomy incision into the renal pelvis to remove a stone (calculus)
arthr/o joint
arthrodesis surgical binding of two bones
encephal/o brain
encephalopathy disease of the brain
cyt/o cell
cytoplasia formation of a cell
enter/o small intestine
gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and small intestine
hepat/o liver
hepatitis inflammation of the liver
trache/o windpipe (trachea)
tracheotomy incision into the windpipe
inguin/o groin
inguinal pertaining to the groin
chondr/o cartilage
chondromalacia softening of cartilage
xer/o dry
xerosis abnormal condition of dry skin
hist/o tissue
histology study of tissue
-gram record
-opsy process of viewing
-scopy process of visual examination
-oma tumor
myoma muscle tumor
cystoscopy process of visually examining the bladder
-logy study of
hyper- excessive, above
hyperkalemia excessive potassium in the blood
inter- between
intercostal pertaining to between the ribs
ana- up
epi- above
epidermal pertaining to the outer most layer of skin
intra- within
intraperitoneal pertaining to within the peritoneal cavity
retro- backward, behind
retroversion act of turning backward
-version act of turning
uni- one
unilateral pertaining to one side
nulli- no, not, none
nullipara no births
gastrectomy gastric resection
osteitis inflammation of bone
glomerular small balls of capillaries in the kidneys
gamete ovum (female sex cell)
gestation pregnancy
-cyesis pregnancy
gynecomastia abnormal development of breast tissue in males
testis male gonand
interstitial cells cells in the testes that produce testosterone
scrotum contains the male gonads
scoliosis lateral curvature of the spine
humeral pertaining to the upper arm bone
arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint
dermis middle layer of skin
keratin hard protein material found in the epidermis
pleural cavity space in the chest between the lungs
craniotomy incision of the skull
viscera internal organs
coccyx tailbone
supine lying on the back
neurectomy resection of a nerve
hematoma collection of blood
pericardium membrane surrounding the heart
edema swelling or fluid in tissue
nephrosclerosis hardening of vessels in the kidney
calculus stone
polydipsia excessive thirst
calyx collecting area in the kidney
electrolyte chemical that carries an electrical charge
anorchism no testical
bulbourethral glands glands that secrete semen
oligospermia scanty sperm production
purulent pus filled
erythropoietin hormone secreted by kidneys to increase red blood cells
vagina muscular tube leading from the uterus
colposcope an instrument to visually examine the vagina
clavicle collar bone
humerus upper arm bone
femur thigh bone
kyphosis hump/hunch back
tibia larger lower leg bone
melanoma malignant tumor of pigmented skin cells
nevus mole
psoriasis chronic recurrent dermatosis with itchy scaly patches
diaphoresis profuse sweating
eczema dry inflamed skin
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
GU genitourinary
TVH-BSO Total vaginal hysterectomy / bilateral salpingo oophorectomy
KUB kidney, ureter, bladder
ESRD end stage renal disease
ORIF open reduction - internal fixation
FX fracture
UTI urinary tract infection
GYN gynecology
EMG electromyography
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
ACL anterior cruciate ligament
IM intramuscular
G gravida
D&C dilate and curettage
OB obstetrics
ortho orthopedics
UA urinalysis
HPV human papillomavirus
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
STD sexually transmitted disease
DRE digital rectal examination
pleura membrane surrounding the lungs
Created by: brittm1719
Popular Medical sets




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