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Anatomy the study of the form and structure of an organism, such as the names and locations of the bones, muscles, and organs
Physiology the study of the functions (how and why something works) of these structures
Diseases abnormal conditions that affects the body of an organism
Pathophysiology the study of why diseases occur and how the body changes in fucnction in reaction to the diseases
Etiology study of the causes of diseases. Diseases have various causes
Signs & symptoms one phase but have different meanings
Objective evidence of an illness
Subjective symptoms are usually subjective; they can't be observed directly
Diagnostic procedures tests that are performed to find out the diagnosis; signs/symptoms are evaluated by taking a thorough patient history, doing a physical/x-rays/labs/ or other special tests
treatment medications or procedures to determine the control/cure the disease
Prognosis predictions of the possible outcome of the disease and potentail for recovery
Prevention behaviors that promote health and prevent disease
wellness when the body maintains homeostasis
illness occurs wehn one or more of the body's control systems lose the ability to maintain homeostatis
Prevention (3 ways) Primary/secondary/tertiary
Primary prevent the initial occurrence of the disease or injury by maintaining homeostasis
Secondary treat conditions that do occur as quickly as possible to prevent further damage
Tertiary rehabilitate to allow the person to regain as much function as possible and prevent further disability
skeletal gives the body shape, attach to muscles to make movement, protects the organs, stores minerals, and manufactures blood cells
Atria two chambers of the heart;fill with the blood returning to the heart from the body and lungs
Ventricles their job is to squirt out the blood to the body and lungs
Septum is a thick wall of muscle that runs down the middle of the heart
Atria and ventricles works as a team; atria fills with blood, then dumps it into the ventricle;ventricles squeezes, pumping blood out of the heart
mitral and tricuspid let the blood flow from the atria to the ventricles
aortic in charge of controlling the flow as the blood leaves the heart;work to keep the blood flowing forward;close to pick it from flowing backward
blood vessels carries blood away from the heart called arties
veins carry blood back to the heart
Left side of the heart sends oxygen-rich blood out to the body
Right side of the heart receives the returning blood;ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs for a little freshening up.
lungs remove carbon dioxide and is sent out of the body when we exhale;when we inhale, the process starts all over again
Endocardium smooth layer that lines the heart
Myocardium thick layer of muscle tissue that performs the pumping action
Perciardium sac-like membrane that surrounds the heart
The path of the blood arriving in the heart 1)arrives in the inferior and superior ven cavae 2) enters the right atrium 3) passes through a valve to the right ventricle 4)passes through another valve into the right/left pulmonary artery
The path of the blood con't 5)travels to the lungs to pick up fresh oxygen and drop off carbon dioxide 6) returns to the heart by the pulmonary veins to the lft atrium 7) passes through another valve to reach the lft ventricle 8) leaves the lft ventricle via the aorta
Pulmonary artery carries oxygen-poor blood to the lungs
Pulmonary vein carries oxygen- rich blood to the heart
Sinoatrial node (SA) a group of cells that generates an electrical charge (the orchestra); body's own pace maker
atrioventricular node (VA) located in a bundle of tissues on the border between the right atrium and the right ventricle
arterioles smallest arteries
venules small blood vessels that connects to the capillaries
inferior carrying blood from the lower body
superior carrying blood from the upper body
red blood cells carry oxygen to the body; they pick up oxygen in the lungs and bind it to a substance called hemoglobin then give oxygen when they reach the capillaries
white blood cells scavengers, that engulf, ingest, and destroy infection cells (phagocytosis) & then remove wastes & dead cells, they pass through the blood vessels to work in the tissues as needed
platelets clump together to form clots when a blood vessel is damaged and and aid in preventing loss of blood; made in the bone marrow
plasma straw colored liquid which is mostly made up of water; it supplies fluid needed inside and around the body cells
WBC CELL COMPONENTS Neutrophil, lymphocyte, basophils, eosinophils and monocytes
neutrophils essential for fighting disease, are whitish color, signaled to an infection in the body; fast acting, trap & kill microbes outside of the cell
lymphocytes defend the body against infection because they can distinguish the body's own cells from foreign ones, they produce a chemical to destroy that material.
basophils rare type of wbc, making up less than 1%, granulocytes, contain histamine, herapin, chondroitin, take dyes and stains very readily, turning a vivid purple when stained with the base dyes used to prepare specimens for study & id, ribbon like
eosinophils wbc, involved in immune system responses, can also play a roll in allergies ans asthma when the body produces too many of them, when overacted releases a toxin, tell what is causing the problem; granulocytes
monoctyes make up 1-3%, spread in the body 1-3 days, levels increase when a person has an infection,largest, are bean shaped nuclei 2-10%, stored in the spleen, produced in the bone marrow, capable of killing infected host cells via antibody."big eaters"
A has only A antigen on red cells (and B antibody in the plasma)
B has only B antigen on red cells (and A antibody in the plasma)
AB has both A and B antigens on red cells (but neither A nor B antibody in the plasma)
O has neither A and B antigens on red cells (but both A and B antibody are in the plasma)
Created by: 100000296951062
Popular Medical sets




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