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Combining Forms
Combining forms for medical terminology
Term | Definition |
Cardi/o | heart |
Crin/o | to secrete |
Dermat/o | skin |
Esthesi/o | feeling/sensation |
Gastr/o | stomach |
Enter/o | intestines |
Ger/a,Ger/o,Geront/o | elderly |
Gynec/o | female |
Immun/o | immune |
Ne/o | new |
Nat/o | birth |
Obstetr/o | midwife |
Neur/o | nerve |
Ophthalm/o | eye |
Orth/o | straight |
Ped/o | child;sometimes foot |
Onc/o | tumor |
Chir/o | hand |
Radi/o | radiation; sometimes radius |
Rheumat/o | rheumatism |
Rhin/o | nose |
Ot/o | ear |
Laryng/o | voice box |
Psych/o | mind |
Path/o | disease |
Ur/o | urinary tract; sometimes urine |
Aden/o | gland |
Angi/o | vessel |
Append/o, Appendic/o | appendix |
Bi/o | life or living |
Blephar/o | eyelid |
Cerebr/o | brain |
Encephal/o | brain |
Col/o | colon (large intestines) |
Cutane/o | skin |
Faci/o | face |
Hepat/o | liver |
Mamm/o, Mast/o | breast |
Muscul/o, my/o | muscle |
Myel/o | bone marrow or spinal cord |
Oste/o | bone |
Pulm/o, Pulmon/o | lungs |
Pneumon/o | lungs |
Pneum/o | lungs; sometimes air or gas |
Tonsill/o | tonsil |
Trache/o | trachea (windpipe) |
Vas/o | vessel; ductus deferens |
Adip/o, Lip/o | fat |
Amyl/o | starch |
Glyc/o | sugar |
Hemat/o | blood |
Lact/o | milk |
Lith/o | stone |
Muc/o | mucus |
Prote/o, Protein/o | protein |
Pyr/o | fire |
Alb/o, Albin/o, Leuk/o, Leuc/o | white |
Chlor/o | green |
Cyan/o | blue |
Erythr/o | red |
Melan/o | black |
Xanth/o | yellow |
Cyt/o | cell |
Gen/o | beginning; origin; genes |
Gram/o | record |
Kinesi/o | movement |
Phag/o | eat; ingest; swallowing |
Aer/o | air |
Blast/o | embryonic form |
Cephal/o | head |
Cry/o | cold |
Crypt/o | hidden |
Dips/o | thirst |
Fibr/o | fiber |
Hist/o | tissue |
Myc/o | fungus |
Narc/o | stupor |
Necr/o | death |
Phon/o | voice |
Phot/o | light |
Py/o | pus |
Optic/o, Opt/o | vision |
Therm/o | heat |
Top/o | position; place |
Ech/o, Son/o | sound |
Fluor/o | emitting/reflecting light |
Tom/o | to cut |
Pharmac/o, Pharmaceuti/o | drugs; medicine |
Algesi/o | sensitivity to pain |
Chem/o | chemical |
Therapeut/o | treatment |
Toxic/o, Tox/o | poison |
Home/o | sameness |
Anter/o | anterior; toward the front |
Later/o | toward the side; farther from the mid line of the body structure |
Medi/o | middle; nearer the middle |
Ventr/o | belly side |
Poster/o | toward the back; situated behind |
Dors/o | directed toward; situated behind on the backside |
Super/o | excessive; above |
Infer/o | lowermost; below |
Proxim/o | nearer the origin or point of attachment |
Dist/o | far; distant from the origin or point of attachment |
Caud/o | tail; in a posterior direction |
Tel/e | distant |
Thorac/o | chest |
Periton/o | membrane that lines the abdominal cavity |
Abdomin/o | abdomen |
Crani/o | skull |
Pelv/i | pelvis |
Spin/o | spine |
Arc/o | extremities (arms/legs) |
Cyst/o | bladder; sac |
Dactyl/o | digit (toe/finger/both) |
Lapar/o | abdominal wall |
Omphal/o | naval; umbilicus |
Onych/o | nail |
Femor/o | thigh bone |
Inguin/o | groin |
Spermat/o | sperm |
Umbilic/o | naval |
Hidr/o | perspiration |
Hydr/o | water |
Sial/o | saliva; saliva gland |
Lacrim/o, Dacry/o | tear; tearing; cry |
Coagul/o | blood clotting |
Ankyl/o | stiff |
Arthr/o, Articul/o | articulation, joint |
Burs/o | sacs of fluid located in areas of friction, especially in the joints |
Calcane/o | heel bone (calcaneus) |
Carp/o | wrist (carpus) |
Cellul/o | little cell or compartment |
Cervic/o | neck |
Chondr/o | cartilage |
Clavicul/o | collarbone (clavicle) |
Coccyg/o | tailbone (coccyx) |
Cost/o | rib (costae) |
Crani/o | skull (cranium) |
Femor/o | thigh bone (femur) |
Fibul/o | the smaller or the two lower leg bones (fibula) |
Humer/o | the upper arm bone (humerus) |
Ili/o | the uppermost and widest of the 3 bones that make up each half of the pelvis (ilium) |
Ischi/o | the lowest of the 3 major bones that make up each of half of the pelvis (ischium) |
Lumb/o | lower back |
Metacarp/o | bones of the hand (metacarpals) |
Metatars/o | bones of the feet (metatarsals) |
Patell/o | kneecap (patella) |
Pelv/i | the skeletal section between the abdomen and thighs (pelvis) |
Phalang/o | bones of the fingers or toes (phalanges: plural, phalanx: singular) |
Pub/o | one of the tree sections of the hipbone (pubis) |
Rachi/o, spin/o | spine |
Radi/o | one of the two large bones of the forearm; in line with thumb (radius) |
Sacr/o | lower portion of the spine; between lumbar and tailbone (sacrum) |
Scapul/o | shoulder blade (scapula) |
Skelet/o | skeleton |
Spondyl/o | vertebra |
Stern/o | breastbone (sternum) |
Tars/o | ankle bones (tarsals) |
Ten/o, Tend/o, Tendin/o | tendon |
Tibi/o | shin bone (tibia) |
Uln/o | one of the two long bones in the forearm; in line with pinkie (ulna) |
Adenoid/o | pharyngeal tonsils; resembling gland |
Ventricul/o | little belly; cavity; ventricle |
Viscer/o | internal organs |
Venul/o | small vein |
Ven/o | vein |
Vascul/o | vessel |
Thromb/o | clot (thrombus) |
Tens/o | pressure |
Sten/o | narrowness; constriction |
Splen/o | spleen |
Sept/o | wall; partition |
Scler/o | hardening |
Phleb/o | vein |
Pharyng/o | throat |
Lymph/o, Lymphat/o | lymphatics |
Isch/o | deficiency; blockage |
Embol/o | material that travels through blood vessel (embolus) |
Coron/o | encircling in the manner of a crown |
Ather/o | yellow fatty plaque |
Arteriol/o | small artery (arteriole) |
Aort/o | largest artery in the body (aorta) |
Urin/o | urine/urination |
Albumin/o | a type of protein |
Ureter/o | tube through which urine passes from each kidney |
Urethr/o | tubular passage by which urine is discharged from the bladder to the outside |
Ren/o, Nephr/o | kidney |
Pyel/o | renal pelvis; funnel-shaped structure located in the center of each kidney; collects urine |
Glomerul/o | the cluster of blood vessels that acts as the filtering structure of the kidney |
Corpor/o | body |
Olig/o | few scanty |
Prostat/o | male reproductive gland (prostate) |
An/o | anus |
Bil/i | digestive juice that aids digestion of fats |
Cec/o | blind pouch at beginning of large intestine (cecum) |
Cheil/o | lips |
Chol/e | gall or bile |
Cholecyst/o | gallbladder |
Choledoch/o | common bile duct |
Cirrh/o | orange-yellow |
Dent/I, Dent/o | teeth |
Diverticul/o | small sac or pouch in wall of large organs (diverticulum) |
Duoden/o | first division of small intestine (duodenum) |
Esophag/o | tube that carries food to stomach (esophagus) |
Gingiv/o | gums |
Gloss/o | tongue |
Hemorrhoid/o | enlarged veins in anus (hemorrhoid) |
Ile/o | third division of small intestine (ileum) |
Insulin/o | hormone produced by pancreas (insulin) |
Intesin/o | intestines |
Jejun/o | second division of small intestine (jejunum) |
Lapar/o | abdominal wall |
Lingu/o | tongue |
Mandibul/o | lower jaw (mandible) |
Odont/o | teeth |
Or/o | mouth |
Pancreat/o | secretes digestive enzymes & hormones (pancreas) |
Proct/o | anus, rectum |
Rect/o | rectum |
Sial/o | saliva, salivary gland |
Sigmoid/o | s-shaped portion of large intestine (sigmoid colon) |
Stomat/o | mouth |
Vag/o | vagus nerve |
Viscer/o | large internal organs within abdominal cavity |
Alveol/o | one of a cluster of small air sacs at the end of a bronchiole (alveolus) |
Atel/o | imperfect |
Bronch/o | tubes that branch right and left off the trachea (bronchus) |
Bronchi/o | tubes that branch right and left off the trachea (bronchus) |
Bronchiol/o | small tubes that branch off from the bronchi (bronchiole) |
Coni/o | dust |
Epiglott/o | lid like structure that covers the larynx during swallowing (epiglottis) |
Lob/o | lobe |
Ox/o | oxygen |
Phren/o | diaphragm, mind |
Pleur/o | membrane that surrounds each lung and lines the walls of the chest cavity |
Silic/o | dust of stone, sand quartz, or flint that contains silica |
Spir/o | to breathe |
Adip/o | fat |
Axill/o | armpit |
Bacter/i, Bacteri/o | bacteria |
Erythemat/o | redness |
Follicul/o | follicle |
Ichthy/o | fish |
Kerat/o | horny |
Lip/o | fat |
Onych/o | nail |
Pil/o | hair |
Seb/o | sebum |
Seps/o | infection |
Sept/o | infection |
Trich/o | hair |
Ungu/o | nail |
Xer/o | dry |