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Med. Term

ECG electrocardiogram
EEG electroencephalogram
EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat
EKG electrocardiogram
EMG electromyogram
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
est estimated
ER emergency room
ETA estimated time of arrival
etiol etiology
ETOH ethyl alcohol, intoxicated
exam examination
FF force fluids
FH family history
FIFO first in, first out
ft foot
FUO fever of undetermined origin
Fx fracture
GI gastrointestinal
GU genitourinary
gyn gynecology
HDL high-density lipoprotein
hr hour
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HR heart rate
hs hours of sleep, bedtime
ht height
Hx history
hypo hypodermic injection
hyst hysterectomy
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
I and D incision and drainage
I and O intake and output
ICU intensive care unit
IM intramuscular
inj injection
irrig irrigation
isol isolation
IUD intrauterine
IV intravenous
K+ potassium
KCI potassium chloride
L lumbar
L and D labor and delivery
lac laceration
lab laboratory
lap laparatomy
lat lateral
LD lethal hose
liq liquid
LLQ, LLL left lower quadrant(abdomen),lobe(lung)
LMP last menstrual lperiod
LOC level of consciousness
lt left
LUQ, LUL left upper quadrant(abdomen), lobe(lung)
meds medications
MI myocardial infarction
min minute
MN midnight
MOM milk of magnesia
MRI magnetic resonance imagery
MVA motor vehicle accident
NVD nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Na+ sodium
NaCl sodium chloride
N/C nasal cannula
no complaints
neg negative
NG nasogastric
NGT nasogastric tube
nitro nitroglycerine
NKA no known allergies
noc(t) night
NPO nothing by mouth
ext external,extract,extraction
Created by: Ataye
Popular Medical sets




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