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Astronomy chp 9

Astronomy - Jovial Planets

lists the outer planets in order of increasing mass? Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter
How do we know the internal structure of Jupiter: seismic waves, chemical comp, avg density and gravitational pull on spacecraft, measuring volume and density avg density and gravitational pull on spacecraft
composition of Jupiter’s clouds water, ice and ammonia
composition of Jupiter more silicates than the entire Earth & very close to the Sun's composition
What evidence supports the hypothesis that Jupiter heated its satellites? density of satellites decreases with distance from Jupiter
Saturn emits more energy than it receives from the Sun. What is the origin of Saturn’s excess energy? energy released by helium droplets condensing in the atsmosphere & falling
The atmospheric features observed on Saturn are not as vivid and distinct as the ones observed on Jupiter. Explain the difference in appearance. ice particles in atmosphere create a haze
how do we know that the rings of saturn are thin can see stars through the rings
What causes the Cassini division in Saturn’s ring system: electrical charges, tidal forces, pull from Mimas, dust particles didn't accrete repeated pull from Mimas
evidence supporting rings of Saturn may not come from the breakup of a single object: Cassini division, different chemical comp, different orbital speeds, different particle size different chemical composition
What is the origin of the ring material of the Jovian planets? tidal breakup of object that came too close to the planet
Is it safe for a spacecraft to cross the Roche limit of Mars? Yes, because the tidal force is too weak
evidence supporting that the larger satellites of Saturn weren't heated significantly by Saturn: stallites formed much later, density increases with distance, have about the same density, saturn is very cold have about the same density
explain the fact that Titan was able to retain an atmosphere, while Jupiter’s Ganymede did not: titan is larger, titan is colder, titan has higher density, titan is closer to saturn titan is colder
Which of the following explains why Uranus has lower density and at the same time proportionately less hydrogen than Jupiter? D - material in J is compressed to higher density by overwhelming gravity of jupiter
Uranus completes an orbit around the Sun every 84 years and spins once every 17 hours, approximately. Which of the following could be observed from the planet Uranus? all of the above
The clouds of Uranus lack the bands that are characteristic of the other Jovian planets. What is the most probable cause for Uranus’ featureless appearance? less massive, colder, rotates slower, heated unevenly due to axial tilt heated unevenly due to axial tilt
The discovery of Charon was significant because it allowed astronomers to determine: distance, age, mass, and/or radius of Pluto mass and radius of Pluto
Why do astronomers believe that the Jovian planets are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium? because they have low densities
Why do astronomers believe that the Jovian planets must contain rocky material in their cores? because silicates and irons were part of the overall composition of the solar nebula
Which has a larger diameter, Uranus or Neptune? uranus
Which has more mass, Uranus or Neptune Neptune
The colors of Jupiter’s clouds suggest the presence of (organic molecules, H & He, CO2, red-shifted colors, iron) organic molecules
The powerful _____ in Jupiter is a result of the ______ and ______ at the interior of the planet. D - wind, coriolis effect, heat generated
lowest density of all the planets in the solar system. saturn
The rings of Saturn consist primarily of _____. water ice
Astronomers believe that the interior of Saturn’s satellites is mostly ____. ice
Spectral analysis of Titan atmosphere indicate that Titan’s atmosphere consists mainly of _____. nitrogen
Which plant has the most extreme seasons? uranus
Which plant has the lowest density? saturn
Which plant has the lowest density? jupiter
Which of the following properties contributes the most to Uranus’s absence of bands in cloud surface: hydrogen, methane, rapid rotation, cold atmosphere extreme axial tilt
Which planet has ammonia crystals? saturn
Which planet has a nearly featureless appearance? uranus
Which planet has a Great Dark Spot? neptune
Which planet has the most visible colored bands? jupiter
Which Galilean satellites is closest to Jupiter? Io
Which Galilean satellites has the highest density? Io
Which Galilean satellites has the lowest density? Callisto
Which Galilean satellites has the longest orbital period? Callisto
Which Galilean satellites is the most cratered? Callisto
Which planet has the Mimas satellite? saturn
Which planet has the Titan satellite? Saturn
Which planet has the Europa satellite? jupiter
Which planet has the Triton satellite? neptune
Which planet has the Callisto satellite? jupiter
Which is a property of the Ganymede satellite? orbits backwards, large radius, might have water, active volcanoes, huge cliffs large radius
Which is a property of the Titan satellite? orbits backwards, large radius, might have water, active volcanoes, huge cliffs large radius
Which is a property of the Io satellite? orbits backwards, large radius, might have water, active volcanoes, huge cliffs active volcanoes
Which is a property of the Miranda satellite? orbits backwards, large radius, might have water, active volcanoes, huge cliffs huge cliffs
Which satellite has the most jumbled surface? titan, eruopa, io, miranda miranda
Which satellite has atmosphere? titan, eruopa, io, miranda titan
Which satellite has long surface cracks? titan, eruopa, io, miranda Europa
Which satellite has huge cliffs? titan, eruopa, io, miranda Miranda
Which satellite has apparent ice floes on its surface? titan, eruopa, io, miranda europa
Which Galilean satellite has the highest density? titan, eruopa, io, miranda Io
Which satellite has an ocean of liquid methane? titan, eruopa, io, miranda titan
Which is the largest satellite in the solar system? io, tritan, nereid, europa, ganymede ganymede
Which satellite has atmosphere? io, tritan, nereid, europa, ganymede triton
Which satellite has active volcanoes? io, tritan, nereid, europa, ganymede io
Which satellite has the most inclined orbit to planets equator? io, triton, nereid, europa, ganymede triton
Which satellite is suspected to have liquid water under its surface? io, triton, nereid, europa, ganymede europa
Which large satellite orbits backwards? io, triton, nereid, europa, ganymede triton
Which satellite has a large and highly elliptical orbit? io, triton, nereid, europa, ganymede nereid
which planet has a single ring jupiter
Which planet has a non-uniform distribution of particles in its rings? neptune
Which planet’s ring system is made mostly of darker particles? uranus
Which planet’s ring system has tiny particles? jupiter
Which planet’s ring system has particles orbiting according to Kepler’s laws? all of the ring systems
Created by: edeboo
Popular Science sets




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