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FNS 2: Hypothalamus

Neuro Lecture 2: Hypothalamus

What are the 5 key features/symptoms of Hypothalamic syndrome? 1) Diabetes insipidus, 2) Endocrine imbalance, 3) Impaired thermoregulation, 4) Sleep disturbance, 5) Emotional/behavioral changes
What is the rostral (anterior) boundary of the hypothalamus? lamina terminalis/ optic chiasm
What is the dorsal (superior) boundary of the hypothalamus? hypothalamic sulcus
What is the caudal (posterior) boundary of the hypothalamus? midbrain tegmentum
What are the 3 divisions of the hypothalamus in the medio-lateral dimension collectively called? zones
What are the 3 divisions of the hypothalamus in the rostro-caudal dimension collectively called? regions
What are the names of the three hypothalamic zones? periventricular, medial/middle, and lateral zones (each zone runs the entire length of the hypothalamus
What is the physical description of the periventricular zone? a thin strip deep to the ependyma of the 3rd ventricle
What are the 2 borders of the medial hypothalamic zone? between the periventricular zone and fornix
What are the 2 borders of the lateral hypothalamic zone? between the fornix and internal capsule
Which hypothalamic zone contains the medial forebrain bundle? the lateral zone
What are the names of the three hypothalamic regions? Chiasmal (anterior), Tuberal (intermediate), and Mamillary (posterior)- note which structures on the brain correspond to the names
How many nuclei are located in the anterior hypothalamic region? What are their names? 5- 1) Medial/Lateral Preoptic nuclei, 2) Suprachiasmatic nucleus, 3) Anterior nucleus, 4) Supraoptic nucleus, and 5) Paraventricular nucleus
Which nucleus in the anterior hypothalamic region is telencephalic in embryonic origin? Preoptic (medial/lateral)
Which nucleus in the anterior hypothalamic region is important for reproductive behavior? Preoptic (medial/lateral)
Which nucleus in the anterior hypothalamic region receives direct input from the retina? Suprachiasmatic
Which nucleus in the anterior hypothalamic region is important in circadian rhythms? Suprachiasmatic
Which nucleus in the anterior hypothalamic region is thermosensitive? Anterior
Which nucleus in the anterior hypothalamic region responds to increased blood temperature by activating reduction mechanisms? Anterior
Which nuclei in the anterior hypothalamic region is involved in the magnocellular neurosecretory system? Supraoptic and paraventricular
Which nuclei in the anterior hypothalamic region are osmosensitive? Supraoptic and paraventricular
Which nuclei in the anterior hypothalamic region release oxytocin and vasopressin (ADH) in the posterior pituitary? Supraoptic and paraventricular
How many nuclei are located in the intermediate hypothalamic region? What are their names? 4- 1) Arcuate (Infundibular) nucleus, 2) Ventromedial nucleus, 3) Lateral hypothalamic area, and 4) Dorsomedial nucleus
Which nucleus in the intermediate hypothalamic region modulates the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary? Arcuate (Infundibular)
Which nucleus in the intermediate hypothalamic region regulates feeding? Arcuate (Infundibular)
Which nucleus in the intermediate hypothalamic region has inhibitory control over feeding behavior? Ventromedial
Which nucleus in the intermediate hypothalamic region is where lesions produce hyperphagia? Ventromedial
What is hyperphagia? Excessive hunger/eating
Which nucleus in the intermediate hypothalamic region has neurons activated by leptin? Ventromedial
Which nucleus in the intermediate hypothalamic region is just lateral to the ventromedial nucleus? Lateral hypothalamic area
Which nucleus in the intermediate hypothalamic region contains orexigenic (“appetite”) peptides? Lateral hypothalamic area
Which nucleus in the intermediate hypothalamic region is the classic “feeding center of the hypothalamus? Lateral hypothalamic area
Which nucleus in the intermediate hypothalamic region has unclear functions, perhaps stress responses? Dorsomedial nucleus
How many nuclei are located in the posterior hypothalamic region? What are their names? 2- Posterior nucleus and Mamillary nucleus
Which nucleus in the posterior hypothalamic region is the heat conservation center? Posterior
Which nucleus in the posterior hypothalamic region regulates behavioral arousal and wakefulness? Posterior
Which nucleus in the posterior hypothalamic region contains histamine neurons (in tuberomamillary n.) and orexin neurons (lost in narcolepsy)? Posterior
Which nucleus in the posterior hypothalamic region modulates memory formation (esp. recent memory) via connections with the hippocampus? Mamillary
Which nucleus in the posterior hypothalamic region is sensitive to prolonged thiamine (B1) deficiency? Mamillary
Which 3 parts of the nervous system are in constant BIDIRECTIONAL communication with the hypothalamus? limbic system, brainstem regions, and the neuroendocrine system
What are the 2 forms of communication between the hypothalamus and other parts of the nervous system? Anatomical connections (direct synapse) or Humoral (circulating factors/hormones)
Regulation of visceral and autonomic function from the hypothalamus depends on the balance between anterior and posterior hypothalamus influences. Which is more PS, and which is more S? Anterior= parasympathomimetic, Posterior= sympathomimetic
Which portion of the hypothalamus is the heat dissipation center? Anterior hypothalamus
Which portion of the hypothalamus is the heat conservation center? Posterior hypothalamus
How does the anterior hypothalamus affect bladder, cardiac muscle, and GI motility? bladder contraction, cardiac slowing, and increased motility
How does the posterior hypothalamus affect pupils, BP, and GI motility? pupil dilation, increased BP, decreased motility
Which HT-visceral path courses through the lateral hypothalamic zone? MFB (medial forebrain bundle)
Which HT-visceral path connects the HT with the reticular formation? MFB (medial forebrain bundle)
Which HT-visceral path connects the HT with rostral areas (olfactory cortex, septum for olfactory and emotional information)? MFB (medial forebrain bundle)
Which HT-visceral path connects the mamillary bodies to the reticular formation? (MTeT) Mamillotegmental tract
Which HT-visceral path connects with CN nuclei and spinal cord regions involved in autonomic regulation? DLF (Dorsal Longitudinal fasciculus)
What is the limbic system important for (in general)? emotion, memory, and motivated behavior
Which external pathway from the hypothalamus is important for coordinating appropriate behavioral responses to homeostatic challenges? hypothalamic-limbic interactions
What is the hypothalamus and hippocampus connected by? the fornix
What is the major hypothalamus target of the hypothalamus-hippocampus pathway? mamillary bodies
Which hypothalamus external pathway carries important information for behavior and memory? HT-hippocampus path
How many connections run between the hypothalamus and the amygdala? What are their names? 2- Stria terminalis and Ventral amygdaloid pathway (reciprocal)
Where does the Stria terminalis exit, where does it run, and where does it project to? exits posterior amygdala, parallels course of the caudate, and projects to the medial zone of the HT
Where does the Ventral amygdaloid pathway (reciprocal) exit, where does it run, and where does it project to? exits dorsomedial amygdala, runs beneath globus pallidus, and projects to the lateral zone of the HT
Where does the HT connection with the anterior thalamus get extra input from? MTT (mammillothalamic tract)
Which hypothalamus external pathway modulates limbic function, and thus memory, behavior, and emotion? HT-anterior thalamus
Which structure is the major output organ for CNS control of the endocrine system? pituitary gland
Which structure in the brain is essential for maintaining hormonal balance and homeostasis (along with the hypothalamus)? pituitary gland
What is another name for the posterior pituitary gland (that indicates it’s function)? neurohypophysis
Where do signals for regulation of the posterior pituitary come from in the HT? magnocellular neurosecretory neurons in the paraventricular nucleus and supraoptic nucleus
What is the term for what activates the magnocellular neurosecretory neurons? What are they sensitive to? osmosensitive
What do magnocellular neurosecretory cells release/secrete into the neurohypophysis? oxytocin and ADH (vasopressin)
What is the function/result of ADH? increases water resorption by kidneys
What is the function/result of oxytocin? causes smooth muscle contraction in uterus and mammary glands AND maintaining ionic homeostasis
What is the collective function of ADH and oxytocin? stress response and social behavior
What is another name for the anterior pituitary gland (that indicates it’s function)? adenohypophysis
Where do signals for regulation of the anterior pituitary come from in the HT? parvocellular neurosecretory neurons in the HT tuberal region
Where do the parvocellular neurosecretory neurons project to? the median eminence
What do parvocellular neurosecretory neurons do at the median eminence? release Hormone-Releasing Factors into the pituitary portal system (to enter the bloodstream)
Created by: mbyess
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