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Medical Assisting
Term | Definition |
Radiation | High energy particles that cause ionization. |
Deterministic | A doctrine that all facts and events exemplify natural laws. |
Stochastic | Randomly determined. |
Epidemiologic Data | Allows in sight into behavior, trends, and perceptions. |
Physicians | Person qualified to practice medicine. |
Radiologists | Medical specialists who uses radioactive substances and x-rays in treatment of disease. |
Radiologic Examinationsten | conformation of diagrams and early detection of plural effusion and empyema. |
CT(Computed Tomography) | Examination of organs with x-rays and using a computer for scans. |
Carcinogenic | Having the potential to cause cancer. |
None mergent | non emergency medical patient, care or case. |
Fluoroscopy | High energy ionizing radiations. |
Cell Damage | Death of cells, tissue, or organ failure. |
Cell Death | The normal degeneration and death of living cells. |
C-arm | Used to produce images for surgical guidance. |
Direct Exposure | In the line of radiation rays from machine. |
Indirect | Scattered rays from patient and machine. |
ALARA(As low as reasonably achievable) | Principle that accepts some amount of radiation exposure. |
Thermoluminescence Dosimetry | Radiation dosimeter. |
Subsequnently | After something has happened. |
URS(ureterorenoscopy) | Visual inspection of ureter and kidney. |