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Skin lecture matchin

Stack #144421

purpura red purple nonblanchable discoloration greater than 0.5 cm diameter
petechiae red-purple nonblanchable dicoloration less than 0.5cm diameter
ecchymoses red purple nonblanchable discoloration of variable size
macule flat, circumscribed area that is a change in the color of the skin, less than 1 cm in diameter
papule an elevated, firm circumscribed area, less than 1 cm in diameter
patch a flat, nonpalpable, irregular shaped macule greater than 1 cm in diameter
plaque elevated, firm and rough lesion with flat top surface greater than 1 cm in diameter
wheal elevated, irregular shaped area of cutaneous edema; solid, transient, variable diameter
nodule elevated, firm, circumscribed lesion; 1 to 2 cm in diameter
tumor elevated and solid lesion; greater than 2 cm in diameter
vesicle elevated, circumscribed, superficial, filled with serous fluid; less than 1 cm in diameter
bulla elevated, circumscribed, superficial, filled with serous fluid; greater than 1 cm in diameter
pustule elevated, superficial lesion; filled with purulant fluid and less than 1 cm in diameter
cyst elevated, circumscribed, encapsulated lesion; in dermis or subcutaneous; filled with liquid or semi solid material
telangiectasia fine, irregular, red lines produced by cpillary dilation
comedo a plug of sebum and keratin in the opening of a hair follicle, the opening can be dilated forming a blackhead, or closed forming a whitehead.
burrow a channel under the skin caused by parasites
abscess accumulation of purulent material in the dermis or subcutaneous
furuncle A necrotizing form of inflammation of a hair follicle
carbuncle A coalescence of several furuncles
milia keratin filled cysts in distal sweat gland (miliaria)
erythema pink or red blanchable discoloration due dilated blood vessels (sunburn)
spider angioma blanchable, red body with radiating legs
Venous star non- blanchable, bluish spider
Capillary hemangioma patch (papule) due to destruction of dermal capillary
erosion loss of epidermis
ulcer loss of epidermis and some of the dermis
fissure linear track in epidermis
excoriation superficial linear trauma
scaling shedding stratum cornea
crusting dried serum, pus or blood
lichenification thickening and roughing of skin
keloid hypertrophied scar tissue
scar connective tissue replacement
sclerosis hardening of the skin
annular ring shaped
Arcuate partial rings
circinate circular
discoid disc shaped without center clearance
reticulated lace like
serpiginous snake like
linear straight line
iris center within a circle
abcd of malignant appearance asymmetry, irregular borders, color, diameter greater than 6 mm
epidermis avascular, contains appendages
dermis vascular connective tissue, neural fibers, and autonomic nervous fibers
hypodermis fatty subcutaneous layer
eccrine sweat glands sweat glands that are used for temperature regulation
appocrine sweat glands produce milky substance (produce bo from bacteria). triggered by emotion
sebaceous glands glands that produce sebum (lipid fluid). used to keep skin moist. stimulated by sex hormones
vernix caseosa mixture sebum & cornified epidermis covers the baby at birth.
lanugo fine silky hair over shoulders and back of newborn shed 10 14 days.
Mee's bands white lines due to arsenic poisoning or acute illness
Lindsay's nails proximal half white, distal half pink, often due renal
Terry's nails white except for distal tip; seen with cirrhosis
Beau's lines response to stress that temporarily halts nail growth, pneumonia causes white streaks in nail.
Spoon nails hypochromic anemias
alopecia loss of hair
eczematous dermatitis most common inflammatory skin disorder. Includes primary contact dermatitits, allergic contact dermatitis
folliculitis staphylococcal infection of the hair follicle and surrounding dermis produces folliculitis.
cellulitis diffuse, acute, streptococcal, or staphylococcal infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
pityriasis rosea self-limiting inflammation of unknown cause. Onset is sudden with occurrence of a primary oval or round plaque with fine, superficial scaling.
psoriasis chronic and recurrent disease of keratin synthesis that is characterized by well circumscribed, dry, silvery, scaling papules and plaques.
rosacea chronic inflammatory skin disorder that is characterized by telangectasia, erythema, papules, and pustules that occur particulary in the central area of the face.
Drug eruption - Hives discrete or confluent erythematous maculpapules on the trunk, face, extremities, palms, or soles of the feet.
herpes zoster (shingles) viral infection, usually of a single dermatome, that consists of red, swollen plaques or vesicles that become filled with purulent fluid.
herpes simplex viral infection by herpes simplex produces tenderness, pain, paresthesia, or mild burning at the infected site before onset of the lesions. Grouped vesicles appear on an erythematous base and then erode, forming a crust
kaposi sarcoma malignant tumor of the endothelium and epithelial layer of the skin. Lesions are characteristically soft, vascular, bluish purple, and painless
hirsutism growth of terminal hair in women in the male distribution pattern on the face, body, and pubic areas
paronychia inflammation of the paronychium produces redness, swelling, and tenderness at the lateral and proximal nail folds.
subungual hematoma trauma to the nail plate sever enough to cause immediate bleeding and pain.
leukonycia punctata white spots appear in the nail plate as a result of minor injury or manipulation of the cuticle.
onycholysis loosening of the nail plate with separation from the nail bed that begins at the distal groove.
impetigo highly contagious staphylococcal or streptococcal infection of the epidermis commonly causes pruritus
miliaria irregular, red, macular rash caused by occlusion of sweat ducts during periods of heat and high humidity.
Created by: zneubert
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