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Musculoskeletal Sys.

Division of the Skeleton: The Skull and Facial Bones

osseous bony; composed of bone; pertaining to bone
osteoblast a cell associated with the production of bone
oesteoclast a large cell associated with the absorption and removal of bone
osteocyte a mature osteoblast
collagen a fibrous insoluble protein found in the white fibers of connective tissue including bone, ligaments, adn tendons
periosteum the specialized connective tissue covering all the bones of the body
endosteum the connective tissue memebreane lining the medullary cavity of bone
medullary pertaining to bone marrow or th einner protion of an organ
diaphysis the portion of a long bone between its ends; shaft
epiphysis the end of a long bone that is usually wider than the shaft
ossification the formation of bone
calcification deposit of calcium salts within bony tissues
axis a straight line (imaginer) passing through th ecenter about which a body or part may rotate
axial pertaining to or forming an axis
appendicular pertaining to an appendage such as a limb or extremity
skeleton the bony framework of the body consisting of 206 bones
skeletal pertaining to the skeleton
cranium the skull
frontal pertaining to the forehead or forehead bone
parietal pertaining to the two bones that form most of the roof and upper sides pf the cranium
temporal pertaining to the temple or central sides of the cranium
occipital pertaining to the back and most of the lower base of the skull
sphenoid wedge-shaped; pertaining to the bat-shaped bone that extends behind the eyes
ethmoid sieve-like, pertaining to the delicate bone that forms much of the internal nasal structure and part of each orbit
suture one of the jagged seams that unite the adjoining bones of the skull
fontanel a space located at the junction of the sutures in the skull of the infant
sinus one of the eight air-filled cavities in the skull that communicate with the nasal cavity
orbital pertaining to the orbit or eye socket
zygoma the cheeckbone
maxilla one of the pair of bones forming the upper jaw
maxillary pertaining to the upper jaw bone
mandible the lower jaw bone; horseshoe-shaped
mandibular pertaining to the lower jaw bone
nasal pertaining to the nose or one of te two bones that form the bridge of the nose
Created by: jolleenp
Popular Medical sets




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