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Santa's Exam Review

1st Semester Term Review SCFCS: 7th Grade Science

The investigation and exploration of natural events and the new information that results from those investigations. science
An educated guess. hypothesis
The act of using your senses in an experiment. observation
A statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events. prediction
This has been proven over and over in repeated experiments. scientific theory
A rule that describes a pattern in nature. scientific law
An international system of measurement. international system of units
Any factor that can have one or more value in an experiment. variable
The Earth system that contains all living things. biosphere
A mixture of gases from layers around the Earth. atmosphere
The system that contains all of the water on Earth. hydrosphere
The solid part of the Earth. geosphere
Naturally occurring inorganic solids that have crystal structures and chemical compositions. Minerals
The frozen portion of water on the Earth's surface. cryosphere
A process where we take salt out of water. desalination
This includes evaporation, condensation, precipitation. water cycle
The state of the atmosphere at a certain time and place. weather
The average weather pattern for a region over a long period of time. climate
The process that moves large bodies of Earth materials to higher elevations. uplift
The shape and steepness of a landscape. topography
The removal of weathered material from one location to another. erosion
The atmospheric layer that is closest to the Earth's surface. troposphere
The middle layer of the Earth's atmosphere. mesosphere
A mixture of dust, acids and other chemicals that can be hazardous to human health. particulate matter
This falls below seven on the pH scale. acid
If something is higher than 7 on the pH scale, it is __________. alkaline
When something is 7 on the pH scale, it is __________. neutral
This is the only gas that can change to a solid, it is how dry ice forms. carbon dioxide
A hypothesis should ALWAYS be written in this type of statement. if then
The color of a mineral's powder. streak
The way a mineral;s surface reflects light. luster
If a mineral can break along smooth, flat surfaces, it displays_________. cleavage
A Mineral that breaks along rough or irregular surfaces displays this. fracture
A naturally occurring solid mixture composed of minerals, smaller rock fragments and organic matter. rock
Individual particles in rock are called ________. grains
Rock and mineral fragments that are loose or suspended in water sediment
The process through which sediment turns to rock lithification
What causes flat minerals to line up, giving the rock a layered appearance? foliation
The laying of sediment to a new location. deposition
The preserved remains or evidence of past living organisms fossils
The process where one element naturally changes to another radioactive decay
A visual record of Earth's history, with individual units based on changes in rocks and fossils geologic time scale
This scientist proposed the idea that the Earth was once a supercontinent. Alfred Wegener
The hypothesis that continents are in constant motion on the Earth's surface continental drift
A state where magnetized objects orient north. normal polarity
When a magnetic field reverses direction. magnetic reversal
When magnetized objects reverse direction and orient themselves to point south. reversed polarity
This theory states that the Earth's surface is made of rigid slabs of rock, that move with respect to each other. plate tectonics
These form where two plates separate. Divergent plate boundaries
This boundary forms when two plates slide past each other. transform plate boundaries
These boundaries form when two plates collide. convergent plate boundaries
When a denser plate sinks below more buoyant plates. subduction
This force occurs as a slab sinks and it pulls the rest of the plate. slab pull
This force causes plates move away from the ridge. ridge push
When humans develop land, this will ultimately occur. deforestation
Created by: sant-a
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