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Combining Forms
Term | Definition |
Calc/i | Calcium, lime, the heel |
Coll/a | Glue |
Medull/o | Marrow |
Oss/e, Oss/i | Bone |
Append/o, Appendic/o | An appendage, that which hangs from or is attached to |
Ax/o | An axis, main stem |
Skelet/o | A dried up body, the skeleton |
Ethm/o | A sieve |
Fontan/o | A fountain |
Front/o | Forehead, brow |
Occipit/o | The back of the skull or head; the occiput |
Pariet/o | A wall |
Sphen/o | A wedge |
Sin/o, Sin/u | A hollow; a sinus; a tube-like passage |
Tempor/o | The temple |
Maxill/o | Jaw; Upper jaw bone |
Mandibul/o | Jaw; Lower jaw bone |
Nas/i, Nas/o | The nose |
Orbit/o | Circle, orbit, bony cavity or socket |
Zygomat/o | Yoke; Cheekbone |
Coccyg/o | A cuckoo, beak of a cuckoo |
Sacr/o | Sacred; Sacrum |
Cost/o | A rib |
Manibri/o | A handle |
Stern/o | The breast bone |
Xiph/i, Xiph/o | A sword |
Ili/o | Ilium; upper hip bone |
Ischi/o | Ischium; lower rear hip bone |
Acromi/o | The point of the shouler |
Carp/o | The wrist |
Clavicul/o | The collar bone |
Glen/o | A socket or pit |
Humer/o | Humerus, upper arm bone |
Metacarp/o | Bones of the hand between the wrist and fingers |
Phalang/o | A bone of a finger or toe |
Radi/o | Smallerl ateral bone of the forearm |
Scapul/o | The shoulder blad |
Uln/o | Larger, medial bone of the forearm |
Acetabul/o | Hip socket |
Cox/o | Hip; hip joint |
Fibul/o | A clasp; the smaller lateral bone of the lower leg |
Innominat/o | unnamed, nameless |
Metatars/o | Bones of the foot between the tarsus and toes |
Patell/o | The knee-cap; little plate or shallow dish |
Tibi/o | The shin bone; the larger medial bone of the lower leg |
Os | A bone |
Condyl/o | A knuckle, a knob |
Foramin/o | An opening |
Magn/o | Great, large |
Malleol/o | A little hammer |
Mast/o | A breast, a nipple |
Meat/o | A passage |
Olecran/o | The elbow |
Process/o | A going forth |
Arthr/o | A joint |
Articul/o | A joint |
Burs/o | A leather sac, a purse |
Ligament/o | A string, tie or band, a ligament |
Menisc/o | A crescent |
Ten/o, Tend/o, Tendin/o | A Tendon |
Retinacul/o | A halter |