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schizophrenia spectr

shizophrenia spectrum AND dissociative disorders

erroneous beliefs that usually involve a misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences delusion. can be bizarre (clearly implausible, not understandable, and not derived from ordinary life experiences), or non-bizarre (involve situations that can conceivably occur in real life
these are distortions in perceptoin, they are sensory. auditory is most common hallucination
this is "slip off the track": derailment and loose associations/flight of ideas, tangentially answered questions may be obliquely related or completely unrelated. incoherence/word salad disorganized thinking/speech
this is childlike silliness that is unpredictable, untriggered agitation, disheveled appearance, inappropriate sexual behavior. disorganized behavior
these are symptoms that are present but should not be. positive symptoms: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior
these are symptoms that are not present but should be negative symptoms: flattened affect, alogia: impoverisehd speech, avolution: can't initiate or persist in goal directed activities, Anhedonia: inability to experience pleasure
in this disorder, there is presence of at least one of the following for at least one day but less than one month, with eventual full return to premorbid functioning: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior. disorganized behavior. It is not manic or bipolar disorder with psychotic features, schizoaffective, schizophrenia, substance, GMC
in this disorder, there is delusion for at least one month, and criterion A for schizophrenia has never been met. functioning is not markedly impaired, behavior is not obviously odd or bizarre, not due to substance or general medical condition delusional disorder. (if manic or major depressive episodes have occurred concurrently with delusions, their total duration has been brief relative to the duration of the delusional periods.
list some types of delusional disorder erotomaniac ("someone is in love with me", grandiose, jealous, persecutory, somatic, mixed, unspecified
this comes before schizophrenia. essential features are identical to those of schizophrenia except for two differences schizophreniform
what are the two factors that differentiates shcizophreniform from schizophrenia? total duration of illness is at least one month but less than six months, impaired social or occupational functioning is not required
describe criterion A for schizophrenia 2 or more of the following present for at least one month: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, negative symptoms
describe criterion B for schizophrenia social or occupational dysfunctions
describe criterion C for schizophrenia continuous signs persis for at least six months, including 1 month of symptoms.
describe criterion D-F of schizophrenia other disorders ruled out (schizoaffective/mood/substance/med condition/pervasive/developmental disorder)
for outcome predictors, list some good prognostic factors acute onset, brief duration of symptoms, later age at onset, no structural brain abnormalities, precipitating events, mood symptoms present, good premorbid functioning, no psychiatric history, negative family history
for outcome predictors, list some bad prognostic factors insidious onset, long duration symptoms, younger age at onset, structural brain abnormalities present, assaultiveness, mood symptoms absent, poor premorbid function, positive psychiatric history, positive family history
this disorder is marked by an uninterrupted period of illness during which there is either a major depressive episode, a manic episode, a manic episode concurrent with symptoms that met criteria A for schizophrenia. schzoaffetive disorder. during the same period of illness there have been delusions or hallucinations for at least two weeks in the absence of prominent mood symptoms. not due to substance or GME
catatonia: clinical picture is dominated by three or more of the following symptoms: stupor(no psychomotor activity relating to environment), catalepsy (passive induciton of a posture held against gravity), waxy flexibility (slight even reisstane to positioning by examiner), mutism, negativism, posturing, mannerism,
name some more possible symptoms of catatonia sterotype, agitation, grimacing, echolalia, echopraxia
disruption of identity chracterized by tow or more distinct personality states, which may be described in some cultures and as an experience of posession. Disruption in identity involves marked discontinuity in sense of self and sense of agency. dissociative identity disorder. there can be recurring gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting. there is clinically significant distress,
this is an inability to recall important autobiographical information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is inconsistent with ordinary forgetting. clinical significant distress. must rule out substnace/medical/other mental disorder dissociative amnesia
this is apparently purposeful travel or bewildered wandering that is associated with amnesia for identiy or for other importnat autobiographical information dissociative fugue
presense of persistent or reccurrent experiences of deporsonalization, derealization, or both. depersonalization/derealization disorder
experiences of unreality, detachment, or being an outside observer with respect to one's thoughts, feelings, sensations, body, or actions depersonalization
experiences of unreality or detachment with respect to surroundings derealization
during the depersonalization or derealization experiences, does reality testing reamin intact? yes
is there clinically significant distress? yes
Created by: aferdo01
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