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All prefixes

an-, a- none
brachy- short
mega-, macro- large
micro- small
olig(o)- little, small, scanty
per- excessive thorought
alba- white
chloro- green
chromo- color
cirrh- yellow
cyano- blue
erythro- red
leuko- white
melano- black
rube- red
xantho- yellow
anklyo- crooked, bent
apex- point
calyx-, calix- cup shape
eury- broad or flat
pachy- thick
platy- flat
steno- narrow, contracted
acro- extremity, tip
anti- against
circum- around
contra- opposite, against
dorso-, dorsi- back
ecto- outside, misplaced
endo- within
epi- on, over, upon
extra- outside of, in addition to, beyond
fore- before, infront
hyper- above, excessive, beyond
hypo- below, under
infra- below
inter- between parts
juxta- near
medi-, meso- middle
ob- against, in the way, opposite
para- beside, beyond
peri- around
sub- beneath
supra- above, over
trans- across, through, over, beyond
ultra- excessive, extreme
ana- up, back again
ante- before
cata-, kata- down, through
gen- beginning, orgin
meta- beyond, over, between, change or next to
nocti- night
post- after
pre- before
prim-, prot(o)- first
sym-, syn- together, union
ter(t)- third
mono-, uni- one
bi-, di- two
tri- three
quadri-, tetra- four
quint- five
sex-, ses-, hexa- six
sepa-, hepta- seven
octo-, octa-, octi- eight
nonu-, nona-, noni- nine
deca-, dec- ten
cent- one hundred
milli one thousand
ambi- both
deci- 1/10, one tenth
semi-, demi-, hemi- 1/2
diplo- double
multi- many
null(i)- no, none
pan- all
poly- many
a-, an- without, absent
ambly- different from, another, dull
andro- male
angi(o)- vessel or duct, usually a blood vessel
atel- imperfect
aut(o)- self
bacter bacteria
bi(o)- life
co-, con-, com- with
cry(o)- cold
crypto- hidden
dys- difficult
gluco-, glyco- sugar, sweet
gyn-, gyneco- female
hetero other, different
homeo-, homo- same
hydro-, hydra- water
idio- distinct, peculiar to the individual
iso- same, equal
mal- bad
neo- new, strange
non- not
norm(o)- normal
ortho- straight
oxy- sharp, acute, rapid
path(o)- disease, suffering
phage(o)- eat, consume
pseudo- false
sclero- hard
stereo- solid, firmly established, three dimensional
tachy- fast
terato- malformed, monster
therap- treatment
thermo- heat, warmth
toxic- poison
xero- dry
brady- slow
ab- away
ad- to, toward
de- to do the opposite of, remove, away
dextro- right
e- out
ex away from, out, completely
in-, im- in, inside, within, not
ir- against, into, toward
pro- forward, anterior
re- back, again
retro- behind, backward
sinister(o)- left
Created by: FMHSAHS102
Popular Medical sets




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