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Vocab ch. 2
Tradional Economy | Based on a society's values, its customs and tradions |
Command Economy | Relies on government officials to answer the 3 basic economic questions |
Market Economy | Individuals answer the 3 basic economic questions |
Market | Free exchange in goods and services |
Self Interest | The impulse that encourages people to fulfill your needs and wants |
Incentives | Something that encourages you to behave in a particular way |
Mixed Economy | Combines elements of tradional, market, and command economic models to answer the 3 basic economic questions |
Authoritarian Socialism | Mixed economies that are closest to the pure command model |
Communism | Economic system in which government owns or controls nearly all factors of production |
Capitalism | Individuals own the factors of production and answer the basic economic questions |
Democratic Socialism | Government own some of the factors of production |
Free Enterprise | A stystem under which business can be conducted freely with little government intervention |
Private Property | Goods that are owned by individuals and by businesses, rather than by the government |
Contracts | Agreements that individuals have with one another to buy and sell goods and services |
Competition | The economic rivalry that exists among businesses selling the same or similar products |
Voluntary Exchange | When producers and consumers unconditionally purchase and sell production, and they believe that the oppourtunity costs of such a trade are acceptable to both parties |
Product Market | Exchange of goods and services in the economy |
Resources Market | Exchange of resources between household individuals |
Income | The money paid to households by business firms and the government in exchange for the households resources |
Full employment | The lowest possible level of employment in the economy |
Price Stability | Achieved when the overall price level of the goods and services available in the economy is relatively constant |
Standard of living | A people's economic well being |