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assumption error an error that occurs when an essential piece of information cannot be verified and is guessed or presumed
capture error an error that occurs when focus on a task is diverted elsewhere and therefore the error goes undetected
electronic medication administration record (eMAR) a computerized patient medical record used to minimize medication errors
extra dose error an error in which more doses are received by a patient than were prescribed by the physician
human failure an error generated by failure that occurs at an individual level
Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) a nonprofit healthcare agency whose primary mission is to understand the causes of medication errors and to provide time-critical error reduction strategies to the healthcare community, policymakers, and the public
medical error any circumstance, action, inaction, or decision related to health care that contributes to an unintended health result
medication error any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer
Medication Error Reporting Program (ISMP MERP) a program designed to allow healthcare professionals to report medication errors directly to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)
MEDMARX an Internet-based program of the USP for use by hospitals and healthcare systems for documenting, tracking, and identifying trends for adverse events and medication errors
noncompliance failure to take therapy as the physician instructs; also called nonadherence
omission error an error in which a prescribed dose is not given
organizational failure an error generated by failure of organizational rules, policies, or procedures
prn the abbreviation for a common Latin phrase, pro re nata, or “in the circumstances.” This is commonly used to direct a patient to take medication on an as-needed basis rather than a routinely scheduled dosage.
product line extension a marketing strategy by which a brand name product is brought to market with different combinations of active ingredients and different indications leading to potential consumer errors
root-cause analysis a logical and systematic process used to help identify what, how, and why something happened to prevent recurrence
selection error an error that occurs when two or more options exist and the incorrect option is chosen
sentinel event an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury or the potential for such events to occur
technical failure an error generated by failure of equipment
wrong dosage form error an error in which the dosage form or formulation is not the accepted interpretation of the physician order
wrong dose error an error in which the dose is either above or below the correct dose by more than 5%
wrong time error a medication error in which a drug is given 30 minutes or more before or after it was prescribed, up to the time of the next dose, not including as needed orders
Created by: softcrylic
Popular Medical sets




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