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Test Review

Chapter 6 & 7

Percussion using fingers to tap on a surface to determine condition beneath
Thromboplastin substance released by platelets during clotting
Pneumothorax Collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity
Type-O Universal Donor
Apnea no breathing
Pneum/o lung
Lymphoma lymph tumor
Spirometery Using a device to measure breathing capacity
Epistaxis Nose Bleed
Trachea structure also called the windpipe
Antigen Foreign substance that activates the immune system
Phlegm thick mucus lining the respirtatory tract
diaphragm important large muscle in the respiratory sytem
lymphandenitis inflammation of the lymph nodes (glands)
Type AB Universal Receipient
Rhinoplasty Surgical repair of the nose
Sputum Cytology lab test for pressence of malignant cells
hemotologist blood specialist
Rales Abnormal crackling noise when breathing
Epstien-Barr Virus causes Mononucleous
Empyema condition characterized by pus in the plearal space
inguinal nodes (glands) lymph glands in the groin region
Pulmonary Edema lungs tissue retains excessive amounts of fluid
Tracheotomy incision into trachea
Hemophilia hereditary bleeding diesease
dyspnea painful breathing
tracheostenosis narrowing of the trachea
Croup bark like cough most common in children
Complete Blood Count Test to measure all properties of blood
homologous blood trasnfusion from another person
rhinorrhea nose discharge, runny nose
plasma water like substance of the blood
Axillary lymph nodes in the underarms
hemostatis stoppage of bleeding
Vittal Capacity total volume of air that can be exhaled after maximal experation
pathogenic disease producing
atelectasis lung tissue collapse
Thoracalgia chest pain
adenoids lymph tissue located in the nasal pharynx behind the nose
leukemia disease characterized by excessive increase in white blood cells
hematocrit test to mease volume of Erythrocytes
Larynx passage airway between the pharynx and the bronchi
monosport test for mononucleous
Splenectomy surgical removal of the spleen
Active aquired immunity contracting disease from vaccination
serum clear sticky fluid that remain after clotting
laryngopharynx inferior most part of the pharynx
Leukocytes neurtrophil, basophil, eosinphil, monocyte and lymphocyte
Polycythemia Vera condition that produces too many blood cells in the bone marrow
Voice box larynx
Thoracotomy surgical incision in the chest cavity
Rhin/o nose
Bronchoscopy process of viewing the Bronchioles
Thrombocytopenia decrease in platelets
agglutin/o clumping
Created by: dfargo
Popular Medical sets




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