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Positives of Proprietorship (2)
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Ch. 6

Business-Investment Sector

Positives of Proprietorship (2) 1) Fewer legal complications 2) taxed only once (only pays personal income)
Negatives of Proprietorship (3) 1) Burden of running company alone 2) Owner may be sued for everything she has if business is sued 3) A lot harder to raise capital
Positives of Partnership (2) 1) Raise more capital 2) Divide the work and responsibility
Negatives of Partnership (2) 1) The partnership must be dissolved when one dies or wants to leave the business. 2) unlimited liability- owners are personally liable to pay
Positives of Corporation (3) 1) Limited liability- you can only loose as much as you invested 2) Potentially perpetual life- the stock owned by the principal who wants to pull out is purchased by someone else 3)Pay lower personal tax
Negatives of Corporation (2) 1) You have to have papers drawn up and pay a fee for a charter 2) Have to pay federal and possibly state corporate income tax
Stockholders Owners of a corporation
Bondholders Lend money to a company and are therefore creditors rather than owners
Corporate stock, the two types -share in a corporation. 1)Common-stockholders vote on issues 2)Preferred- receive stipulated dividen (like bondholders) whether or not co. makes profit
Corporate bonds the debts of the corporation
Capitalization consists of the total value of a corporation's stocks and bonds (a corporation's total capital). Ex. $200 bonds+$100 Preferred stock+$300Common Stock=Capitalized out $600
What percent of common stock do you need to be able to control the corporation? 5%
Market Capitalization Found by multiplying a company's common stock price by the number of outstanding shares.
A mega cap company has how much market capitalization? More than $100 billion
Investment The purchase or construction of any new plant, equipment, or residential housing, or the accumulation of inventory (plants such as factories, office buildings, shopping malls)
Inventory Investment Changes in the stocks of finished goods and raw materials that firms keep in reserve to meet orders (The net change from Jan1 to Dec31 of level of Inventory)
Human Capital The accumulation of knowledge and skills that make a worker productive (like college education)
Two types of investment..The purchase of.. 1)New plant, equipment, and residential housing 2)Additional inventory
4 Determinants of the Level of Investment 1)The sales outlook 2)Capacity Utilization Rate 3)Interest Rate 4)The expected Rate of profit
Capacity Utilization Rate The % of plant and equipment that is actually being used at any given time. (The lower the rate, the less equipment is being used). You won't invest if you have a lot of unused capacity
The expected rate of profit expected profits divided by money investment (AKA marginal efficiency). You won't invest unless the expected profit rate is high enough.
Created by: ltameirao
Popular Economics sets




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