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acidosis a blood pH below 7.35; a metabolic condition due to excessive loss of bicarbonate or sodium
alkalosis a blood pH above 7.45; a metabolic condition due to excessive loss of potassium or chloride
antidote a drug that counters the harmful effects of a poison
antivenin a material used in treatment of poisoning by animal venom
botulin toxin a neurotoxin that blocks the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, resulting in muscular paralysis
chelating agent a drug that bonds to a metal ion to prevent it from reacting with biological compounds
Code Blue a system to communicate that a patient is in a life-threatening situation
coenzyme a chemical other than a protein that is needed to assist an enzyme in performing a metabolic function
cracking separation of lipid from a parenteral nutrition solution
electrolyte a substance that dissociates into ions in solution and is thus capable of conducting electricity
enteral by way of, or pertaining to, the intestine
enteral nutrition feeding a patient liquid food through a tube that leads to the gastrointestinal system
fat-soluble vitamins vitamins that are absorbed along with dietary fat and are maintained in large stores by the body; vitamins A, D, E, and K
gastric lavage a procedure to wash out or irrigate the patient's stomach, commonly known as a stomach pump
herbs plants or plant parts extracted and valued for their savory, aromatic, or medicinal qualities
hypertonic solution a solution with a higher concentration of particles than body fluids contain
hypotonic solution a solution with a lower concentration of particles than body fluids contain
isotonic solution a solution with the same level of particles, and thus the same tonicity, as body fluids
malnutrition any disorder of nutrition
medical food a preparation taken orally consisting of nutrients specifically required to treat some disease or condition
osteomalacia demineralization and weakening of the skeleton, caused by a deficiency of vitamin D in adults
parenteral nutrition feeding a patient by supplying a nutrient solution through a vein
phytonadione vitamin K1
pooling a time-saving process used when preparing a three-in-one TPN, in which all electrolytes except phosphate are put into a small-volume parenteral bag and then transferred into each batch
probiotic a product to restore or promote the growth of normal bacterial flora in the body
propagate reproduce
ricin a toxin derived from the castor bean that acts by disabling the molecular machinery for protein synthesis
supportive therapy therapy for poisoning that consists of establishing the airway and providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); maintaining body temperature, nutritional status, and fluid and electrolyte balance; and preventing circulatory collapse, hypoglycemia, uremi
three-in-one see total nutrient admixture
tocopherol one of the alcohols that constitute vitamin E
tonicity the relationship of a solution to the body's own fluids; measured by determining the number of dissolved particles in solution
total nutrient admixture (TNA) an amino acid-dextrose-lipid formulation used for parenteral nutrition; often called three-in-one
total parenteral nutrition (TPN) feeding a patient through the veins only
two-in-one a formulation for parenteral nutrition that contains only amino acids and dextrose
vitamin an organic substance that is necessary for the normal metabolic functioning of the body but that the body does not synthesize, so it must be obtained from food
water-soluble vitamins vitamins that are excreted in the urine and are not stored in the body; vitamin C and the B vitamins
Created by: softcrylic
Popular Medical sets




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