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Bonewit Chapter 15

Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory (Melinda Hanson)

analyte a substance that is being identified or measured in a laboratory test
calibration a mechanism to check the prcision & accuracy of a test system, such as an automated analyzer, to determine if the system is providing accurate results; typically performed using a device called a standard.
clinical diagnosis a tentative diagnosis of a patient's condition obtained through evaluation of the health history & the physician examination, w/o the benefit of a laboratory or diagnostic test
control a solution that is used to monitor a test system to ensure the reliability & accuracy of test results
fasting abstaining from food or fluids for a specified amount of time before the collection of a specimen
homeostasis the state in which body systems are functioning normally & the internal environment of the body is in equilibrium; the bodyis in a health state
in vivo occurring in the living body or organism
laboratory test the clinical analysis & study of materials, fluids, or tissues obtained from patients to assist in diagnosis & treatment of disease
nonwaived test a complex laboratory test that does not meet the CLIA criteria for waiver & is subject to the CLIA regulations
plasma the liquid part of the blood, consisting of a clear, yellowish fluid that comprises approximately 55% of the total blood volume
product insert a printed document supplied by the manufacturer with a laboratory test product that contains information on the proper storage & use of the product
profile numerous laboratory tests providing related or complementary information used to determine the health status of a patient
qualitative test a test that indicates whether or not a substance is present in the specimen being tested & also provides an approximate indication of the amount of a substance present
quality control the application of methods to ensure that test results are reliable & valid & that errors are detected & eliminated
quantitative test a test that indicates the exact amount of a chemical substance that is present in the body, with the results being reported in measurable units
reagent A substance that produces a reaction with a patient specimen that allows detection of measurement of the substance by the test system
reference range a certain established & acceptable parameter or reference range which the laboratory test results of a healthy individual are expected to fall; aka reference value & reference interval
routine test a laboratory test performed routinely on apparently healthy patients to assist in the early detection of disease
serum the clear, straw colored part of the blood (plasma) that remains after the solid elements & the clotting factor fibrinogen have been separated out of it
specimen a small sample of soemthing taken to show the nature of the whole
test system a setup that includes all of the test components required to perform a laboratory test such as testing devices, controls and testing reagents
waived test a laboratory tst that meets the CLIA criteria for being a simple procedure that is easy to perform & a low risk of erroneous test results; include tests that have been FDA approved for home use
Created by: melindahanson
Popular Medical sets




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