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Indigo Module

Reverse Definitions

Health relative state in which one is able to function well physically, mentally, socially and spiritually in order to function fully in one's environment
Code of Ethics guidelines for ethical conduct
wellness state of physical & emotional well being and various practices that promote and maintain the state
heath beliefs what a person believes to be true about health, illness, prevention and treatment
self imposed risk a person's understanding of their susceptibility to illness and the effects of lifestyle on disease prevention & health promotion
role function a position in life that carries expectations of responsibilities of appropriate behaviors
postpartum after delivery
ALS Lou Gehrig's disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
attributes inborn or natural traits
ward clerk person who manage the administration and communication needs of a client care unit, also communication coordinator or clinical secretary
Allied Health Care any duty or profession that supports primary health care ie) nurse practitioners, midwives
triage assessing the seriousness of a client's medical problem to determine who is treated first.
Alternative Health Care non-tradition methods & practices base on natural approach, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and aroma therapy.
regulated profession legally restricted to practice a specific profession qualified within the a province or territory.
ethnic groups of people with common racial, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage
core competency basic or essential skills on needs to succeed in a particular profession
values beliefs a person holds dear and guides their decisions, behavior or conduct
culture language, beliefs, values, behaviors even material objects passed down to each generation
remission a phase where there is a relief of symptoms from a chronic disease
exacerbation a phase where there is a return of symptoms form a chronic disease
ethics philosophical study of standards accepted by society to determine what is right or wrong in human behaviour
ethnocentrism tendency to you use one's one culture as a yard stick to judge everyone; the belief in superiority of own group or culture
subculture values and practices of a group that distinguish it from a larger culture
morals personal beliefs of what is right or wrong pertaining to how to act, treat others and get along wit organized society
scope of practice parameters of duties and responsibilities outlined by one's professional training and skill set.
externship a cooperative or workplace experience for a student provided by the education facility
clinic a facility providing medical care on an outpatient basis. Maybe free standing or associated with a hospital
AHP Administrative HealthCare Professional a graduate from an accredited health office admin program
Licensure a legal document obtained after passing a written and clinical examinations for health care practitioners
Preceptor a mentor who advises a student
duty a moral obligation
sick role a role a sick person adopts giving up responsibilities and accepting care.
right moral, legal, cultural, or traditional claim
client a person seeking or receiving health care; synonymous with patient, but in a more active role
Medical office admin person who handle primary administration duties in a health care setting
Medical Assistant (US) a person who is trained to assist a physician with various test and procedures
behaviour a person's discernible responses and actions
autonomy a person's right to self-determination. A client's right to make their own decisions regarding healthcare without out coercion or bulling
role a position in life that carries expectation of responsibilities and of appropriate behaviour
Created by: amatt
Popular Medical sets




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