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Ar Survey of Ag

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Agriculture activities concerned with the production of plants and animals and the related supplies, services, mechanics, products, processing and marketing
Career development event (CDE) a hands-on team competition designed for FFA members to develop career-related skills
Extemporaneous speech a type of speech in which the speaker prepares ideas but does not memorize exact words
FFA national organization for students enrolled in agriculture education that promotes leadership, growth and career success
Leadership the ability to move and influence others toward achieving individual or group goals
Opening/closing ceremony a traditional contest designed to emphasize the purpose of meetings and duties of officers
Parliamentary procedure uses parliamentary law to conduct all types of orderly meetings
POA a roadmap for planning FFA activities and accomplishing goals at the local level
Prepared speech a type of speech in which the speaker prepared the speech completely beforehand
Agribusiness systems industries including sales, services, farm & ranch management, entrepreneurship and economics
Agriculture Experience Tracker (AET) online record keeping system for agricultural experiences
Animal systems industries including production animals, small animals, wildlife and research animals
Biotechnology systems the management of biological systems for the benefit of humans, including cloning, gene transfer and other technologies
Entrepreneurship plan and operate an agriculture related business
Environmental service systems industries including pollution prevention, water and air quality, hazardous materials, solid waste management, health and safety sanitation
Exploratory learn about something in agriculture and its many related careers
Food products & processing systems industries including food processing, preserving, packaging, distribution, government monitoring and regulation
Natural resources systems industries including habitat conservation, forest products, parks and recreation, mining, environmental services, fisheries and soil conservation
Placement work for a business or individual, either for pay or for the experience
Plant systems industries including agronomics, horticulture, forestry, turf, viticulture and soils
Power structural & technical systems industries including power, structure, controls, geospatial technology, computer systems, electronics, hydraulics and pneumatics
Proficiency award FFA award that recognizes members that have developed specialized skills that they can apply to their future careers.
Research/Experimental conduct research and analyze information to discover new knowledge
Resume a brief written account of personal, educational and professional qualifications and experience
Supervised agriculture experinece (SAE) a project done by students with help from their agricultural instructor in which they learn by doing
Expense any costs associated with producing a product
Income the amount of money received from selling a product or poviding a service
Inventory a physical count of all assets in a business
Profit the excess of receipts over payments for all factors of production
Animal welfare line of thinking that proposed that animals should be treated well and that their comfort and well-being should be considered in their production
Animal rights line of thinking that proposed that animals have the same rights as people
Breed group of animals having similar characteristics that are passed on to their offspring
Monogastric literally means "one stomach"; a simple stomached animal
Ruminant any animal having a multiple compartment stomach and being capable of digesting roughages
Annual a plant that completes its life cycle in one year or less
Biennial a plant that needs two years to complete its life cycle
Fertilizer a material that supplies nutrients to plants
Perennial a plant that needs more than two years to complete its life cycle
Photosynthesis the food-making process of plants
Plant science the science of plant growth, care and management
Respiration the process by which plants break down stored food for plant use
Soil the outer layer of the earth's crust that supports plant growth and includes sand, silt and clay
Transpiration the process by which a pant loses water vapor
Byproducts a secondary or incidental product
Distribution marketing, transporting, merchandising and selling of any item
FDA a federal agency responsible for safety of national food supply, veterinary drugs and biological products
FSIS health agency of the federal government responsible for ensuring that the nations' commercial supply of meat, poultry and egg products are safe
Preservation the process of treating and handling food to stop or slow down spoilage and thus allow for longer storage
Processing turning raw agricultural products into consumable food
USDA main agency of the federal government that oversees agriculture
Biosecurity analyzing and managing risk in the areas of food safety, animal life & health, and plant life & health
Biotechnology the management of biological systems for the benefit of humans, including cloning, gene transfer and other technologies
Clone exact duplicate, producing an organism through asexual means with the exact genetic make-up as another organism
Department of Homeland Security department of the federal government with the primary responsibility of protecting the U.S. from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters
EPA Environmental Protection Agency;
FDA federal agency responsible for safety of national food supply, veterinary drugs and biological products
Genetic engineering movement of genes from one cell to another
GMO genetically modified organism;
GMO organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques
Transgenic organisms that are a result of crossing genes from one organism to another
USDA United States Department of Agriculture;
Deciduous plants that lose their leaves every year
Evergreen plants that do not lose their leaves on a yearly basis
Forestry the science of planting and managing forest for specific purposes such as timber production or conservation
Fossil fuels any combustible organic material, as oil, coal, or natural gas derived from the remains of former life
Minerals inorganic compounds occurring naturally in the earth and having a distinctive structure
Natural resource a naturally occuring material or organism that supports life, provides fuels or is used in other ways by humans
Non-renewable natural resource a resource provided by nature that cannot replace itself
Ore a metal bearing mineral or rock or native metal that can be mined at a profit
Renewable natural resource a resource provided by nature that can replace itself
Wildlife animals that have not been domesticated and live and survive in a natural environment
Alternative energy energy as solar, wind, or nuclear energy that can replace or supplement traditional fossil fuel sources such as coal, oil, or natural gas
Compost a soil additive derived from organic matter to promote plant growth
Composting a technique of placing organic matter in a favorable environment for its partial decomposition
Conservation the wise use of natural resources
Land capability classes a system of classifying land based on its highest potential use
Non-point source pollution pollution from sources that cannot be directly traced to any single point of discharge
Point source pollution a specific place where pollution originated
Weathering the process of breaking down rocks and minerals through the actions of weather, ice, roots and grinding
Agriculture power the use of engines, motors and other sources of power to do work in the agriculture industry
Agriculture structures facilities used in the agriculture industry including barns, poultry houses, grain elevators, and earthen structures such as ponds
Bill of materials listing of materials with specifications that are needed in a project
Concrete a mixture of stone aggregates, sand, cement and water that hardens as it dries
Electricity a form of energy that can produce light, heat, magnetic force and chemical changes
Fabrication to construct by combining or assembling diverse and standardized parts
Finishing applying a chemical layer that protects the surface of a material
Geospatial technology three technologies of global positioning systems, geographical information systems and remote sensing that are all related to mapping features on earth
Hydraulics use of liquids to transfer force
Internal combustion engine device that burns fuel inside a cylinder to create force that drives a piston
Masonry anything made of brick, stone, tile or concrete units held in place by masonry cement
Plumbing installing and repairing water pipes and fixtures
Painting process of coating a surface in order to improve aesthetics and protect from environmental factors
Pneumatics use of air to transfer force
Welding joining two pieces of metal using heat
Created by: 20611456
Popular Agriculture sets




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