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Question | Answer |
patent (airway) | open or unblocked, functioning all the way to the cellular level including pulmonary, blood flow & neuro stimulation |
mucous membrane | thin layer connective tissue lining many body cavities air passes thru, has small mucus secretin glands, 100% humidified & sterile, warmed, lubricates & protects |
gag reflex | retching or striving to vomit, reflex triggered by touching back of soft palate or throat |
epiglottis | leaf shaped, flexible cartilage, hangs over larynx, connected to hyoid bone, prevents food & liquid from entering larynx, important landmark for ET tube |
Hyoid bone | only bone in body not attached to rest of skeleton, connected to epiglottis |
vallecula | depression or pocket formed by base of the bongue & epiglottis |
larynx | triangle shaped, connects pharynx(at epiglottis) 2 trachea(lower border of cricoid cartilage), inferior hyoid bone, anterior esophagus, made of thyroid & cricoid cartilage, vocal cords & arytenoid folds |
thyroid cartilage/"Adam's Apple" | main laryngeal cartilage, consists of 2 large shield shaped pieces, form anterior wall & give it's V shape, posterior wall open & is muscle |
cricothyroid membrane | situated between top of cricoid & bottom of thyroid cartilage in larynx, site for surgical & advanced airway placement |
cricoid cartilage | below thyroid cartilage, attached to 1st ring of tracheal cartilage, only complete ring with posterior bulky part, narrowest part in children |
sellick maneuver | putting pressure on cricoid cartilage to occlude esophagus & prevent regurgitation |
arytenoid cartilages | 2 pyramid shaped, attached to vocal folds & pharyngeal wall, open & close vocal cords, landmark for ET tube |
glottis | slitlike opening between vocal cords leading into trachea, in adult narrowest part |
vagus nerve | richly lines larynx, stimulation of pharyngeal & laryngeal mucous membranes can cause bradycardia, hypotension & decreased respiratory rate, sends signals to medullla oblongata & pons in brain to control breathing |
serous membrane/pleura | 2 layer epithelial membrane that lines body cavities & covers surfaces of organs, form sac & includes 2 layers |
apex | top of lungs |
hilum | slits in ea lung where bronchi, pulmonary blood vessels & nerves are firmly anchored in meshwork of dense connective tissue in2 lung, form "root of the lung", only spot where lungs are anchored |
visceral pleura | membrane closely covering the lungs |
parietal pleura | lines inner surface of chest wall, diaphragm & mediastinum |
pleural space | seperates parietal & visceral pleura in lungs, contains just a few drops of pleural fluid to prevent friction as lung tissue expands & contracts |
external respiration | involves exchange of gases between circulating blood & air & is carried on by expansion & contraction of lungs |
internal respiration | involves exchange of dissolved gases between circulating blood & interstitial fluids in peripheral tissues |
cellular respiration | use of O2 by cells in the process of metabolism |
diaphragm | largest, wide muscule separating thoracic/chest cavity from abdominal cavity, slants upward anteriorly & dome shaped when relaxed, contracts downward |
ventilation | process of moving air in & out of lungs, includes inspiration & expiration |
process of breathing | initiated by respiratory center in medulla oblongata & pons in brain, respond to increased levels of CO2 in blood |
minute volume | volume of air exchanged in 1 min, about 6000mL - 16,000mL average, necessary to remove CO2 & bring in sufficient supplies of O2 |
tidal volume | air inhaled & exhaled in single respiration, 500mL - 800mL, 12-20x per min |
dead air space | air remaining in trachea & bronchi unavailabe for gas exchange, about 150 mL |
physiological dead space | development of additional dead space from diseases such as COPD or atelectasis |
total lung capacity | about 6L in average adult male, |
PO2 or PCO2 | abbreviation for partial pressure of O2 or carbon dioxide |
medulla oblongata & pons | in brainstem, control rate & depth of breathing, connected to respiratory muscles by vagus nerve, pons 2ndary control center if medulla fails, also controls expiration |
hypoxia | increased respirations, insufficient oxygenation of the cells |
hiccup | sudden inspiration caused by spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm & intermittent spastic closure of glottis |
sighing | incoluntary slow deep breath followed by prolonged expiration, hyperinflates the lungs & opens atelectatic alveoli, normally about once per min |
cheyne-stokes breathing | regular pattern of gradually incerasing rate & tidal volume followed by gradual decrease & then short period of apnea, associated with brainstem insult |
kussmaul breathing | deep gasping respirations, common in diabetic coma |
biot's respirations | group of quick, shallow inspirations followed by regular or irregular periods of apnea, seen with increased intracranial pressure |
central neurogenic hyperventilation | pattern of deep rapid respirations similar to kussmaul breathing, also indicative of increased intracranial pressure |
agonal breathing | pattern of slow shallow irregular respirations, results from brain anoxia |
pulsus paradoxus | systolic B/P decreases more than 10mmHg during inspiration, seen in COPD, severe asthma, cardiac tamponade, pericardial effusion, CHF, AMI & tension pneumothorax |
hypoxemia | insufficient oxygenation of the blood |
anoxia | insufficiant oxygenation of the tissue |
pulse deficit | peripheral pulse is @ different rate than the ventricle is contracting, poor peripheral profusion |
ARDS | adult/acute respiratory distress syndrome, non-cardiac w/ cardiac signs, pulmonary edema, trauma, contusion, spasm, sepsis |
respirations | exchange of gases between the body cells & the atmosphere |
dysphonia | difficulty speaking |
aphonia | cannot speak |
atelectasis | dead space, collapse of alveoli |
dyspnea | shortness of breath or difficulty breathing |