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Question | Answer |
arteriosclerosis | "hardening of the arteries", forming of plaque buildup, medium or large arteries |
atherosclerosis | "hardening of the arteries", forming of plaque buildup, any artery |
ischemia | lack of O2 to a tissue/organ, can be brought back with recirculation |
LDL | takes cholesterol & deposits it into the artery walls, "bad cholesterol", less than 130mg/dl |
HDL | takes cholesterol thats removed from artery walls & takes to liver to be excreted, "good cholesterol", greater thatn 35 mg/dl |
total cholesterol | should be less than 200 mg/dl |
triglycerides | should be 200-300 mg/dl |
prevention strategies for CAD | nutrition, physical fitness, adequate sleep, modify risk factors, avoid substance abuse, anxiety, stress management & CISM |
Modifiable risk factors | elevated blood lipids, obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes mellitus, sypertension & elevated hormone levels(BC) |
not modifiable risk factors | age, gender, heredity |
systole | each contraction of the heart |
diastole | each relaxation period after contraction of the heart |
cardiac output | blood pumped in 1 min, = stroke vol x heart rate |
stroke volume | blood pumped in 1 stroke/contraction |
preload | passive stretching force exerted on the ventricular mesucle @ end of diastole |
afterload | pressure the ventricular muscle must generate to overcome the increasing pressure of the aorta |
contractility | force @ which muscles shorten/contract |
starling's law | increased blood to the heart leads to increased cardiac contrility because the centricles stretch |
ejection fraction (EF) | % of blood ejected during ventricular contraction |
cardiac index | measure of cardiac output |
pulse deficit | pulse is @ different rate than the ventricle is contracting (poor peripheral perfusion) |
ASHD | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
angioplasty | insert catheter, pump up balloon, put in stent (mesh tube) |
digitalis | cardiac med, used for centuries, derived from foxglove plant, +inotropic(force), -chronotropic(rate), -dromotropic(speed), increased cardiac output, CHF, tachyarrhythmias |
calcium channel blockers | cardiac med, -inotropic(force), -chronotropic(rate), decreases AV conduction, dilates coronary arteries & peripheral vascular resistance, inhibits vascular spasm, for angina, SVT, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease & vascular headaches(migraines) |
beta adrenergic blockers | cardiac med, -chronotropic(rate), -inotropic(force), -dromotropic(speed), decreases myocardial oxygen consumption & peripheral vascular resistance, for angina, hypertension, dsysrhythmias & vascular headaches(migraines), usually end in "olol" |
nitrates, nitrites | cardiac meds, vasodilator(arteries & veins), decreases preload & myocardial oxygen demand, oral, sublingual & transdermal |
angina symptoms | pain lasts 3-5 mins, chest pressure, squeezing or heaviness, radiation patterns, anxiety, dyspnea, nausea &/or vomiting, diaphoresis |
anaerobic metabolism | cell work with no O2, uses sugars & other things available, not good |
prinzmetal's angina | varient type, caused by spasms in coronary muscles by arteries, don't know why, happens @ rest in cycles |
unstable angina/preinfarction | everything is longer & worse, much harder to get to go away, occurs @ rest, new onset |
stable angina | starts with activity & goes away when @ rest, predictable, often relieved w/ O2, nitro & rest, acute coronary syndrome |
MONA | treatment for cardiac chest pain, M-morphine, O-oxygen, N-nitro, A-aspirin (not in that order) |
causes of angina pectoris | CAD & spasms in the muscle of the arterial walls(rare) |
causes of AMI(acute miocardial infarction) | ASHD, prolonged spasm, embolism, hypoxia, shock, L ventricle most common place to occur, once dead cannot be brought back |
signs & symptoms of AMI | 70%-90% chest pain, could be "silent MI" though, radiation pattern, constant, no relief, Hx unstable angina common, ECG changes, dyspnea, anxiety, nausea &/or vomiting, diaphoreis, cyanosis, palpitations, dysrhythmias |
collateral circulation | effort of vessels around affected area to try to take over & oxygenate, only lasts short time |
pleuritic chest pain | often varies w/ inspiration & expiration, chest movement & cough |
occlusion of right coronary artery | supplies SA node, posterior & inferior walls, anterior R ventricle wall |
occlusion of left circumflex coronary artery | lateral wall, sometimes inferior & posterior wall |
occlusion of left coronary artery | massive anterolateral MI, anterior wall of L ventricle, lateral L ventricle wall, superior L ventricle |
occlusion of left anterior descending coronary artery | anteroseptal MI, anterior wall |
AMI complications | arrhythmias, sudden death, congestive heart failure, cardiogenic shock & rupture |
thrombolytics (TBA) | drugs used to dissolve blood clots, has to be done in under 6 hrs from onset of symptoms & under the age of 75 |
CABG, coronary artery bypass graft | take artery from leg & re-route blood, only lasts about 5 yrs |
pleural effusion | abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural cavity |
-blood supply to AV node variable, 60% of people it rises from R side | -low O2 venous blood from heart drains into 5 different coronary veins & empties into R atrium via coronary sinus |