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NaHC03 sodium bicarbonate
Na sodium
K+ potassium
Glu glucose
Fe iron
CRE creatinine
Cl chloride
Ca calcium
WBC white blood cells
UA urinalysis
TB tuberculosis
RBC red blood cells
O2 oxygen
O ova and parasites
lytes electrolytes
Hgb hemoglobin
HCT hematocrit
FBS fasting blood sugar
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus
CXR chest x-ray
CSF cerebral spinal fluid
chem. chemistry
CBC complete blood count
C&S culture and sensitivity
BUN blood, urea, and nitrogen
ACP acute care panel
ABG arterial blood gas
SICU surgical intensive care unit
RT respiratory therapy
PT physical therapy
pedi pediatrics
OR operating room
OB-GYN obstetrics and gynecology or obstetrician gynecologist
NICU neuro intensive care unit or neonatal intensive care unit
MICU medical intensive care unit
lab laboratory
GI lab gastrointestinal lab
ER emergency room
EENT eyes, ears, nose and throat
CS central supply
CCU coronary care unit or critical care unit
wt. weight
W/C wheelchair
v.s. vital signs
v.o. verbal order
UTI urinary tract infection
URI upper respiratory infection
UP universal precautions
tsp. teaspoon
TPR temperature, pulse and respirations
TO telephone order
tid three times a day
tbsp. tablespoon
tab tablet
T temperature
syr syrup
strep streptococcus
stat immediately
staph staphylococcus
SSE soap suds enema
ss half
SOB shortness of breath
sig. write; to be labeled
L liter
Kg kilogram
IV intravenous
I/O intake and output
h hour
GU genitourinary
gtt drop
GI gastrointestinal
fx fracture
F Fahrenheit
Dx diagnosis
Dr. doctor
DON director of nurses
DC discontinue
c/o complains of
CNS central nervous system
CN charge nurse
cm centimeter
CHF congestive heart failure
cc cubic centimeter
CBR complete bed rest
cath catheter
cal calorie
C Celsius
BRP bathroom privileges
BP blood pressure
BM bowel movement
BID two times a day
Ax axillary
AROM active range of motion
amt amount
a.m. morning
ad lib as desired
ADL activity of daily living
a.c. before meals
abd abdominal
aa of each
a before
RE/RUE/RLE right extremity/right upper extremity/right lower extremity
ROM range of motion
Rx prescription
H2O water
HOB head of bed
HOH hard of hearing
HS hour of sleep
O.D. right eye
OOB out of bed
O.S. left eye
O.U. both eyes
oz. ounce
P pulse
p.c. after meals
PO by mouth
p.m. evening
prn as needed
PROM passive range of motion
pt. patient
CMA/RMA Certified Medical Assistant/Registered Medical Assistant
CNA Certified Nursing Aide
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
LVN/LPN Licensed Vocational Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse
MD Medical Doctor
ME Medical Examiner
MLT Medical Lab Technologist
NP Nurse Practitioner
OT Occupational Therapist
PA Physician's Assistant
PT Physical Therapist
RHIT Registered Health Information Technician
RN Registered Nurse
RRT/RT Registered Respiratory Therapist/Respiratory Therapist
MI myocardial infraction
lt. left
LE/LLE/LUE lower extremity/left lower extremity/left upper extremity
lb. pound
mm millimeter
noc night
NPO nothing by mouth
N/V nausea and vomitting
R respirations
QS quantity sufficient
QNS quantity not sufficient
qod every other day
qid four times a day
q2h every two hours
qh every hour
qd every day
Created by: mnwelch
Popular Medical sets




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