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Special Senses Spelling List

amblyopia Lazy eye syndrome
ametropia An error in refraction causing poor focus
anosmia Loss of sense of smell
astigmatism Defective curvature of the cornea or lens
audition Hearing
blepharoptosis Prolapse of the eyelid
cataracts Opacities on the lens or the capsule that encloses the lens, causing loss of vision
cerumen A waxy secretion produced by the glands of the external ear canal to prevent the entrance of tiny foreign particles
ciliary muscles Muscles wich relax or contract to alter the shape of the lens, making it thicker or thinner, thus enabling the light rays to focus upon the retina
cochlea Snail shaped inner ear structure
corectasis Dilation of the pupil
cornea The clear, transparent portion of the sclera, anterior to the lens
cycloplegic agents Agents which paralyze ciliary muscles, causing dilation of the pupils
dacryocystorhinostomy Creation of an opening into the nose for draining of tears
dacryorrhea flow of tears
ear canal Slender tube lined with glands, through which sound waves travel to the middle ear
equilibrium A state of balance, controlled bby the semicircular canals and the vestibule
iridectomy Excision of the iris
iritis Inflammation of the iris
keratocentesis Surgical puncture of the cornea
lacrimal Pertaining to a tear
malleus One of the three bones of the middle ear, shaped like a hammer
mastoid process One of the temporal bones which encloses the sinuses
olfactory Pertaining to smell
ophthalmoplegia Paralysis of the eye
optometrist One who specializes in eye measurements
ossicles Three tiny articulating bones in the middle ear
otalgia Ear pain
otitis media Inflammation of the middle ear
otopyorrhea Discharge or pus from the ear
otosclerosis Hardening if the spongy bone around the oval window of the ear, causing hearing loss
retinitis pigmentosa Chronic progressive disease of degenreation of the retina and atrophy of the optic nerve
sclera The white if the eye, composed of a tough, fiberous tissue which serves as a protective shield for the more sensitive structures underneath
semicircular canals One of the three structures of the inner ear, responsible for balance
strabismus Condition in which one eye is misaligned with the otheror out of synchrony
stapes One of the three bines of the middle ear; shaped like stirrups
vestibule A chamber that joins the cochlea and semicircular canals
Created by: DawnLangridge
Popular Medical sets




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