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Large animal nursing common diseases of swine
Question | Answer |
neonatal pigs have few fat stores and therefore require | supplemental heat durin the first few weeks of life 1st week 92-95, 2nd week 89-92, 3rd week 86-89 |
if piglets are not nursing or kept warm appropriately it is easy for them to become | hypoglycemic and hypothermic |
a few pig processing techniques that are essencial and are important for disease prevention are | injection of iron dextran, clipping needle teeth, castration, tails may be docked |
multisystemic diseases disease caused by a bacterium that enters the body through lymphoid tissue localizing in the skin, heart and joints | erysipelas - causes high fever and may produce characteristic diamond skin lesions |
swine are considered natural host of this virus | pseudorabies virus (Aujeszky's Disease, Mad Itch) |
clinical signs of pseudorabies are | neurologic signs in baby pigs, flu-like signs in growing pigs, and embryonic death aborstion or still birth in pregnant sows or gilts |
PRRS stands for a virus that is prevalent in US swine herds, entering through the respiratory tract, replicates in the pulmonary cells resulting in pneumonia | porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome |
clinical signs of PRRS include | fever, lethargy, inappetence, and cyanosis of the ears, vulva, tail, abdomen and snout |
the respiratory syndrome manifests as | labored breathing, increased secondary respiratory infection, increased post weaning mortality and decreased rate of grain and feed efficiency |
the reproductive syndrome includes | abortion, stillbirth, fetal mummies. and the birth of weak piglets |
common causative agents for baby pig diarrhea include | enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) or colibacillosis, rotavirus, coronavirus or transmissible gastroenteritis, clostridial enteritis, coccidiosis and parasites such as Strongyloides WOW!!!!! |
in all of the causes for diarrhea the most important thing is | nursing care -electrolye replacement and warm environment |
a common disease process that can significantly affect growth performance with signs of cough, thumping or shallow rapid breathing, depression and weight loss | pneumonia caused by atrophic rhinitis, swine influenza, Mycoplasma mneumonia, pleuropneumonia and pasteurella pneumonia |
the typical length of gestation for swine is | 114 days, or 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days |
several infectious agents are responsible for poor reproductive efficiency in swine they are | PRRS, porcine parvovirus PPV, brucellosis and leptospirosis |
A virus that only affects pregnant swine is | porcine parvovirus |
the best way to provide lifelong immunity is by | natural infection prior to breeding |
the primary serovars adapted to swine are | Leptospira pomona and Leptospira bratislava with the only obvious sign of the bacterium is aborted, weeak and stillborn pigs |
Nervous System a result of overconsumption of excessive sodium or inadequate water intake or both can lead to | salt poisoning known as sodium ion toxicosis or water deprivation |
water deprivation causes | hyperosmolarity with in the CNS, so that when water is consumed, osmotic pressure draws fluid into the CNS causing cerebral edema |
affected pigs of salt toxicity include | restlessness, pruritus, constipation, thirst, depression, blindness, convulsions and death as the toxicity progresses |
musculoskeletal system PSS Porcine Stress Syndrome is also known as | malignant hyperthermia |
PSS is a genetic disease that results in | muscle tremors, hyperthermia and death. |
PSS is caused by | stress, halothane and other anesthetics may precipitate the development of PSS |
the genetic mutation occurs | a single autosomal recessive gene, and disease is manifested only in pigs that are homozygous recessive for this gene |
Behavior the pigs normal response to fear includes | vocalization and attempts to escape |
Pigs have poor eyesight but a very good sense of | smell |
rooting is | a normal foraging behavior of pigs with their snout |
swine have a strong social hierarchy that is established by | aggressive behavior |
abnormal behavior is likely to develop because of | stressful living conditions |
pot bellied pigs the number one reason PBP are rehomed or abandonded is because of | unrealistic expectations of their behaviors |
the most common GI issue with PBP is | obesity, feed for PBP is formulated low in fat and protein and high in fiber |
water intake in pigs is important for prevention of | cystitis, urolithiasis and salt poisoning |