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H.I.M. Abbreviations

- minus, negative
" inch
# number, following a number, pounds
% percent
@ at
' foot
+ plus, positive
= equals
+_ plus or minus, either positive or negative, indefinite
/ divided by
(mini circle) degree
A auscultation and percussion
aa of each
ADLs activities of daily living
AHP administrative health professional
AP anteroposterior
BP, B/P, b/p blood pressure
Bx, bx biopsy
c/o complains of, complaints
CC chief complaint
CHIM Canadian Health Information Managers
CHIMA Canadian Health Information Management Association
CPX complete physical examination
D.O., DO Doctor of Osteopathy
D.P.M. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
dc, DC, D/C, d/c discontinue, discharge
Dx diagnosis
ED emergency department
EMR electronic medical record
FH, FHx family history
FI functional inquiry
Fx fracture
G gravida (pregnant)
HPI history of present illness
Hx history
LLQ left lower quadrant
LMP last menstral period
lt left
LUQ left upper quadrant
MRP most responsible physician
MS mental status
NSAIDs nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs
0 (with a line through) NO
O.D. Doctor of Optometry
OP outpatient, operative procedure
ORTH, orth orthopedics
PA posteroanterior
Pap papanicolaou (test)
para 1, 2, 3, and so on unipara, bipara, tripara, and so on (number of viable births)
PCP primary care physician
PE physical examination
PH medical history
PHIPA Personal Health Information Act
PIPEDA Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
PMH past medical history
PMP previous menstral period
post posterior
R/O, r/o rule out
RLQ right lower quadrant
Rx prescription
SOAP subjective, objective, assessment, and plan
SOB shortness of breath
sono sonogram
stat, STAT immediately
Sx symptom(s)
ther therapy
TPR temperature, pulse, and respiration
Tx treatment
U&L, U/L upper and lower
UA urinalysis
URI upper respiratory infection
WD well-developed
WN well-nourished
WNL within normal limits
x multiplied by, magnification
(triangle) change, heat
-> to, in the direction of
^ increase(d), up
(down arrow) decrease(d), down
(circle with arrow pointing top left) male
(circle with arrow pointing down) female
Created by: DawnLangridge
Popular Medical sets




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