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"question answer"
"Single prop Ahead Prop CW"
"Single prop Astern Prop CCW and stern wants to turn to port naturally"
"Single prop Ahead turn to Port Prop CW Rudder to Port"
"Single prop Ahead turn to Starboard Prop CW Rudder to Starboard"
"Single prop Astern turn stern to Port Prop CCW Rudder to Port"
"Single prop Atern turn stern to Starboard Prop CCW Rudder to Starboard"
"Twin prop Ahead Port Prop CCW Starboard Prop CW (Both drive outward, ahead)"
"Twin prop Astern Port Prop CW Starboard Prop CCW (Both drive inward, astern)"
"Twin prop Ahead turn to Port Port Prop CW Starboard Prop CW (port drive astern, starboard drive ahead) Rudder to Port"
"Twin prop Ahead turn to Starboard Port Prop CCW Starboard Prop CCW (port drive ahead, starboard drive astern) Rudder to Starboard"
"Twin prop Astern turn stern to Port Port Prop CCW Starboard Prop CCW (port drive ahead, starboard drive astern) Rudder to Port"
"Twin prop Astern turn stern to Starboard Port Prop CW Starboard Prop CW (port drive astern, starboard drive ahead) Rudder to Starboard"
"Transverse thrust Opposite of direction of prop"
"Approach a bouy Approcah Bouy to starboard, reverse, stern naturally goes to Port, bow to starboard and touches bouy"
"Springs Bow to head, Stern to bow, beam backspring tie cross beam fore spring tie... release back spring, strern and boat stern drifts out"
"Stop and turn? Easier to turn then stop, stopping distance farr excess of advance distance"
"Rough seas under power Avoide beam on, if hieght of wave greater than beam, you go over"
"Rough seas, Go with waves Slow, stern upwind and upsea (sea and wind hitting back of boat) stream sea ancher out stern"
"Rough seas, Heave to One bow put to the wind, sea an stream sea anchor off that bow"
"Handling in Fog Safe speed, lookouts, signal, lights, kep positon up to date, clear of TSS, narrow channels, fairways, lifejacket, anchor"
"Anchor scope 5x"
"Mooring Two anchors 45 to 60 degrees, wind to beam 1st anchor drop stern, foward, drop 2nd anchor bow, txfr 1st anchor to bow"
"Pre-departure checks Stow gear, secure dinghy, check bilges, ventilate, gas off, weather, sail plan"
"Post arrival checks Securely moored, gas disconnected, bilge pumped, cockpit drains open, secure gear / awnings, elec off, sea cocks cloesed"
Created by: JASW
Popular Engineering sets




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