Word Use
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Medical Terminology
Word Use | Medical Term |
ab (away from)Prefix | abduction (away from, rotate) |
ad (toward)Prefix | adduction (toward, rotate) |
algia (pain)mostly suffix | neuralgia (nerve pain) |
ante (before, wallpart)suffix or prefix | antepartum (before birth) |
anti (against)Prefix | antibacterial (against bacteria) |
bi (two, double)Prefix | bilateral (two sides) |
brady (slow)Prefix or suffix | bradycardia (slow heart beat) |
circum (around)Prefix | circumrenal (around the kidney) |
co, con (together)Prefix or suffix | concentric (together center, same center) |
de (down or away from)Prefix or suffix | dehydrate (away from hydration) |
desis (binding fixation of)(Prefix or suffix but mostly suffix) | arthrodesis (surgical fixation of a joint) |
dia (through)(Prefix or suffix) | diaplacental (through the placenta) |
dys (difficult, abnormal)(Prefix) | dysemia (abnormal blood) |
ecto (outside)(Prefix) | ectocornea (outer layer of cornea) |
ectomy (excision)(Prefix or suffix but mostly suffix) | tonsillectomy (tonsill removal) |
endo (within)(Prefix) | endogastric (within the stomach) |
epi (outer, on top of, over)(Prefix) | epigastric (top of stomach) |
exo (away from)(Prefix) | exophthalmus (eyes bulging away from) |
extra (outside, beyond)(Prefix or suffix) | extra sensory (beyond senses) |
iasis (condition of)(suffix) | cholelithiasis (condition of gall bladder stones) |
iatric (medicine)(suffix) | pediatric (child medicine) Psychiatric (mind medicine) |
ic (pertaining to)(suffix) | entric (pertaining to the small intestine) |
inter (between)(prefix) | intercostal (between ribs) |
intra (within)(prefix) | intra-aortic (within the aorta) |
isis, asis (condition of)(suffix) | metastasis (condition of change in location or spreading) |
itis (inflammation of)(suffix) | gastritis (stomach inflammation)gingivitis (inflammation of gums) |
juxta (near)(prefix) | juxtaepiphysial (near epiphysis or part of long bone) |
kinesis (movement)(suffix) | metakinesis (moving apart) kinesiology (study of movement) |
kypho (humped)(prefix) | kyphosis (condition of being hump backed) kyphoscoliosis (a humped curvature of spine) |
logia, logy (science of)(suffix) | cardiology (heart science or study of heart) |
lysis (disintegration)(suffix) | osteolysis (bone breakdown) |
macro (large, long)(prefix) | macrostomia (large mouth) |
malacia (softening)(prefix or suffix) | chondromalacia (soft cartilage) |
med,medi,medio (middle)(prefix or suffix) | mediocarpal (middle of the carpal bone) |
mega, megaly (enlargement)(prefix or suffix) | cardiomegaly (large heart) |
micro (small)(mostly prefix) | microcephalic (small brain) |
mono (single,one)(prefix) | mononecleosis (condition of the large outbreak of one nucleous lymphocytes) |
multi (many)(prefix) | multifocal (many locations) |
neo (new)(prefix) | neonatal (new born) |
ob (against)(prefix) | obtunded (against or mentally dull) |
oid (like, shape, resemble)(suffix) | mucoid (mucus like) |
oligo (few)(prefix or suffix) | oliguria (diminished urination) |
ology (study of)(suffix) | neurology (study of nerves) |
oma (tumor)(suffix) | lymphoma (lymph tumor) |
osis (condition)(suffix) | pediculosis (condition of lice infestation) |
otomy (incision)(suffix) | craniotomy (skull incision) |
a, an (without)(Prefix) | anencephalic (without a brain) |