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Med Term1
combining forms
Term | Definition |
abdomin/o- | abdomen |
ablat/o- | take away; destroy |
abort/o- | stop prematurely |
abras/o- | scrape off |
absorpt/o- | absorb; take in |
access/o- | supplemental or contributing part |
acetabulu/o- | acetabulum (hip socket) |
acid/o- | acid (low ph) |
acr/o- | extremely; highest point |
aden/o- | gland |
adip/o- | fat |
adolesc/o- | the beginning of being an adult |
affer/o- | bring toward the center |
albin/o- | white |
albumin/o- | albumin |
alg/o- | pain |
alges/o- | sensation of pain |
align/o- | arranged in a straight line |
alkal/o- | base (high ph) |
all/o- | other; strange |
alopec/o- | bald |
alveol/o- | alveolus (air sac) |
ambulat/o- | walking |
amnes/o- | forgetfulness |
amni/o- | amnion (fetal membrane) |
amputat/o- | to cut off |
amyl/o- | carbohydrate starch |
an/o- | anus |
anastom/o- | create an opening between two structures |
andr/o- | male |
aneurysm/o- | aneurysm (dilation) |
angi/o- | blood vessel; lymphatic vessel |
ankyl/o- | fused together; stiff |
anter/o- | before; front part |
aort/o- | aorta |
apic/o- | apex (tip) |
appendic/o- | appendix |
appendicul/o- | limb; small attached part |
arachn/o- | spider; spider web |
areol/o- | small area around the nipple |
arteri/o- | artery |
arteriol/o- | arteriole |
arthr/o- | joint |
articul/o- | joint |
aspir/o- | to breathe in; to suck in |
asthen/o- | lack of strength |
asthm/o- | asthma |
astr/o- | starlike structure |
atel/o- | incomplete |
ather/o- | soft, fatty substance |
athet/o- | without position or place |
atri/o- | atrium (upper heart chamber) |
audit/o- | sense of hearing |
augment/o- | increase in size or degree |
auscult/o- | listening |
aut/o- | self |
autonom/o- | independent |
axi/o- | axis |
axill/o- | axilla (armpit) |
bacteri/o- | bacterium |
balan/o- | glans penis |
bas/o- | base of a structure; base; (alkaline) |
bi/o- | living organisms |
bi/o- | life; living organisms; living tissue |
bili/o- | bile; gall |
blast/o- | immature; embryonic |
brachi/o- | arm |
bronch/o- | bronchus |
bronchiol/o- | bronchiole |
buccinat/o- | cheek |
bulb/o- | structure like a bulb |
bunion/o- | bunion |
burs/o- | bursa |
calcane/o- | calcaneus (heel bone) |
calcul/o- | stone |
cali/o- | calyx |
cancell/o- | lattice structure |
cancer/o- | cancer |
candid/o- | Candida (yeast) |
capill/o- | hairlike structure; capillary |
carcin/o- | cancer |
cardi/o- | heart |
carot/o- | stupor; sleep |
carp/o- | wrist |
cartilagin/o- | cartilage |
catheter/o- | catheter |
caud/o- | tail bone |
caus/o- | burning |
cav/o- | hollow space |
cec/o- | cecum |
celi/o- | abdomen |
cellul/o- | cell |
cephal/o- | head |
cerebell/o- | cerebellum (posterior part of the brain) |
cerebr/o- | cerebrum (largest part of the brain) |
cervic/o- | neck; cervix |
cheil/o- | lip |
chez/o- | to pass feces |
chol/e | bile; gall |
cholangi/o- | bile duct |
cholecyst/o- | gallbladder |
choledoch/o- | common bile duct |
chondr/o- | cartilage |
chorion/o- | chorion (fetal membrane) |
chrom/o- | color |
chron/o- | time |
circulat/o- | movement in a circular route |
cirrh/o- | yellow |
cis/o- | to cut |
clav/o- | clavicle (collar bone) |
clavicul/o- | clavicle (collar bone) |
cleid/o- | clavicle (collar bone) |
clon/o- | rapid contracting and relaxing |
coagul/o- | clotting |
coccyg/o- | coccyx (tailbone) |
cochle/o- | cochlea (of the inner ear) |
coit/o- | sexual intercourse |
col/o- | colon |
colon/o- | colon |
colp/o- | vagina |
comminut/o- | break into small pieces |
communic/o- | impart; transmit |
compress/o- | press together |
concept/o- | to conceive or form |
concuss/o- | violent shaking or jarring |
congenit/o- | present at birth |
congest/o- | accumulation of fluid |
constip/o- | compacted feces |
constrict/o- | drawn together; narrowed |
contin/o- | hold together |
contract/o- | pull together |
contus/o- | bruising |
convuls/o- | seizure |
coron/o- | structure that encircles like a crown |
corpor/o- | body |
cortic/o- | cortex (outer region) |
cost/o- | rib |
crani/o- | cranium (skull) |
crin/o- | secrete |
cry/o- | cold |
crypt/o- | hidden |
cutane/o- | skin |
cyan/o- | blue |
cyst/o- | bladder; fluid filled sac; semi-solid cyst |
cyt/o- | cell |
dactyl/o- | finger or toe |
delt/o- | triangle |
dendr/o- | branching structure |
dent/o- | tooth |
depress/o- | press down |
derm/ o- | skin |
dermat/o- | skin |
dextr/o- | right |
diaphor/o- | sweating |
diaphys/o- | shaft of a bone |
diastol/o- | dilating |
didym/o- | testes (twin structure) |
dietet/o- | foods ; diet |
digest/o- | break down food ; digest |
digit/o- | finger; toe |
dilat/o- | dilate; widen |
disk/o- | disk |
dissect/o- | to cut apart |
dist/o- | away from the center of point of origin |
diverticul/o- | diverticulum |
dors/o- | back; dorsum |
duct/o- | bring; move; a duct |
duoden/o | duodenum |
dynam/o- | power; movement |
ecchym/o- | blood in the tissues |
ech/o- | echo (sound wave) |
eclamps/o- | a seizure |
ectop/o- | outside of a place |
efface/o- | do away with; obliterate |
effer/o- | to go out from the center |
effus/o- | a pouring out |
ejaculat/o- | to expel suddenly |
elast/o- | flexing; stretching |
electr/o- | electricity |
embol/o- | embolus (occluding plug) |
embryon/o- | embryo, immature form |
emet/o- | vomiting |
emiss/o- | to send out |
encephala/o- | brain |
enter/o- | intestine |
enur/o- | to urinate |
eosin/o- | eosin; (red acidic dye) |
ependym/o- | cellular lining |
epilept/o- | seizure |
epiphys/o- | enlarged area at the end of a long bone |
erect/o- | to stand up |
erg/o- | activity; work |
erythemat/o- | redness |
erythr/o- | red |
esophag/o- | esophagus |
esthet/o- | sensation; feeling |
estr/a- | female |
eti/o- | cause of disease |
etym/o- | word origin |
ex/o- | away from; external; outward |
exacerb/o- | increase or provoke |
excis/o- | to cut out |
excori/o- | to take out skin |
excret/o- | removing from the body |
express/o- | communicate |
extens/o- | straightening |
extern/o- | outside |
exud/o- | oozing fluid |
faci/o- | face |
fallopi/o- | uterine (fallopian tube) |
fasci/o- | fascia |
fec/o- | feces; stool |
femor/o- | femur (thigh bone) |
fer/o- | to bear |
fertil/o- | able to conceive a child |
fet/o- | fetus |
fibr/o- | fiber |
fibrill/o- | muscle fiber; nerve fiber |
fibul/o- | fibula (lower leg bone) |
fiss/o- | splitting |
fixat/o- | to make stable or still |
flatul/o- | flatus; gas |
flex/o- | bending |
foli/o- | leaf |
follicul/o- | follicle (small sac) |
fract/o- | break up |
front/o- | front |
fund/o- | fundus (part farthest from the opening) |
fung/o- | fungus |
galact/o- | milk |
gastr/o- | stomach |
gen/o- | arising from; produced by |
gene/o- | gene |
gene/o- | gene |
gener/o- | production; creation |
gener/o- | production; creation |
genit/o- | genitalia |
ger/o- | old age |
gestat/o- | from conception to birth |
glen/o- | socket of a joint |
gli/o- | cells that provide support |
glob/o- | shaped like a globe; comprehensive |
glomerul/o- | glomerulus |
gloss/o- | tongue |
glycos/o- | glucose (sugar) |
gnos/o- | knowledge |
gon/o- | seed (ovum or spermatozoon) |
gonad/o- | gonads (ovaries and testes) |
gustat/o- | the sense of taste |
gynec/o- | female; woman |
hal/o- | breathe |
hem/o- | blood |
hemat/o- | blood |
hepat/o- | liver |
heredit/o- | genetic inheritance |
herni/o- | hernia |
hidr/o- | sweat |
hil/o- | hilum (indentation in an organ) |
hirsut/o- | hairy |
humer/o- | humerus (upper arm bone) |
hydr/o- | water; fluid |
hyper/o- | above; more than normal |
hyster/o- | uterus (womb) |
iatr/o- | physician; medical treatment |
ict/o- | seizure |
idi/o- | unknown individual |
ile/o- | ileum (intestine) |
ili/o- | ilium (hip bone) |
immun/o- | immune response |
incarcer/o- | to imprison |
incis/o- | to cut into |
induct/o- | a leading in |
infarct/o- | area of dead tissue |
infect/o- | disease within |
inflammat/o- | redness and warmth |
inguin/o- | groin |
inhibit/o- | block; hold back |
inject/o- | insert; put in |
insert/o- | to put in; introduce |
inspect/o- | looking at |
integu/o- | to cover |
integument/o- | skin |
intern/o- | inside |
interstiti/o- | spaces within tissue |
intestin/o- | intestine |
isch/o- | keep back; block |
ischi/o- | ischium (hip bone) |
jaund/o- | yellow |
jejun/o- | jejunum |
kary/o- | nucleus |
kerat/o- | cornea (of the eye); hard, fibrous protein |
kin/o- | movement |
kines/o- | movement |
kyph/o- | bent; humpbacked |
labi/o- | lip; labium |
lacer/o- | a tearing |
lacrim/o- | tears |
lact/o- | milk |
lapar/o- | abdomen |
laryng/o- | larynx (voicebox) |
later/o- | side |
lei/o- | smooth |
leuk/o- | white |
lev/o- | left |
lex/o- | word |
lingu/o- | tongue |
lip/o- | lipid (fat) |
lipid/o- | fat |
lith/o- | stone |
lob/o- | lobe of an organ |
log/o- | word; the study of |
lord/o- | swayback |
lumb/o- | lower back; area between ribs & pelvis |
lumen/o- | opening |
lun/o- | moon |
lymph/o- | lymph; lymphatic system |
lys/o- | break down |
macr/o- | large |
malac/o- | softening |
mamm/o- | breast |
mandibul/o- | mandible (lower jaw) |
masset/o- | chewing |
mast/o- | breast; mastoid process |
mastic/o- | chewing |
maxill/o- | maxilla (upper jaw) |
medi/o- | middle |
medic/ o- | physician ; medicine |
medull/o- | medulla (inner region) |
meg/a- | large |
melan/o- | black |
men/o- | month |
mening/o- | meninges |
menstru/o- | monthly discharge of blood |
ment/o- | mind |
metr/o- | measurement |
metri/o- | uterus (womb) |
micturi/o- | making urine |
morph/o- | shape |
muc/o- | mucus |
mucos/o- | mucous membrane |
mult/i- | many |
muscul/o- | muscle |
my/o- | muscle |
myc/o- | fungus |
myel/o- | bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin |
myelin/o- | myelin |
narc/o- | stupor; sleep |
nas/o- | nose |
nat/o- | birth |
ne/o- | new |
necr/o- | dead cells, tissue, or body |
nephr/o- | kidney; nephron |
nerv/o- | nerve |
neur/o- | nerve |
noct/o- | night |
nosocomi/o- | hospital |
nuch/o- | neck |
nucle/o- | nucleus (of an atom) |
nutrit/o- | nourishment |
o/o- | ovum (egg) |
obstetr/o- | preganancy & childbirth |
obstip/o- | severe constipation |
obstruct/o- | blocked by a barrier |
occipit/o- | occiput; (back of the head) |
ocul/o- | eye |
olfact/o- | the sense of smell |
olig/o- | scanty; few |
omphal/o- | umbilicus; navel |
onc/o- | tumor; mass |
onych/o- | nail (fingernail or toenail) |
oophor/o- | ovary |
ophthalm/o- | eye |
or/o- | mouth |
orbicul/o- | small circle |
orchi/o- | testis |
orchid/o- | testis |
orex/o- | appetite |
orth/o- | straight |
osse/o- | bone |
ossificat/o- | changing into bone |
oste/o- | bone |
ot/o- | ear |
ov/i- | ovum (egg) |
ovari/o- | ovary |
ox/i-; ox/o-; ox/y- | oxygen |
palat/o- | palate |
palliat/o- | reduce the severity of |
pancreat/o- | pancreas |
pareun/o- | sexual intercourse |
pariet/o- | wall of a cavity |
part/o- | childbirth |
parturit/o- | to be in labor |
patell/o- | patella (knee cap) |
path/o- | disease |
paus/o- | cessation |
pector/o- | chest |
ped/o- | child |
pedicul/o- | lice |
pelv/o- | pelvis (hip bone; renal pelvis) |
pen/o- | penis |
peps/o- | digestion |
pept/o- | digestion |
percuss/o- | tapping |
perfor/o- | to have an opening |
perine/o- | perineum |
peripher/o- | outer aspects |
peritone/o- | peritoneum |
perone/o- | fibula (lower leg bone) |
phag/o- | eating; swallowing |
phalang/o- | phalanx (finger or toe) |
phall/o- | penis |
pharmac/o- | medicine; drug |
pharyng/o- | pharynx (throat) |
phil/o- | attraction to; fondness for |
phim/o- | closed tight |
phleb/o- | vein |
phob/o- | fear |
phot/o- | light |
phren/o- | diaphragm; mind |
phylact/o- | guarding; protecting |
physi/o- | physical function |
physic/o- | body |
pil/o- | hair |
placent/o- | placenta |
plast/o- | growth; formation |
pleg/o- | paralysis |
pleur/o- | pleura (lung membrane) |
pne/o- | breathing |
pneum/o- | lung; air |
pneumon/ o- | lung ; air |
poplite/o- | back of the knee |
por/o- | small openings; pores |
poster/o- | back part |
pregn/o- | being with child |
priap/o- | persistent erection |
prim/i- | first |
proct/o- | rectum |
product/o- | produce |
pronat/o- | face down |
prostat/o- | prostate gland |
prosthet/o- | artificial part |
protein/o- | protein |
proxim/o- | near the center of the point of origin |
psych/o- | mind |
pub/o- | pubis (hip bone) |
pulmon/o- | lung |
punct/o- | hole; perforation |
purul/o- | puss |
py/o- | puss |
pyel/o- | renal pelvis |
pylor/o- | pyloris |
pyr/o- | fire; burning |
quadr/o- | four |
radi/o- | radius(forearm bone); xrays; radiation |
radicul/o- | spinal nerve root |
recept/o- | receive |
rect/o- | rectum |
relax/o- | relax |
ren/o- | kidney |
resect/o- | to cut out; remove |
resuscit/o- | revive; raise up again |
retard/o- | slow down; delay |
retent/o- | keep; hold back |
rhabd/o | rod shaped |
rheumat/o- | watery discharge |
rhin/o- | nose |
rhiz/o- | spinal nerve root |
rhytid/o- | wrinkle |
rotat/o- | rotate |
rrhag/o- | excessive flow or discharge |
rrhythm/o- | rhythm |
rub/o- | red |
sacr/o- | sacrum |
sagitt/o- | going from front to back |
saliv/o- | saliva |
salping/o- | uterine (fallopian tube) |
saphen/o- | clearly visible |
sarc/o- | connective tissue |
scapul/o- | scapula (shoulder blade) |
schiz/o- | split |
scler/o- | hard; sclera (white of the eye) |
scoli/o- | curved; crooked |
scop/o- | examine with an instrument |
scrot/o- | scrotum |
seb/o- | sebum (oil) |
sebace/o- | sebum (oil) |
secret/o- | produce; secrete |
sens/o- | sensation |
sensitiv/o- | affected by; sensitive to |
sept/o- | septum (dividing wall) |
septic/o- | infection |
sial/o- | saliva |
skelet/o- | skeleton |
somat/o- | body |
somn/o- | sleep |
son/o- | sound |
spast/o- | spasm |
sperm/o- | sperm |
spin/o- | spine; backbone |
spir/o- | breathe; coil |
splen/o- | spleen |
spondyl/o- | vertebra |
stal/o- | contraction |
stat/o- | standing still; staying in one place |
steat/o- | fat |
sten/o- | narrowness; constriction |
stern/o- | sternum (breast bone) |
steroid/o- | steroid |
steth/o- | chest |
stomat/o- | mouth |
sudor/i- | sweat |
super/o- | above |
supinat/o- | lying on the back |
surg/o- | operative procedure |
suspens/o- | hanging |
symptomat/o- | collection of symptoms |
synov/o- | synovium (membrane) |
system/o- | body as a whole |
systol/o- | contracting |
tars/o- | (ankle) |
tax/o- | coordination |
tempor/o- | temple (side of the head) |
ten/o- | tendon |
tendin/o- | tendon |
tens/o- | pressure; tension |
termin/o- | end; boundary |
test/o- | testis; testicle |
testicul/o- | testis; testicle |
tetr/a- | four |
thalam/o- | thalamus |
theli/o- | cellular layer |
then/o- | thumb |
therap/o- | treatment |
therapeut/o- | treatment |
thorac/o- | thorax; chest |
thromb/o- | thrombus (blood clot) |
thym/o- | thymus; rage |
thyroid/o- | thyroid gland |
tibi/o- | tibia (shin bone) |
toc/o- | labor and childbirth |
ton/o- | pressure; tone |
tonsill/o- | tonsil |
topic/o- | a specific area |
tox/o- | poison |
trache/o- | trachea (windpipe) |
tract/o- | pulling |
transplant/o- | move something to another place |
trich/o- | hair |
troph/o- | development |
tub/o- | tube |
tubercul/o- | nodule; tuberculosis |
tubul/o- | tube; small tube |
tuss/o- | cough |
uln/o- | ulna; forearm bone |
umbilic/o- | umbilicus; navel |
ungu/o- | nail (fingernail or toenail) |
ur/o- | urine; urinary system |
ureter/o- | ureter |
urethr/o- | urethra |
urin/o- | urine; urinary system |
uter/o- | uterus (womb) |
vaccin/o- | giving a vaccine |
vag/o- | wondering; vagus nerve |
vagin/o- | vagina |
valv/o- | valve |
valvul/o- | valve |
varic/o- | varix; varicose vein |
vas/o- | blood vessel; vas deferens |
vascul/o- | blood vessel |
ven/o- | vein |
venere/o- | sexual intercourse |
ventil/o- | movement of air |
ventr/o- | front; abdomen |
ventricul/o- | ventricle (lower heart chamber; chamber in the brain) |
vers/o- | to travel; to turn |
vertebr/o- | vertebra |
vesic/o- | bladder; fluid filled sac |
vir/o- | virus |
vis/o- | sight; vision |
viscer/o- | large internal organs |
vulv/o- | vulva |
xanth/o- | yellow |
xen/o- | foreign |
xer/o- | dry |
xiph/o- | sword |