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Test Review Ch 6&7

What are the five types of leukocytes Basophils, Eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes
What is the difference between an autologous transfusion and a homologous transfusion autologus: one self Homologous: someone else
Where does the O2 and CO2 exchange happen Alveoli
What is the fluid portion of the blood called? plasma
What is the difference between plasma and serum plasma: liquid portion of blood Serum: clear, sticky fluid of remains after blood has clotted
Which blood type is the Universal donor Type O
Which blood type is the Universal Recipient type AB
which virus causes mononucleosis Epstein- Barr Virus
What is the name of the lymph nodes located in the neck cervical
What is the name of the lymph nodes located in the underarm axillary
what is the name of the lymph nodes located in the groin ingunial
Where are the adenoids located? nasaloplarynx
What are adenoids made out of? lymphatic tissue
what are the major organs of the respiratory system lungs, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchiole tubes
What are the three parts of the pharynx nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngpharynx
What tube connects the pharynx and the bronchi trachea
What is the difference between Sputum and phlegm Sputum: phlegm from the body Phlegm: lining respiratory tract
What is the purpose of the diaphragm muscle inspiration
What is the difference between and a tracheostomy and a tracheotomy tracheostomy: actual hole Tracheotomy: incision
What does a cytology test check for cancer
What does a culture and sensitivity check for Allergies
What is the suffix for "surgical repair" -plasty
What is the suffix for surgical removal of -ectomy
What is the suffix for visually examining -scopy
What is the suffix for narrowing -stenosis
What is the suffix for discharge or runny -rrhea
What is the suffix for a record of -gram
What is the suffix for inflammation -itis
What is the suffix for pain -algia
what is the suffix for tumor -oma
What is the lay man's term for the trachea windpipe
What is the lay man's term for the larynx voicebox
What is combining form for chest thorac/o
what is combining form for lymph gland lymphaden/o
What is combining form for lymph vessels lymphangi/o
what is combining form for nose Rhin/o
Active acquired immunity Vaccines
Agglutin clumping
anemia reduction number of RBC
Antigen immunity
Apnea no breathing
Atelectasis condition of lung tissue collaspes
Auscultation listening to sounds within body by using stethoscope
Bronchitis inflammation of lower bronchiole tubes
Cardiologist Specializes of heart
Croup barking cough common infants
Differential blood test testing coagulocyte
Diaphragm muscle major muscle of inspiration
dysnea difficult, breathing
Emphysema pulmonary condition heavy smoking
empyema pus within pleural space
Epistaxis nosebleed
Fibrin Fibriogen for clotting
Hematologist specializes in blood
Hematocrit blood test volume RBC
Hemoglobin blood test iron and hemoglobin
Hemophilia heredity blood disease
Hemostasis to stop bleeding
inferior below
leukemia cancer of WBC
lymphadenitis inflammation of lymph nodes
monospot test of infectious mononucleosis
palpation fingers feeling
pathogenic virus, bacteria
percussion fingers taps lightly on the body
Phagocyte WBC destroy pathogens
Phlebotomist blood drawer
Pleural effusion abnormal presence of the fluid or gas in pleural cavity
Pneum/o lung
Pneumothorax collection of air or gas in pleural cavity
Polycythemia vera too many RBC
Prothrombin time test measures of coalgulate
Pulmonary edema excessive amount of fluid in lungs
Pulmonary embolism blood clot or air bubble in pulmonary artery
Rales clicking or rattling during inspiration
Rhonchi Wheezing, asthma, infection
Spirometry measures breathing capacity of lungs
Stridor harsh, high pitched, noisy sound due to obstruction
Thromboplastin substance released by platelets
thrombopenia too few thrombocytes
Total lung capacity volume maximal inhalation
Vital capacity maximum inhalation after inspiration
Created by: andie34
Popular Medical sets




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