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Vocab Chp 1,8,9,10

Invasion of Privacy - Invasion of privacy is an example of intentional tort. A tort involving one or more of the following four categories; Illegal appropriation of another’s name for commercial use; Intrusion into a person’s privacy; Placing a person in false light; or Disclosure a private facts.
Abandonment A premature termination of the professional treatment relationship by the health care provider without adequate notice of the patent’s consent. Doctor in Phlebotomy Practice must send notice within 30 days by Register Mail and must be signed
Antisepsis The prevention of sepsis by preventing or inhibiting the growth of a causative microorganism. For chemicals – call enginer; fill out safety data sheet.
Assault - Assault is an example of a intentional tort. The act of intentionally causing someone to fear that he or she is about to become the victim of battery or incomplete battery.
Battery - Battery is an example of a intentional tort. The act of intentionally touching someone in a harmful or offensive manner without the person’s consent. No means no, but down needle
Biohazardous waste Any waste material that is harmful or potentially harmful to humans, species, or the environment.
False imprisonment - False imprisonment is an example of a intentional tort. The intentional and unjustifiable act of preventing someone from moving about.
Felony - A felony the most serious types of crimes. A crime more serious than a misdemeanor, punishable by a sentence of more than one year in prison or death.
Informed Consent - Acquire informed consent prior to specimen collection. Agreement by the patient to a medical A procedure or treatment after receiving adequate information about the procedure or treatment, risks and or consequences.
Invasion of Privacy A tort involving one or more of the following four categories;Illegal appropriation of another’s name for commercial use; Intrusion into a person’s privacy; Placing a person in false light, or Disclosure a private facts. Disclosure a private facts.
Negligence Failure to act with reasonable care, resulting in the harming of others.In order for a patient to prove negligence, four conditions must exist: 1. Standard of care must exist. 2. Standard of care must be breached. 3. An injury must be sustained. 4. Th
Personal Protective Equipment “PPE” Disposable gloves, lab coats or aprons, and/or protective face gear, such as masks and goggles with side shields, required by OSHA to be worn when handling body fluids.
Polycythemia Disease characterized by an overproduction of red blood cells.
Respondeat Superior Latin phase which means “let the master answer.” Employers must answer for damage their employees cause within the scope of the employee’s position
Slander Act of falsifying of facts which causes harm to a person’s reputation. Slander is spoken as opposed to libel, which is written.
Tort A private wrong or injury, other than breach of contract, for which the court will provide a remedy.
Scarificator A device that consisted of a small box that contained 12 small spring-driven rotary blades.
Bevel The point of a needle that has been cut on a slant for ease of entry.
Butterfly Infusion Set A ½ to ¾ inch stainless steel needle connected to a 5 to 12 inch length of tubing. Called a butterfly because of its wing shaped plastic extensions, which are used for gripping the needle
Centrifuge A machine used for the process of separating substances of different densities, such as plasma and RBS’s in the blood. The centrifuge spins substances at high speeds.
Hemolysis The destruction of the membrane of red blood cells and the liberation of hemoglobin, which diffuses into the surrounding fluid.
Lancet A sterile, disposable sharp pointed instrument used to pierce the skin to obtain droplets of blood used for testing.
Microcollection Container Small plastic containers or tubes often referred to as “Bullets” because of their size and shape, that are primarily used to collect skin puncture blood specimens.
Needle gauge A standard for measuring the diameter of the lumen of a need. Larger the gauge, smaller the needle diameter.
Sharps Container A special puncture resistant, leak proof, disposable container used to dispose of used needles, lancets and other sharp objects.
Syncopal A transient loss of consciousness resulting from an inadequate flow of blood to the brain, relating to or marked by syncope.
Tourniquet Any constrictor used on an extremity to apply pressure over an artery and thereby control bleeding, also used to distend veins to facilitate venipuncture or intravenous injections.
Aliquot A portion of the specimen used for testing.
Hemoconcentration A relative increase in the number of red blood cells resulting from a decrease in the volume of plasma
Hemolysis The destruction of the membrane of red blood cells and the liberation of hemoglobin, which diffuses in the surrounding fluid.
Occluded Closed or obstructed or joined together. Sclerosed or occluded veins are often the result of inflammation and disease or occur in patients who have had repeated punctures to veins.
Periphery The outer part or surface of a body; the part away from the center.
Reflux A return or backward flow.
Sclerosed Hardened; having sclerosis. Damage after long period of use of the same vein.
Thrombosed Denoting a vessel containing a thrombus. Trama to the vein from I.V.
Venipuncture Puncture of a vein for any purpose.
Calcaneous The heel bone.
Burden of Proof Must be proved by the client when an accusation of malpractice or negligence is claimed, rather than the health care provider proving the none existed. Used in conjunction with the terms malpractice and negligence
Chain of Custody Procedure for ensuring that material obtained for diagnosis has been taken from the named patient, is properly labeled, and has not been tampered written route to the laboratory. Take your time. Make sure you have spelling of name correct, DOB, and correc
Scarificator A device that consisted of a small box that contained 12 small spring-driven rotary blades.
Syncopal A transient loss of consciousness resulting from an inadequate flow of blood to the brain, relating to or marked by syncope.
Periphery The outer part or surface of a body; the part away from the center.
AAAHP - CPT American Association of Allied Health Professionals, Inc.
AMT - RPT American Medical Technologists
ASPT -CPT American Society for Phlebotomy Technicians
ASCP - PBT American Society of Clinical Pathologists
NCCT- NCPT National Center for Competency Testing
NCA - CLPlb National Certification Agency for Medical Laboratory Personnel
NPA - CPT National Phlebotomy Association
CBC Complete Blood Count
CMP Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
BMB Basic Metabolic Panel
HcT also know as "Packed Cell Volume" Hematocrit
HgB Hemoglobin
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen - Kidney Function
HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - Pregnancy Test
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus Agent
K+ Potassium
Mg Magnesium
Na+ Sodium
PT Prothrombin Time
PTT Partial Thrombo-Plastin Time-Heparin
RBC Red cell count
Sed Rate or ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Strep Streptococcus
T&C Type & Cross Match
TSH Thyroid Profile
UA Urinalysis
WBC White Blood Count
T&S Type & Screen
BC Blood Cultures
C&S Culture & Sensitivity
CRP C-Reactive Protein
BT Bleeding Time; How fast a patient clots; Pre-op testing before surgery.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration - OSHA OSHA mandates all of the following: Proper disposal of hazardous waste; personal protective equipment and availability of hepatitis B vaccination.
Quality Assurance - QA A group of activities and programs designed to guarantee the highest level of quality patient care.
Quality Control-QC Quality Control is a component of Quality Assurance and builds on specifiic procedural steps to obtain accurate and reliable client test results. i.e. collecting timed speciments such as glucoser tolerance test (GTT) on schedule and ensureing that evacuat
Risk Management Risk Management is a program used in conjunction with Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) and is designed to minimize the exposure to the risk of loss or injury to both the health care provider and the patient.
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations - JCAHO The leading national accreditation body for hospitals. In 1994, JCAHO required all hospitals to implement Quality Assurance programs.
Total Quality Management - TQM Total Quality Management (TQM) is a combination of concepts based on continuously improving services and client care through the involvement of all employees and is directed at customer satisfaction.
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments - CLIA CLIA were signed into federal law on October 31, 1988, stipulating that all clinical laboratories use the same standards, regardless of their location, type or size. The amendment states that every facility in the country with a clinical laboratory must a
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards - NCCLS The agency that has set guidelines and standards for phlebotomy curriculum.
Arterial blood Used because its composition is the same throughout the body.
Venous blood Has various compositions relative to the metabolic activities in surrounding tissues.
List the information required on a test requisition Patient’s full name; Patient’s identification number; Patient’s date of birth; Room number and bed (if applicable);Physician’s name requesting the test; Date of the test;Test requested; Test status (timed, fasting, priority);Special precautions (optional)
Information that must be handwritten onto the specimen tube label AFTER the collection of the specimen. Time of the test; Initials of the phlebotomist who obtained the specimen; Accession number (alph/numerical numbers that are assigned to each request for a laboratory specimen.
CAP College of American Pathologists; influences the standards of Phlebotomy.
Organizations offering CEU's to Phlebotomist NPA - National Phlebotomy Association
Bloodletting is still used. Name 2 diseases it's used on. Polycythemia (overproduction of red blood cells) and Hemochromatosis (excessive absorption and accumulation of iron in the body.)
Although not legally binding, what document is the standard to which all patients have the right to be treated? Patient Care Partnership
epidermis Top layer; translucent; does not contain any blood vessels but gets its oxygen and nutrients from a deeper layers of the skin
dermis Middle layer; lying immediately beneath the epidermis. Contains blood vessels, nerves, hair roots and sweat glands
subcutaneous fat Below the dermis lies a layer of fat that differs from one person to another. Contains larger blood vessels and nerves, and is made up of clumps of fat-filled cells called adipose cells.
List 3 reasons for requiring requisition forms before performing a venipuncture. 1. Authorization to perform the procedure
List 5 pieces of info that must be present on a requisition form. 1. Patients name/id
List 4 pieces of info that must be present on an armband. 1- name 2- id 3- DOB 4- healthcare provider
If no i.d. is found on the wrist where do you look next? Ankle
What is the most serious error a phlebotomist can make? misidentification of a patient
How does a phlebotomist prepare for the possibility of encountering a defective evacuated tube. Placing additional tubes on the tray/cart, within reach
How does a properly applied tourniquet affect blood flow? Permits arterial flow blocks venous flow.
Maximum length of time a tourniquet should be on. One minute
List the 3 major veins located in the antecubital fossa. 1. Basilic 2. Cephalic 3. Median Cubital
The preferred site for venipuncture median cubital - look at both arms
Vein located on the thumb side Cephalic
3 reasons for vein palpation 1. Determine direction of the vein.
What might cause a patient to complain of stinging sensation during a venipuncture Failure to allow the alcohol to dry completely.
The cause of rolling veins Not having the vein anchored adequately. Needle insertion is too shallow. If bevel is down on entry.
Universal Precautions A principle to protect health care workers from infections as a result to exposure to body fluids.
Emergency Room Specializes in emergency care of the acutely ill and injured.
Intensive Care Unit Patients who require continuous monitoring by specially trained personnel.
Anesthesiology Administers anesthesia to provide partial or complete loss of sensation.
Cardiology Subspecialty of Internal Medicine dealing with the blood vessels and the heart.
Internal Medicine Treats diseases of the internal organs by other than surgical procedures.
Obstetrics/Gynecology Management of women's health, during pregnancy, childbirth,puerperium, gynecologic surgery and menopausal disorders.
Oncology Diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors and blood disorders.
Antecubital In front of the elbow; at the end of the elbow.
Antecubital fossa Triangular area lying anterior (before or front of) to and below the elbow, where the major veins for venipuncture are located.
Median Cubital Vein Usually large and well anchored. First choice for venipuncture, typically is a less painful site which is less likely to bruise, and is easiest to visualize.
Cephalic Vein Second choice for venipuncture. This vein is usually well anchored. Often harder to palpate in obese patients.
Basilic Vein Easy to palpate but not well anchored, which causes it to roll and bruise more. Puncturing this vein is more painful. Located close to the median nerve and brachial artery which can be punctured during draw.
5 Q framework a checklist for health care professionals that focuses on 1) quality planning; 2) quality laboratory practices; 3) quality control of processes; 4) monitoring performance/quality assessment; and 5) quality improvement when problems occur.
ABO blood group system one of several systems for classifying human blood, based on the antigens present on the surface membranes of the red blood cell.
acid-citrate-dextrose (ACD) an anti-coagulant
acidosis A serious condition occurring when the blood pH decreases to less than 7.35.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) A series of infections and disorders that occur as a result of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes the immune system to break down.
What agency mandates: Proper disposal of hazardous waste, personal protective equipment, Availability of hepatitis B vaccination? OHSA
Organizations offering CEU's to Phlebotomists: National Phelb. Assoc (NPA), Amer. Soci. of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP), Amer. Soc. for Med. Technologists (ASMT), Amer. Soci. for Clinical Lab. Sciences-ASCLS
Adhering to a code of values with honesty, dependability and dedication is called: Integrity
When a person has completed certain requirements and is issued a statement to that effect, he or she is said to be Certified
Explaining to the patient that another sample will need to be drawn because the first sample was misplaced is an example of: Diplomacy
Created by: Gizmo
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