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Medical Terminology

Cardi/o- Heart
Pneum/o- Lung, air
aneurysm/o- aneurysm
angi/o- blood vessel; lymphatic vessel
aort/o- aorta
arteri/o- artery
arteriol/o- arteriole
arther/o- soft, fatty substance
atri/o- atrium
auscult/o- listening
capill/o- hairlike structures; capillary
card/i- heart
circulat/o- movement in a circular route
coron/o- structure that encircles like a crown
cusp/o- projection; point
diastol/o- dilating
infarct/o- area of dead tissue
isch/o- keep back; block
lipid/o- lipid (fat)
my/o- muscle
phleb/o- vein
rrhythm/o- rhythm
scler/o- hard; sclera (white of the eye)
sphygm/o- pulse
steth/o- chest
tens/o- pressure; tension
valv/o- valve
valvul/o- valve
vascul/o- blood vessel
ven/o- vein
ventricul/o- ventricle
aden/o- gland
bas/o- base of a structure; basic (alkaline)
cellut/o- cell
coagul/o- clotting
cyt/o- cell
embol/o- embolus (occluding plug)
eosin/o- eosin (red acidic dye)
erythr/o- red
glob/o- shaped like a globe; comprehensive
granul/o- granule
hemat/o- blood
hem/o- blood
immun/o- immune response
kary/o- nucleus
leuk/o- white
lymph/o- lymph; lymphatic system
macr/o- large
meg/a- large
megal/o- large
micr/o- one millionth; small
mon/o- one; single
morph/o- shape
myel/o- bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin
neutr/o- not taking part
norm/o- normal; usual
nucle/o- nucleus
ox/y- oxygen; quick
path/o- disease; suffering
phag/o- eating; swallowing
phil/o- attraction to; fondness for
plasm/o- plasma
reticul/o- small network
splen/o- spleen
thromb/o- thrombus (blood clot)
thym/o- thymus; rage
abras/o- scrape off
actin/o- rays of the sun
adip/o- fat
all/o- other; strange
blephar/o- eyelid
carcin/o- cancer
contus/o- bruising
cry/o- cold
cutane/o- skin
cut/i- skin
cyan/o- blue
derm/a- skin
dermat/o- skin
derm/o- skin
ecchym/o- blood in the tissues
erythemat/o- redness
esthes/o- sensation; feeling
gangren/o- gangrene
hirsut/o- hairy
integument/o- skin
integu/o- to cover
kel/o- tumor
kerat/o- hard; fibrous protein
lacer/o- a tearing
lip/o- lipid (fat)
malign/o- intentionally causing harm; cancer
melan/o- black
necr/o- dead cells, tissue, or body
ne/o- new
onych/o- nail (fingernail or toenail)
pedicul/o- lice
pil/o- hair
plast/o- growth; formation
prurit/o- itching
psor/o- itching
rhytid/o- wrinkle
sarc/o- connective tissue
sebace/o- sebum (oil)
sebace/o- sebum (oil)
sudor/i- sweat
theli/o- cellular layer
ungu/o- nail (fingernail or toenail)
vesicul/o- bladder; fluid-filled sac
xer/o- dry
ankyl/o- fused together; stiff
arthr/o- joint
articul/o- joint
calcane/o- calcaneus (heel bone)
carp/o- wrist
cartilangin/o- cartilage
cervic/o- neck; cervix
chondr/o- cartilage
clavicul/o- clavicle (collar bone)
coccyg/o- coccyx (tail bone)
cost/o- rib
crani/o- cranium (skull)
ethm/o- sieve
fermor/o- femur (thigh bone)
fibul/o- fibula (lower leg bone)
fract/o- break up
front/o- front
goni/o- angle
humer/o- humerus (upper arm bone)
ili/o- ilium (hip bones)
ischi/o- ischium (hip bone)
kyph/o- bent; humpbacked
lacrim/o- tears
lord/o- swayback
lumb/o- lower back; area between the ribs and pelvis
malac/o- softening
mandibul/o- mandible (lower jaw)
maxill/o- maxilla (upper jaw)
myel/o- bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin
occipit/o- occiput (back of the hand)
orth/o- straight
osse/o- bone
ossificat/o- changing into bone
oste/o- bone
palat/o- palate
pariet/o- wall of a cavity
patell/o- patella (kneecap)
pelv/i- pelvis (hip bone; renal pelvis)
pelv/o- pelvis (hip bone; renal pelvis)
perone/o- fibula (lower leg bone)
phalang/o- phalanx (finger or toe)
pub/o- pubis (hip bone)
radi/o- radius (forearm bone; x-rays; radiation:
sacr/o- sacrum
scapul/o- scapula (shoulder blade)
scoli/o- curved; crooked
skelet/o- skeleton
sphen/o- wedge shape
spin/o- spine; backbone
spondyl/o- vertebra
stern/o- sternum (breast bone)
tars/o- ankle
tempor/o- temple (side of the head)
tibi/o- tibia (shin bone)
uln/o- ulna (forearm bone)
vertebr/o- vertebra
zygomat/o- zygoma (cheek bone)
septum center wall of the heart that divides the heart into left and right halves.
bruit harsh, rushing sound made by blood passing through an artery that is narrowed and roughened by artherosclerosis.
HTN Abbreviation hypertension
superior vena cava major vein that carried blood from the head, neck, arms, and chest to the right atrium
systole contraction of the atria or ventricles
tricuspid valve between the right atrium and right ventricle
enclothelium smooth layer that promotes the flow of blood
telemetry diagnostic procedure used in the hospital to continuously monitor patients heart rate and rhythm
aorta largest artery in the body
-ic pertaining to
-ia condition, state, thing
-tic pertaining to
-pathy disease
-ary pertaining to
-ator person who produces or does
-ian action; condition
-graphy process of recording
-al pertaining to
-emia condition of the blood, substance
-centesis procedure to puncture
-osis condition; abnormal condition; process
-itis inflammation of; infection of
aggreg/o- crowding; together
aden/o- gland
bas/o- base of the structure, basic (alkaline)
aggreg/o- crowding together
aden/o- gland
coagul/o- clotting
cyt/o- cell
electr/o- electricity
eosin/o- eosin (red acidic dye)
erythr/o- red
fibrin/o- fibrin
fibr/o- fiber
glob/o- shaped like a globe; comprehensive
globul/o- shaped like a globe
granul/o- granule
hermat/o- blood
hem/o- blood
immun/o- immune response
kary/o- nucleus
leuk/o- white
lymph/o- lymph; lymphatic system
macr/o- large
meg/a- large
mon/o- one; single
morph/o- shape
myel/o- bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin
neutr/o- not taking part
norm/o- normal; usual
nucle/o- nucleus (of a cell or an atom)
ox/y- oxygen, quick
path/o- disease
plasm/o- plasma
plast/o- growth; swallowing
retricul/o- small network
splen/o- spleen
suppress/o- press down
thromb/o- thrombus (blood clot)
thym/o- thymus; rage
tox/o- poison
albumin most abundant plasma protein
B cell Lymphocyte that develops in the red marrow
Band Immature neutrophil also known as a stab
Created by: gloriaw14
Popular Medical sets



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