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Vocab Chp 11,12,4,5

anaphylactic shock - Extremely severe cases the allergic response can lead to anaphylactic shock. An immediate allergic reaction characterized by acute respiratory distress, hypotension, edema and rash. Can be life threatening.
anticoagulant-Patients who is on anticoagulant therapy will continue to bleed. An agent that prevents or delays blood coagulation (clumping).
hematoma -A hematoma is caused by a break in the wall of a blood vessel. Swelling, discoloration or mass of blood (usually clotted), confined to an organ, tissue, or space that is caused by a break in the blood vessel. Take tourniquet, immediately withdraw needle & apply pressure for 5 mins.
hemophiliac - A Patient who is a hemophiliac will continue to bleed. Person with a hereditary blood disease marked by greatly prolonged blood coagulation time, with consequent failure of the blood to clot and abnormal bleeding, sometimes accompanied by joint pain.
seizure- Patient may have a seizure during an syncope complication. A sudden attack of pain, diseases, or certain symptoms. An epileptic attack; convulsion.
syncope-Syncope is a common complication of blood collection. Transient loss of consciousness resulting from an inadequate flow of blood to the brain. Generalized weakness of muscles, loss of postural tone, inability to continue standing and loss of consciousness.
topical-Topical ointments are prescribed by a doctor. Pertaining to a definite surface area; local. Refers to the application of a substance to the skin.
acid base balance -The kidneys and pulmonary system work to maintain acid-base balance through excretion in the urine or respiration. The mechanisms by which the acidity and aldalinity of body fluids are kept in a state of equlibrium so that arterial blood is maintained at aprox. 7.35--7.45 PH level
aerobic - Aerobic bacteria can not live without 02. living only in the presence of oxygen. Concerning an organism living only in the presence of O2
anaerobic - Anaerobic bacteria can live without o2. pertaining to an anaerobe; able to live without O2
analyte is general term for a sample being analyzed a substance being analyzed, especially the method of chemical analysis
arterial blood gases - (ABG) - are performed to provide information regarding the status of the Pt oxygen, ventilation and acid base balance. literally, any of the gases present in blood. Clinically, the determination of levels in the blood of O2 and carbon dioxide
arterial line - is placed in an artery for continuous monitoring of blood pressure and blood samples. Radial artery is the most common site. arterial line Hemodynamic monitoring system consisting of catheter in an artery connected to pressure tubing, transducer, electronic monitor. Measures systemic blood pressure, easy acess for draw of blood for study of gases present
arteriospasm -Arteriospasm may occur when the insertion of the needle into the artery causes irritation to the muscle. arterial-artery + spasm-convulsion = spasm of the artery
autologous transfusion - is when a person donates blood for his own use. transfusion of blood donated by a patient before surgery or collected from a patient during surgery
bacteriemia - When bacteriemia is suspected an blood culture test is ordered. bacteria in the blood
blood banking - Most common blood banking tests performed is a type and cross match. Process of collecting whole blood and certain derived components for processing, typing, and storing until needed for transfusion.
catheterization - Is a term that decribes a urine specimen collected from a sterile catheter. cathr into a part, chamber or cavity.Cardiac cath is the percutaneous (thru the skin) intravascular inser of c. into chamber of heart or great vessels. Proced. used-diagnos./assess. of abnormal. & the interven tx and eval of effects of pathology on H&Vess
central venous catheter - is the most common type of VAD. Catheter inserted into the superior vena cava to permit monitoring of central venous pressure and to facilitate collecting blood samples for chemical analysis.
collateral circulation - is blood supplied to the area by more than one artery. cathr into a part, chamber or cavity.Cardiac cath is the percutaneous (thru the skin) intravascular inser of c. into chamber of heart or great vessels. Proced. used-diagnos./assess. of abnormal. & the interven tx and eval of effects of pathology on H&Vess
donor unit - is typically collected from a large antecubital vein. Specific amount of blood appox 1 pint supplied by a volunteer as part of the blood banking procedure.
exudation - Any areas with exudation should also be swabbed. Pathologic oozing of fluids, usually the result of inflammation
peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) - Drawing blood from a PICC line is not recommended. Catheter inserted into the peripheral venous system (veins of an extremity) and then threaded into the central venous system.
septicemia -Blood culture is ordered when doctor suspects septicemia. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood.
specific gravity - First morning unrine specimens has a higher specific gravity. Weight of a substance compared with the weight of an equal volume of water. Specific gravity of water is 1.000.
suprapubic - specimen is collected by inserting the needle directly into the bladder. Located above the pubic arch.
vascular access device - Most common type of a VAD is a Central venous line. a.k.a. Indwelling catheters.Consist mainly of tubing inserted into amain artery or vein. Inserted for administering fluids and meds, monitoring pressures, and drawing blood.
void - Some test require that the patient void at certain times. To evacutate the bowels or bladder.
wheal - Inject the anesthesia into the skin to from a raised wheal. Round and evanescent elevation of the skin, white in the center with a pale-red periphery, accompanied by itching.( A small swelling on the skin, as from an insect bite, that usually itches or burns).
blood borne pathogen - HIV, Hep B and C are examples of Term applied to any infectious microorganism present in the blood and/or other body fluieds and tissues.
carrier- is dangerous because they are asymptomatic. A person who harbors a specific pathogenic organism, has no discernible symptoms or signs of the disease, condition, or infection and is potentially capable of spreading the organism to others.
causative organism - A causative organism was not in either outbreak. Organism responsible for causing an infection.
chain of infection- To break the chain of infection the pathogen must be stopped at one of the links in the chain. Series of related events that lead to an infection.
chemoprophylaxis- must begin immediately within 1 to 2 hours after exposure. The use of a drug or chemical to prevent a disease.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Disposal of chemicals is regulated by EPA. Federal agency that regulates and monitors the inventory, storage, usage, techniques, and disposal of harmful substances to the environment.
fomites - Formites in the laboratory include computer keyboards, counter tops, pens and telephones. Objects such as clothing, towels, & utensils that possibly harbor a disease agent and are capable of transmitting it.
infection - Risk of infection is an occupational hazard. The presence and growth of a microorganism that produces tissue damage.
invasive procedure - All items used for invasive procedures must be sterile. Procedure that requires penetrating intact skin or mucous membranes.
means of exit - is the route by that the pathogen leaves the reservoir host and transmitted to a susceptible host. Route microorganisms can take to leave a host. e.g. eyes, mouth, nose blood or open wound.
means of transmission - Pathogens require a means of transmission. Method by which microorganisms can be transmitted from one host to another. Five main routes are: contact, droplet, airborne, common vehicle,, and vector-borne.
microbe - Microbe is classified as bacteria, virus, fungi or protozoa. A unicellular or small multi-cellular microscopic organism not visible to the naked eye.
microorganism - Microorganism are referred to as microbes. A minute living body not perceptible to the naked eye, such as a bacterium or protozoan.
nonpathogenic - Most of microbes are nonpathogenic, we need them to stay healthy. A microbe which is nondisease producing.
nosocomial - Nosocomial infections can result from contact with infected personnel. Infection acquired in a hospital.
pathogen - Pathogen takes up residence in the reservoir host. An organism or substance capable of causing a disease, condition, or infection.
pathogenic - Some microbes are pathogenic and capable of causing infection and disease. Capable of causing disease.
reservoir host - The reservoir host may or may not display symptoms. Any person, animal, arthropod, plant, soil, or substance in which an infectious agent normally lives, reproducres, and depends on for survival that allows transmission to a susceptible host. In essence, a reservoir host is the breeding ground for transmi
strike through - Use a dry paper towel to prevent strike through. Contamination caused by pathogens being transported through a wet barrier form a nonsterile area to a sterile area.
accession number - are assigned to each request for a laboratory specimen. A unique number given to each test request.
assay - The Dr. has been involved in the development of bacterial assay for gene mutation. The analysis of a substance or mixture to determine the components and relative proportion of each.
assignment of benefits - Some doctors accept assignment of benefits. Transfer of one's right to collect an amount payable under an insurance company contract.
capitation - Under capitation the fee is not tied to the service performed but to the number of patients. A system of payment used by managed care plans in which physicians and hospitals are paid a fixed, per capita amount for each patient enrolled, regardless of the number of services provided over a specific period of time.
claim - If the patient has not met the decuctible when a claim is submitted, insurance company will send a explanation of benefits. A billing sent to an insurance carrier.
coinsurance - I have a coinsurance policy A cost-sharing requirement specified in a health insurance policy, providing that the insured will assume a percentage of the costs for covered services.
copayment - Copayment is typically $5 to $10. A specified dollar amount that the patient must pay the provider for each encounter; also called copay.
courier sheet - Laboratory reports are color coded with and shingled on the same courier sheet. A blank sheet of paper used to attach laboratory reports chronologically, in a shingled fashion.
database - Patient information is entered into a database. A compilation of stored information in a unique software program that can be processed or produced by a computer.
deductible - Patient may be required to meet a deductible. Specified dollar amount that must be paid by the insured before a medical insurance plan or government program begins covering health care cost.
explanation of benefits - Insurance companys send the health care provider an explanation of benefits. An explanation of services periodically insured to recipients or providers on whose behalf claims have been paid.
gatekeeper- plays biggest role in HMO insurance Primary care physician responsible for advising and coordination the patients' health care needs.
hard copy - Hard copy reports can be e-mailed to the doctor. A printed paper copy of a computer generated report.
hardware - Hardware is parts of a computer. Equipment used to process date. (keyboard, disk drive, monitor & printer)
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) - orginale intent was to provent medical problems. A type of health care program in which enrollees receive benefits for services from authorized and preselected providers, usually a primary care physician. Generally, enrollees do not receive coverage, except for emergency services or for the services of
insured - I am insured under my husbands insurance. Individual or organization covered for protection and loss under the specific terms of an insurance policy.
network - The laboratory and hospital computers are in the same network. A group of microcomputers that are linked for the purpose of sharing resources and providing internal communication.
pneumatic tube system - Manual requisition forms are dispatched to the lab by pneumatic tube system. A unidirectional, continuously operating vacuum system that transfers specimens in plexiglass carriers from the patient units to the laboratory
pre-existing condition - I was not covered by my insured because of my pre-existing condition. Any illness that began before the insurance policy was written.
preferred provider organization (PPO) - When a patient selects a preferred provider organization they receive a higher level of benefits. A type of health benefit program in which enrollees receive the highest level of benefits when they get services from preferred providers.
premium - The insured is required to pay a premium to the insurance company every month. A monthly fee that enrollee pay for by medical insurance.
reasonable fee - Medicare, Medicaid or Tricare require the health care provider to accept the reasonable fee as 100% payment of charges. charge considered reasonable if it is deemed acceptable after peer review: related to unusual circums. or complica. require. extra time, skill or experience in connection with a particular service or procedure
server - Computer systems that are networked, information is stored on the server.
shingled - Laboratory reports are shingled. Attaching a report to a courier sheet in a layered fashion (shingles on a roof) with the most recently dated report on top.
software - Once information is put into a computer, it is processed by the software. Coded instruction (programs) required to make hardware perform a specific function.
sweeps - Forms are dispatched to the laboratory and collected during sweeps by the phlebotomist. Hospital rounds visiting each department or patient of the hospital which occur at regular intervals throughout the day.
Tricare - Tricare is medical coverage that covers the military service patient and their families. Three options managed health care program offer to spouses and dependents of service personnel with uniform benefits and fees implemented nationwide by the federal government.
usual and customary fee - A fee for a procedure is determined based on the usual and customary fee within that community. A method used by insurance companies to establish their fee schedules (specific amounts charged per procedure).
Withdrawal of large quantities of blood over long periods of time can cause a pediatric patient to become_____________? Anemic
A ______ with a 2 to 3mL. evacuated tube, typically provides the best results at an antecubital site of a pediatric patient. 23 gauge butterfly infusion set
_________ are performed to provide valuable information regarding the status of a patient's oxygenation, ventilation, and acid-base balance. arterial blood gases
When performing an arterial blood collection, the patient's wrist should be flexed at approximately a ___ to ___ degree angle. 30 to 45
When an artery has been effectively entered a ____ of blood will appear in the hub of the needle. flash
Patients who are on ___ have blood that has been "thinned," and therefore take longer for an arterial puncture site to form a clot and stop bleeding. anticoagulation therapy
The most critical factor in collecting blood culture specimens is ___ of the patient's skin. antisepsis
_____ are ordered by physicians to aid in the diagnosis of streptococcal infections of the throat. Throat cultures
_______ are used to determine if occult blood is in the stool. Guaiac
One of the most common blood-banking tests performed is a ____. Type & Crossmatch (T&C)
Individuals donating blood must be at least __ years old. 17
VADs are inserted for all the following except: a. monitoring the patient's acid-base balance. b. administering fluids and meds. c. monitoring pressures. d. drawing blood. monitoring the patient's acid-base balance
A ___ is inserted into a large vein such as the subclavian and advanced into the superior vena cava, proximal to the right atrium. CVC - central venous catheters or central venous lines
A ___ is a temporary connection between a vein and artery used for dialysis and for drawing blood. external AV shunt or cannula is a temporary external connection between a vein and artery used for dialysis and for drawing blood. Drawing blood through a cannula must be performed by specially trained professional only with permission for the Pt's physi
The ___ are excellent sites for drawing labs on neonates and children under the age of 2. Dorsal hand veins
___ means that blood is supplied to an area by more than one artery. Collateral circulation
When performing an arterial blood gases collection, the site with the highest risk of infection is: femoral
___ should not be used for collection of ABGs because they alter the partial pressure of the gas in the blood sample. Evacuated tubes
A patient must be in a "steady state" for a minimum of ___ before collections of ABG's. 30 minutes
A blood culture bottle designed specifically for organisms that grow best when oxygen is not present is called a: anaerobic bottle
11. 1. ____ can be caused by a severe allergic reaction to latex Allergic response
Ointments prescribed by a physician, applied --- will cause an allergic rash to subside. topically
Symptoms of the complication of ___ are: increased nervousness, increased respirations, a slow and weak pulse, and decreased blood pressure. Fainting - Snycope
A ___ is an accumulation of blood at the venipuncture site. hematoma
A hereditary blood disease marked by greatly prolonged coagulation time. hemophilia
If an artery is accidentally punctured the phlebotomist should apply pressure for a minimum of: 5 minutes
If a patient is allergic to alcohol, ___ should be used instead. povidone-iodine
Which of the following is not a means of collapsing a vein? a. Too small of a needle.
If a hematoma starts to form during a venipuncture, the phlebotomist should NOT do which one of the following? a. Continue the draw as quickly as possible.
_____ can be classified as bacteria, virus, fungi or protozoa. Microbes
A causative organism will take up residence in the ___ who may or may not display symptoms of an infection. formites
___,___,____ & _____ all assist hospitals and laboratories to maintain up-to-date isolation practices and to establish guidelines and enforce regulations governing infection control. CDD,
In 1990, the CDC stated that surgical masks may not be effective in preventing the inhalation of droplet nuclei (tuberculosis) and recommended the use of ___ certified by the CDC as an acceptable alternative. HEPA respirator
____ is a condition free from germs, infection, and any form of life. Asepsis
All items used for ____ must remain sterile. invasive procedures
____ are any materials that are dangerous to health. Biological/biohazards
The phlebotomist may come in contact with _____ when adding preservatives to a 24-hour urine collection. chemical hazards
Disposal of chemicals is regulated by ____. EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
_____ must be offered free of charge to employees within 10 days of assignment to duties that would place the employee at risk for occupational exposure. Hep B vaccinations
You should be tested for HIV antibody as soon as possible after an exposure, for a baseline and periodically for at least ____ after exposure. 6 months
All the following are a part of Exposure Control Plan EXCEPT: c. Documentation of BSI training.
Wearing a lead apron and gloves are precaution for which one of the following laboratory hazards? radioactive hazards
If an electrical accident should occur, you should: shut off the source of electricity immediately
OSHA requires that manufacturers of chemical make a ____ available to consumers. MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
All of the following are examples of biohazardous waste: Wet paper towels, used gloves & used 2x2 gauze squares
Of the following, which one is not a sterile pack a phlebotomist is likely to required to open? D. sterile surgical instruments
To maintain medical asepsis, hands and wrists are washed for a minimum of: 2 minutes with antimicrobial or antibacterial soap.
When entering an AFB isolation room you must have all the following supplies before entering: Specimen collection supplies, Isolation bags A& HEPA respirator.
A substance that adheres to and transmits infectious material is called: formites
Chpt 5 Laboratory Requisition Form
Many facilities ____ their manual requisition forms by department so that it is easy to recognize which department is responsible for the specimen. color code
Manual requisition forms are either handwritten or imprinted using an ___ that prints the patient's name identification number, physician, and room number. addressograph plate
A ___ is a series of black and white bands of varying widths and lengths, representing patient's information. barcode
____ are alpha/numeric numbers that are assigned to each request for a laboratory specimen. Accession numbers
Manual requisition forms are dispatched to the laboratory by either a ____, by courier, or are collected during ____ by the phlebotomist. pneumatic, sweeps
The most traditional approach to paying for health care is ______. fee for service
_____ pay all or part of the cost of health care services on behalf of the patient. Third party payers
Health care providers are paid one of three wyas: fee-for-service, _________, or salary. capitation
____ are group practices where members pay a fixed periodic payment in advance for all eligible services of participation providers who render these services. HMO-Health Maintenance Organization
The primary care physician's responsibility is to advice and coordinate the patient's health care needs and serve in the role of __. gatekeeper
In order for a third party payer to reimburse the medical for a third-party payer to reimburse the medical facility, an insurance claim form must be submitted. The universal claim form accepted by the majority of third-party payer is called a_______. HCFA-1500 - Contains boxes for the patients signature with authorization for release of info and assignment of benifits. Indicates that the insurance company is to pay the provider rendering the services.
The ___ is the reference used to code diagnosis. International Classification of Disease 9th Revision Clinical Modification. (ICD-9-CM)
The laboratory computer has the capability to perform many functions. Which one of the following is not a function perform by a laboratory computer: A. Test requisitions B. Data entry C. entering test results All. A. Test requisitions B. Data entry C. entering test results
Which one of the following is NOT one of the three basic components of a computer? a. Service b. Iput c. Processing d. Output Service
The type of computer memory that stores data temporarily and is lost if the computer is shut off is? DOS
To start up a computer is to: Boot
A display of available machine functions for selection by the operator is called: Menu
Computer programs necessary to direct the hardware of a computer system to perform specific tasks are called: Software
Anything you plug into the computer, for example, a printer, disk drive, scanner or CRT terminal is called a computer___. hardware
Created by: Gizmo
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