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Question | Answer |
18. In treating constipation with massage, where do you begin | Large instestine |
9. For a massage therapist, which of the following is the most important aspect of personal hygiene | clean hands and nails |
19. Which of the following techniques is most frequently used to enhance the level of relaxation during a massage | relaxed |
15. Whats the best way to stretch the quadratuslumborum muscle | lateral trunk flex ion |
19. Your client claims that he had a stroke last year. What is the proper course of action for massage | the client's doctor, and proceed with a gentle massage |
What is the most important effect in the use of hydrotherapy | thermal changes to promote circulation |
Who developed the movements known as Swedish massage | Per Henrick ling |
What is the recommended treatment program for an elderly client compared with an average client | shorter, with more frequent massages |
Which of the following statements is true regarding treatment for an elderly individual with fragile bones and very sensitive skin | a gentle, short massage may be beneficial |
1. Which structure Is located in an endangerment site at.the anterior elbow | cubital vein R fiDM |
5. If you are working the left SCM muscle and you client's head is turned to the left, the head was rotated into what direction | lpsilateral, The prefix "ipsi" means the same and "contra" means the opposite. |
6. Which massage techniques helps to stretch and broaden soft tissue | petrissage and friction |
11. Which of the following statements is true regarding the treatment of a client with low blood pressure | it is necessary to check with the client's doctor first and then proceed with caution |
12. Why should prolonged immersion of a body part in cold water be avoided | it depresses cutaneous sensations, it depresses body fu nctions,it over-contracts muscles, all are correct |
13. Which is not a contraindication of hydrotherapy | freshly shaved skin |
14. Which of the following is not a contraindication of thermotherapy | muscle spasm, Thermotherapy is the application of heat for therapeutic purposes. |
10. Which of the following techniques would be most beneficial for a client with edema | slow, repetitive effleurage |
13. When assessing the current condition of a client, what is the main reason for observing the client's gait | .A.B\J;1J;;/l |
17. Which of the following techniques is performed on a client without touching the body | REIKI |
18. What could tapotement of the thoracic area do in the case of a client with pneumonia | increase expectoration lltii±i ; Ill! |
20. Cryotherapy initially induces which localized circulatory condition | Vasoconstrictlon |
l. Which of the following contributes to stress reduction during a massage | reduction of sympathetic activity |
2. The shaking technique is a variation of which technique | VIBRATION |
3. Which diagnostic tool in western medicine provides the most detailed view of any of the body's tissues | magnetic |
4. What are the main therapeutic effects of petrissage | rehabilitation of weak muscles and drawing blood to the area |
5. Yoga is an example of which form of stretching | sta tic (unassisted) stretching |
6. Which of the following techniques Is the Western version of acupressure and shiatsu | trigger point therapy |
7. What is the most widely recognized physiologic effect of massage | Increased blood a nd lymph circulation |
s. A client is complaining of ankle pain, and the ankle appears swollen. The client requests that you pay special attention to the ankle. What is the best response | work proximal to the ankle and work reflex areas, avoiding the a nkle itself |
10. The haking technique is performed with which movement | free wrist movement |
il. Which of the following best explains why contracted muscles relax aer a massage | mechanical effect on muscle tone |
15. For how long should wash your hands between clients | 20-30 SECONDS, According to the Centers for Disease Control, wash your hands for at least for 20-30 seconds in order to apply adequate friction. |
16. What stroke is most appropriate to use with abdominal massage | Effleurage |
19. Which of the following would not be considered a recent development in alternative medicine | Acupuncture |
2. )Nhat is the most common physiological effect of Swedish massage | increased blood flow |
6. Muscle Energy Techniques utilize what method | isometric contraction with resistance |
9. Which one of the following is not appropriate when confronted with an emotional release of crying by a client | leave room immediately to give the client privacy l |
14. Which stroke is best to find sub-epidermal adhesions' SKIN ROLLING ' 15. Your client was stretching at a high school track. She bent over to touch her toes and t | Ballistic ,Ballistic stretching is done by bouncing into the stretch. ;,1 |
5. In which of the following conditions is it important to receive a doctor's approval before giving a massage | Carcinoma,A carcinoma is a malignant epithelial tissue tumor. |
6. In which of the following conditions is the use of heat in hydrotherapy contraindicated | Inflammation |
9. What is the initial procedure for an acute knee injury | rest, ice, compression and elevation |
10. Why is it important to explain the draping procedure to the client | it adds to the client's confidence and privacy and |
11. Which of the following describes passive joint movement | the therapist performs the movement with no help from the client |
12. Which of the following statements is true regarding massage therapy for a client suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome | massage should be very light to promote rest and relaxation |
13. Which of the following techniques that promotes relaxation is most widely used in massage therapy | Visualization' 14. A client rotating the head as far as possible to the left is an example of |
16. What is the best approach to a client with scoliosis | srelt dvice from the client's doctor and proceed with caution |
17. With which of the following conditions is massage ccntr;jindicated | Fever |
18. Which of the following techniques immediately reduces the intensity of deep tissue massage | Vibration |
19. A therapist's body mechanics are extremely important in preventing injury, fatigue and strain. Which of the following positions demonstrates good body mechanics | keeping the knees bent and the back straight |
2. Which of the following techniques uses exercises to promote awareness or conscious control of the physiologic responses to stress, pain or disease | Biofeedback |
4. A client lying in the supine position raises the knees for comfort. What might this indicate | ow-back pain |
5. Massage is indicated in which of the following conditions | Spider veins |
Ii 6. Which of the following is a general use or effect of heat | relief of cramps and muscle spasms |
8. Which of the following techniques is described as a vigorous, rhythmic movement | Chucking (=throw) |
9. How often should towels and sheets be laundered to prevent a rancid odor | the same day they are used |
11. f or what type of burn is immersion in cold water contraindicated | third-degree burn |
1. Which muscle most closely resembles gastrocnemius in terms of muscle actions | Plantaris,like gastrocnemius, plantaris crosses two joints and can flex the knee as well as plantarflex the ankle joint |
2. Which muscle laterally rotates, medially rotates, extends and flexes | gluteus medius |
3, Which muscles extend the leg | QuadricepsExtending the leg is the same as extending the knee. |
4. What muscle keeps you in a squatted position when skiing | gluteus maximus |
5. Which of the following muscles is deepest | transverse abdominis |
6. Which of the following terms seen in muscle names means "shortest | brevis |
7. Which muscle group would you find in the medial thigh region | Adductor,The adductors are in the medial thigh region and are innervated by the obturator nerve. (Except pectineus which is innervated by the femoral nerve.) |
8. Which muscle inserts into the iliotibial band | glueusmaximus, Gluteus maximus and tensor fascia late insert into the iliotibial tract. |
9. Which muscle Is the strongest extensor of the thigh | gluteus maxi mus |
10. Which of the following would act as an antagonist to the tibialis a nterior | peroneus longus |
from the joint. Which of the following stotements is most likely to be true | muscle Y will produce a stronger movement due to greater leverage |
1. Which of the following acts as an antagonist ta the platysma | Masseter,Platysma opens the jaw and masseter closes it. |
2. What muscle keeps you in a squatted position when skiing | gluteus maximus |
4. Which of the following acts as an antagonist to the deltoid | Pectoralis major |
9. Where does the short head of the biceps attach | coracoid process |
10. Where are the lumbricalsfouild | foot; There are lumbrical muscles in both the foot and the hand. |
20. Which of the following refers to the relative size of a musc!e | Vastus |
1. Which of the following muscles that move the humerus is an axial skeleton muscle | latissmusdorsi |
7. Which of the following originates on the transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae | longissimusthoracis |
9. Which muscle stabilizes the hip when walking | gluteusmedius, When walking or running, the gluteus medius contracts to keep the pelvis level and balanced when the opposite foot leavs the ground. |
12, Which muscle passes in a groove behind the lateral malleolus and then moves distally to insert on the medical side of the foot | peroneus longus |
13. Which muscle is considered the "key that unlocks the knee | popliteus,Thepopliteus muscle unlocks the knee by mediallf; rotating the tibia on the femur before it flexes the knee. --A., |
14. Which muscle inverts the ankle | tibialis anterior |
11. What structures meet at the neuromuscular junction | ai1 |
12. Which muscle allows a standing patient to flex their right thigh and knee without the right torso dipping toward the floor | left gluteus medius, When the foot Is lifted off the floor, the opposite side gluteus medius contracts to keep the pelvis balanced and level. |
15. Which muscle attaches posteriorly to the epicondyles of the femur | Gastrocnemius 16. Thin myofilaments of a striated muscle fiber are anchored to the |
20. Which muscle can perform plantarflexion and eversion of the ankle joint | peroneuslongus, The peroneals perform eversion, while the tibialis muscles perform inversion. |
1. Which muscle adducts the femur at the hip | Gracilis |
3. Wliich muscle can evert the ankle joint | peroneusbrevis, All the peroneal muscle are evertors. |
4. When you lift your foot off the ground, which muscle on the opposite side of the body contracts to maintain pelvic balanc | gluteusmedius, When the foot is lifted off the floor, the opposite side gluteus medlus contracts to keep the pelvis balanced and level. |
6. Which muscle can be found on the lateral leg | Its tendon inserts on the medial side of the pla ntar surface of the foot.peroneuslongus,The peroneus longus wra ps around the lateral malleolus and crosses under the foot to reach its insertion at the 1st cuneiform and 1st metatarsal. |
10. Which of the fol lowing muscles acts with piriformis to exter'nally rotate the hip | obturatorexternus,Piriformis and obturatorexternus are two of the six deep lateral rotators of the hip joint. |
11. Which of these is true | skeletal muscle fibers are under voluntary control |
18. Which of the following crosses two joints | rectusfemoris, Rectus femorirs is the quadriceps muscle that crosses both the hip and the knee. |
19. Which of the following muscles can perform flxion and medial (internal) rotation of the hip | tensor fascia latae |
4, What muscles are associated with the patellar tendon | semitendonosus and semimembranosus |
5. With a patient with cystic fibrosis, what should you avoid doing | lowering the temperature of the room, A cystic fibrosis patient requires frequent clearance of pulmonary congestion (mucus). All choices except lowering the room tempersture will facilitate loosening of mucus and be appropriate. |
10. A right hemiplegic with an inverted right foot suggests | spasticity !\ |
11. What is the first tissue attacked In osteoarthritis | Cartilage 12. Which of the following tumors is cancerous |
14. What is the first-sign of diabetes mellitus | increased thirst |
15. Which is an example of a spastic muscle condition | Parkinson's disease |
15. What bones are involved with a Dupuytren's fracture | tibia, fibula, talus, A Dupuytren's fracture is a distal ankle fracture |
19. Which nerve is involved in chewing | Trigemina!, trigeminal |
6. Which is a manifestation of Parkinson's disease | fine tremors and spasticity |
7, What does Dupuytren's contracture affect | palmar aspect of hand |
8. Poliomyelitis is associated with which structure | lower motor neurons |
11. Which Is not a symptom of hyperthyroidism | loss of body hair |
12. A client is HIV+ and has had a few opportunistic infections. What would you also expect to find as part of the clinical picture | Lymphadenopathy Jfn.'lf§M!!'.f!l |
14. What condition may develop in a patient who is a heavy smoker, has a history of hypertension and complains of cold hands and feet | Arteriosclerosis |
15. Osteoporosis starts with breakdown of what tissue | collagen 16. A typical result of a stroke is |
17. Which of the following diseases is characterized by a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone from the posterior pituitary g!and | diabetes insipldus Jli |
1. Which of the following types of burns is characterized by open wounds with black cha rring and white patches of necrotic tissue | fourth·degree burn |
2. Which hypertonic muscle might result in rotation of the ilium, causing a functional short leg | lliopsoas |
4. Which muscle is affected when someone presents with shin splints | tibialis anterior |
1.5. Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system | production n\" i |
l. Which of the following terms describes the relationship of the thumb to the humerus | distal |
8, Where does the piriformis muscle originate and insert | originates on the anterior sacrum; i nserts on the greater trochanter |
10. Which class of lever is good for generating speed but poor for generating power | third-class lever lL The opening for the external ear canal is in which of the following bones |
12. Which valves in the heart produce the strong "lubb," which is the first heart sound | atrioventricular valves 13, The fu nction of the dendrites on the neuron is to |
15, What kind of bone makes up the main shaft of long bones and.the outer layer of other bones | compact bone !!m!iil' |
17, What substance in the blood carries oxygen to other cells ofthe body | Hemoglobin |
18, Which of the following is considered the pacemaker of the heart | sinoatrial node \ 19. What is the longest part of the digestive tract |
and females | follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone |
2, What is the action of the minor and major rhomboid muscles | retraction and downward rotation of scapula |
S, Which of the following muscles does not attach to the oscoxae | vastusmedialis, The oscoxae is the pelvis, which is made up of the ilium, ischiu m and pubic bones. |
6, Which of the following is the proper sequence of blood flow through the heart | right atrium, pul monary semilunar valve, aorta, body |
8. What is the sensory area on the skin for the axillary nerve | over the deltoid muscle on the lateral aspect of the shoulder |
2. Which of the following represents poor body mechanics or poor positioning | spine bent over to increase leverage |
movement of the shoulder (glenohumeral) joint | adduction · 1· |
4. \Nhich of the following muscles does not help extend the shoulder joint | Trapezius |
5, Which of the following neurotransmitters is released in the neuromuscular junction | Acetylcholine |
7. What are the four muscles of mastication | masseter, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid and temporalis |
10. What are the meninges | !Mi'ili'Jllt membranous layers or coverings that surround and protect the central nervous system |
12. Which gland is positioned above the kidney and secretes epinephrine | adrenal gland';,.. |
14. Where in the brain is the body temperature regtlfl!ted | hypothalamus '"FJiDl!I |
17, The medulla oblongata & in the brain stem contains which of the following centers | cardiac center |
18. Which nerve roots make up the sciatic nerve | l4 through S3 |
gastrointestinal tract, helping to promote peristalsis and bowel regula rity | dietary fiber |
12. Which of the following muscles inserts on the olecranon process | triceps brachli |
13. Which part of the digestive system best absorbs nutrients | Small intestine ! |
change in length of skeletal muscles | Muscle spindle, Muscle spindles are involved in the myotatic stretch reflex. |
10. The long head of the triceps originates between which two muscles | teres major and minor |
action is difficult for him | lateral hip rotation . |
12. When performing postural drainage on a patient, what are the complimentary massage strokes to use | vibration and tapotement,Vibratlon and tapotement are the strokes used to help clear the airways. They also work well in stimulating the healing of nerves. |
14 A client comes in with torticollis and a note from their doctor. What is the first thing you do | take a medical history, A history should be taken on all clients, (even at sporting events). The assessment would follow. |
15. In tapping a large area of the body, which massage maneuver is used | percussion |
16. Which muscle would you strengthen to correct lateral patellar tracking | vastusmedialis, Weakness of the vastus medial is muscle causes chondromalacia patella (patellar maltracking syndrome). |
17. How would an injury to a lower motor neurons affect the peripheral nerves | flaccldity !fXiiiiit,J ; 'fG |
1. What artery is found on the right side of the body but not on the left | brachiocephalic |
2. Which Is a primary shoulder extensor | latissimusdorsi |
3. How would you massage a patient who is finished with chemotherapy treatment!; | ligh't, moderate massag |
3. What effect does the vagus nerve have on the hea rt rate | decreases the heart rate ' |
being worked on | biceps femoris |
8. What type of muscle contraction is being demonstrated when a person returns to the floor during sit-ups | Eccentric |
10. What is the strongest muscle for extension of the humerus | latissimusdorsi, triceps brachii 11. Nociceptors carry im pulses to the brain related to |
13. Which of the following is located on the bottom of the foot | lymph plexus |
16." What muscle along with gluteus medius and gluteus minimis helps with internal rotation | TFL |
6. Which connects muscles to bones | tendons |
· . .--. | ff,' i |
9. What muscle should be rehabilitated with patellar maltracking syndrome | vastusmedialis 10. Impulses from the muscles are carried to the brain't>y |
11. Which of the following flexes the trunk | rectus abdominus |
12. Where do "rest and digest" impulses come from in the vertebral column | Craniosacral |
14. Which of the following muscles in an anterior rotator | Subscapularis, In this case, we can assume tbat anterior rotator means medial rotator. |
15. After the head is flexed, what muscle would return it to the neutral position | Trapezius |
16. A patient has chronically rounded shoulders. Which tight muscle would you focus on | pectoralls major |
18. How would you treat a patient with pre-event sports n;assage | mild stimulating effleurage |
is initiated by the sympatheric nervous system. | incr!fased heart lae |
initiated §y the symothetfc ;1ervous system | . . |
2. A client actively moves his leg and feels pain, but when the sa me leg is passively stretched, there is no pain. What structure Is injured | MUSCLE |
4. A patient presents with bilateral contraction of the QL What other muscle needs to be stretched | ERECTOR |
5. Which part of the spine has the least amount of movement | THORACIC |
6. Which of the following extends the elbow | anconeus |
7. Transitional epithelium is found in what structure | urinary bladder |
8. Which of the following nerves arise from the lumbosacral plexus | sciatic, obturator, femoral |
9. What type of cell carries oxygen in the blood | Erythrocytes |
10. If the sciatic nerve was injured, which movement would you not be able to do | knee flexion |
liquid-like form | Thixotropy |
3. Where is the lung meridian located | 2" above the nipple and distal forearm |
4. Client has blurred vision, temporal headaches, cannot turn head to the right, what element is most likely imp licated | Wood |
5. How many points are on the Yin meridian of the Water element | 27 |
6. Which are the functions of the Yang organs | store substances and secrete |
8. Which point is proximal to pisiform on the wrist | Ht-7 |
9. Which points would you work to help with fluid transportation | BL-20, SP-3, Ll-4 |
10. Which point is directly lateral. to the spinal column at the occipital ridge | Bl-10 |
11. If a client has an occipital headache, which points would be most beneficial | GB20, GB12, BLlO 12. In the Earth element, the Yin meridian begins at the |
13. What channel goes from heaven to earth | GB |
15. A client has loose stools, nausea and cannot concentrate at work because he is worried about digestive problems. Using the generation cycle, which element would you tonify | FIRE |
16. Which bony landmark can be used to find the upper burner Shu Point | spine of scapula level with BL 13 17. Which yang meridians begin on head and end on the legs |
18. What is the beginning point for Fire Yang meridian | ulnar side of pinky |
19. A female client has nausea, anemia, scanty menses and dull headache. Which meridians are involved | SP and LIV |
20. What time does the Eastern cycle begin | 3AM |
21. Which meridian starts on the medial ,big toe and ends on lateral thorax | SP |
22. Which meridians begin in the hand and end in the face | arm yang meridians |
23. According to the control cycle, which controls heat | Kl |
24. The Conception Vessel starts where | perineum %F.l (JttHifl.! |
25. What organ is at peak at 2 p.m. | SI |
26. A woman has a fractured L2 and L3 vertebrae, and is angry. What channels would you work on | LV a nd GB |
27. Where is the lung meridian located | From pee to pal1·1 |
29. Which points would you use to disperse migraines | PC-7, ST-36 and BL-17 |
30. Which meridians have points on the face and head | MOST YANG |
31. Wei chi is the prenatal chi and holds the constitution of the person. Where is this held | JN THE KIDNEYS |
32. What is the Mu point for PC | CV-17 |
33. According to generation cycle which element should you tonify to support Metal | EARTH |
34. What organ does the liver insult | LU |
36. When passively moving foot from dosiflexion to plantarflexion, which meridians are you engaging | ST, LIV, GB |
37. Which are general tonification points | ST-36, Ll-4, SP-6 |
38. With conjunctivitis, what element is involved | WOOD |
39. In the 5-element theory, fire controls | METAL |
40. In which finger is the meridian for the organ that separates pure from impure | ulnar side of the little finger |
41. What direction in oriental anatomical position do yang channels flow | DOWNWARD |
42. A 46 year-old man presents with a high fever and thi st. His eyes and face are red. He has scanty urine and constipation and is agitated. The tongue is red with a yellow coating. The pulse is full and rapid. The patient is most likely suffering from | full heat or excess yang |
43. Which phrase does not describe yin energy | EMPTY |
45. Metal channel corresponds to what season | AUNTUMN |
46. Which phrase does not describe yin energy in meridians | HOT |
Al . Which of following points is located on the palmar tip of the third finger | PC-9 |
48. Which point is found on the distal portion of peroneus longus | GB-40 |
49. Which of following points is located on the nail root of the second toe | ST45 |
50. Which channel in oriental medicine is most like the western lymphatic system | LU |
51. What channel is for protein digestion | SP |
52. Which organ cleans the blood | LIV |
54. In the control cycie which of the following would cause the kidney to be deficient | excess Metal or weak Wood |
55. Which channel should be tonified if a patient presents with fatigue and diarrhea, according to the Control cycle | EARTH |
57. In Eastern philosophy, which two organs are organs of elimination | bladder and kidney |
58. What controls liver | Metal |
60. According to control cycle what cause Kidney deficiency | excessive SP, ST |
61. Where is the beginning point of the yang channel of the earth element | just below the pupil |
62. What is.the grandmother of metal | Fire |
63. A 45 year old woman is irritable, experiencing irregular menses and has insomnia. What Western condition would this be | Menopause |
90. What are the five elements in Eastern medicine | wood, fire, earth, metal, water |
92. How are the governing and conception vessels brought together | by touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth |
93. In the 5-element theory, which meridian is associated with 3 - Sam | LU |
94. Flatulence with- no odor might be due to which meridi;rn being blocked | J=\Jlt large intestine |
96. What meridians are stimulated when massaging the medial thigh | Kl,LIV,SP |
97. If a client had a Colles' fracture, what yang meridian would you expect to be imbalanced | BL |
98. A person with a chronic lung condition would benefit most from which Mu/Shu combination | LU-1, BL-13 |
99. Which meridian runs over the lateral collateral ligament | gall bladder |
1. Which organ/meridian would be indicated with eczema and asthma | LU 5i'ill |
2. When working on a client with upper back and cervical problems, you discover trigger points in the mid-upper trapezius and at the occipital ridge. Which TCM channel has points in these same areas | GALL BLADDER |
3. What meridian runs over the erector spinae | BLADDER |
4. In Eastern theory, what organ houses the mind | HEART |
5. Which organ controls perspiration | HEART ff |
6. Which of the following is the most yin | JING |
12. What points would you work on for a respiratory condition | Lu 1and Bl 13 |
14. Too much thinking and concern for details might be a block in which meridian | SPLEEN 15. Which channel begins just below the eye and ends at the second toe |
16. Where is the ancestoral Ki,Jing, stored | KIDNEY |
17. Massage on which part of the body would most likely affect the kidney meridian | posterior to medial malleolus 18. Qi is the Chinese word for the energy flow of the meridian. The meridian that ends at the nose is the |
19. Which gland is related to the third eye chakra | pineal gland |
20. What two meridians have points on the pinky finger | heart and small intestine |
22. What point is located 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L2 | BL23 |
23. If somebody has black circles under their eyes, which element is involved | WATER |
24. In the control cycle, if kidney energy is deficient, which organs would be responsible | excessive spleenstomach |
26. Which two points are best avoided during pregnancy, or are to be contacted very lightly at most | CV-4 and SP-6 |
27. Which yin meridian begins on the foot and ends on the midaxillary line | SPLEEN |
28. Someone reports weight loss due to poor nutrient absorption as well as a constantly dry mouth. What element might be most out of balance | EARTH |
30. Which 3 meridians meet about 3 inches above the medial malleolus | LIV, SP, Kl |
31. In the five element theory, Fire controls which phas-e | METAL |
32. Which two channels begin on the great toe | LIVER AND SPLEEN |
33. Manipulation of the medial aspect of the arm affects which organ | HEART |
34. If a client has pain in the lateral compartment of the leg, what point do you avoid | GB38 |
35. Which of the following regulates sweat | LUNG |
37. Where does the kidney meridian originate | plantar surface of the foot |
38. The stomach meridian is located in between which muscles | rectus femoris and vastuslateralis |
39. What points would benefit a client with knee pain | stomach 36, spleen 9 |
40. Which meridians have points on the face and head | GB AND ST |
41. Which meridian is involved with a system, but does not have a corresponding organ | TRIPLE HEATER |
42. Which of the following points is located on the palmar tip of the 3rd finger | HC9 |
44. Where is the lung meridian located | 2" above the nipple and distal forearm |
46. What emotion does wood represent in the 5 phase philosophy | ANGER |
47. Which of the following is true about oriental massage | 14 meridians flow on the superficial aspect of the body |
48. According to Chinese theory, which meridians are least associated with elimination | LIV |
49. Which meridian is lateral to midsagittal line of the pf.lsterior cervical vertebrae | BLADDER |
50. Which of the following is a yin characteristic | FALLING |
51. Which statement does not characterize the Oriental •.tiew of the body and disease | organs are considered more in terms of structure than function |
52. The color yellow is associated with which element | EARTH |
53. Winter is the season for which channel | BLADDER |
54. Which of the following is a yang characteristic | HOT |
56. Which of the following is the most yin | BLOOD AND JING |
58. A client has dark circles under the eyes and night swe;a · What oriental element is involved | WOOD |
61. What yin metal channel that begins at the lateral aspect of the clavicle and ends at the radial side of the thumb | LUNG |
62. What channel starts at the axillary area | HEART |
63. According to the cycle ohides, what meridian is dominant from 5pm-7pm | KIDNEY |
64. What is the Shu point for the spleen | UB20 |
66. What time does the cycle of tides begin | 3AM-5AM |
68. Which meridian is lateral to the midsagittal line of the posterior cervical vertebrae | BLADDER |
69. What point is located 3 tsun below the umbilicus | CV4 |
70. Which meridian is associated with tensor fascia latae | GB |
71. A patient is constipated. What point do you press | ST25 |
72. Which organ opens to the root of the tongue | HT |
73. Which element is associated with grief | METAL |
74. What is the sense organ for the liver | EYES |
75. What direction in oriental anatomical position do the yang channels flow | DOWNWARD |
76. What meridian begins on the medial aspect of the great toe and ends on lateral thoracic | SP |
77. Which meridian passes throu h the tibialis anterior | STOMACH |
78. If fire is weak, what element should be strengthened | WOOD,You would add more wood to the fire. |
79. Which channel begins and ends on the lateral 5th toe and the eye | BLADDER 8Gl. In the five element theory, fire controls |
81. A patient comes in with fatigue, loose stools and a loss of appetite. According to the mother-child relationship in the creation cycle, what other element would you tonify | FIRE |
82. What hour would be the height (the strongest) of the SI channel | 2 p.m. |
83. The stomach meridian flows in what direction | DOWN |
85. Someone reports weight loss due to poor nutrient absorption as well as a constantly dry mouth. According to Eastern theory, which element might be most out of balance | EARTH |
86. What element feeds Earth | FIRE |
87. You would work on which meridian to help heal a torn anterior cruciate ligament | GALL BLADDER |
88. What is the Mu point of kidney | GB25 |
89. According to the creation and control cycle, what two elements are affecting ki to tonify deficient fire | deficient wood, excessive fire |
90. A client has conjunctivitis and excess wmry. What meridian do you work on | Gall bladder |
91. How many yang meridians terminate on the plantar surface of the foot | Zero |
92. Hearing loss in both ears would indicate a problem with which yin meridian | Kl |
93. How many points are found on the kidney meridian | 27 |
95. According to the creation cycle, which element might be strengthened in order to alleviate a decreased sense of smell, sinus congestion and eczema | EARTH |
96. According to the control cycle, which of the following meridians is associated with the element that controls fire | KIDNEY |
97. A 25 year-old is having trouble breathing, has asthma and is prone to bronchitis. Which channel is most likely affected | LUNG |
98. A client has migraines. What meridians should you work on | LV AND GB |
99. A client comes for massage with a doctor's referral. He has whiplash from a car accident 8 months ago. Which points could help relieve stiffness in the neck | BL 1CI and GB 20 |
2. Which meridian would be involved if a man had a collgh, a cold and sinus problems | LU |
3. How many points are found on the yang channel of the metal element | 20 |
5. What points would you use for someone with problems of insomnia and palpitations | HT-7 and CV-17 |
6. Which element controls the liver | METAL |
7. In a client with a lateral ankle sprain,which meridian is affected | BL |
8. If a patient perspires and has mind disturbance, what channel is in disharmony | HT |
9. How do you access the flow of chi in the bladder channel in the sitting position | palpating Shu points |
10. Which meridian would be used for a client with low back pain, lordosis and dark eye rings | BL |
11. Where are the first and last points on the BL meridian | inner canthus of eye and lateral nail root of 5th toe |
13. What ends the cycle of tides | LV |
14. Which substance is most Yin | BLOOD |
15. Which meridian would you work for tennis elbow | LI 16. Which element is associated with worry |
19. Which of following points is located on the nail of the first toe | LV-1, SP-1 |
20. Metal channel corresponds to what season | Autumn |
21. What organ is out of harmony if a patient has eye twitching, sciatica and temporal headaches | GB |
22. Which meridians are for osteoarthritis | KID/BL |
23. Which meridian has a point on the medial big toe | SP |
24. The gall bladder meridian is found along what plane | Coronal |
26. The gall bladder channel follows which plane | Frontal |
27. How do you locate meridian points | feel for indentations |
28. What emotion is associated with the kidney | Fear |
29. Which meridian runs between the brachioradialis and flexor carpi radialis | Lung |
30. Which word best describes yin energy | Contraction |
31. Which meridian is on the most medial aspect of the chest | Kidney |
32. To treat a client with low back pain and swelling in the lower leg, which channels would you work on | Bladder and kidney |
33. How many yin meridians end on the .bottom of the foot | 3 |
34. Which meridian has branches on the anterolateral aspect of the chest | Spleen |
36. A client wants to reschedule her lunch time appointment because she has been experiencing a racing heart beat and panic each noon. Which element might be imbalanced | FIRE |
37. Wei chi is the prenatal chi and holds constitution of the person. Where is it held | KID |
38. What element is craving for sweet | EARTH |
39. A client reports that he hardly ever sweats. You notice that his face is quite red. He says that he dreams frequently and that in fact his dreams disturb his sleep and he doesn't feel rested upon awaking. Which element might you think is most out of b | FIRE |
40. A client has a history of strain and weakness along the medial side of the patella. According to the mother-child cycle, what elements might be depleted | Water and 'Nood |
41. A client has dark circles under the eyes, night sweats and osteoporosis. What oriental element is involved | WATER |
42. A patient had lumbar spine problems and was operated 3 weeks ago. He was bandaged all around the thorax and needed treatments to promote circulation. What channels would the therapists address away from the posterior lumbar | HT AND BL |
43. A man in his early 40's works long hours, worries a lot, craves sweets and has mouth sores. What element should be strengthened | EARTH |
44. Ina female client with headaches, which 2 points would help best | Ll-4, LIV-3 |
45. A client has fatigue, insomnia, lack of appetite, poor digestion, flatulence, diarrhea, sweating and irritability. According to TCM, these are all deficiency symptoms of what organ | SP |
46. All Yang organs | move and excrete |
47. Which of the following points are good for constipation | ST-36 and Ll-4 |
48. What bony feature is a landmark for the LU Shu point | medial end of spine of scapula |
49. Client has low back pain and hearing loss, what element is involved | WATER |
50. What element is disturbed if your client has problems with eyes and tendons | WOOD |
51. What channel is the Controller of the Lung | FIRE |
52. What is the order of the cycle of creation | Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal,Water |
54. According to eastern theory, what is the time for the small intestine | 1-3PM |
55. Where is the lung meridian located | 1st intercostal and distal 1st phalange |
56. In a client who hardly ever sweats with a face that is quite red, which of the following sounds disturbed | SHEN |
58. Which channel runs mid-sagittaly on the body | conception vessel |
59. If a patient has an eating disorder and is pensive, what channel would you work on | Spleen 'tJt.ft |
61. A patient comes to you after falling from a horse. Her third and fourth lumbar vertebrae are fractured. Which meridians should you focus on | Kidney and bladder |
62. What points would you not work on a pregnant woman in her third trimester | Sp 6 and CV 4 |
64. Which channel is the mother of Earth | Fire |
65. A client's medial elbow is damaged in an accident. Which meridians are affected | HT and SI |
66. A woman bends at the waist while sitting on the floor. Her knees are straight and her fingers are stretched to reach the toes. What channel is affected | Bladder |
67. Which Shu point is related to the upper burner | UB13 |
68. What is most yin | BLOOD AND JING |
69. Which point is found on the distal portion of peroneus longus | gall bladder 40 |
70. How many yang organs are there | 6 |
71. A mechanic is working on a car which falls off the blocks and strikes him in the center of his sternum. The alarm point for which channel has been hit | HEART PROTECTOR |
72. What point is located in the prominence of the vastusmedialis muscle | SP10 |
73. Which phalanges are associated with the metal element | thumb and index finger |
74. Which yang meridian is on the anterior aspect of the body | ST |
75. In western medicine, the spleen is the largest lymphatic organ. What is it in Eastern medicine | SJ |
77. What is the sea of Qi | CV17 |
78. With an autoimmune problem, what channels you work on | LU and TW |
79. What meridian responsible for transportation and transformation of fluids | SPLEEN |
80. Which channel in oriental medicine is most likely the western lymphatic system | SJ |
81. Which meridian is strongest at 7 pm | PC |
82. What wouid you avoid for a pregnant client | Ll-4 and SP-6 |
83. What points are on occipital ridge | UB-10 |
84. The shu point for the large intestine is found where | BL-25 |
85. What channel is disturb if your patient has bloated pelvis and swollen breast before period | SP |
86. Which organ relates to the season of Autumn | Lung |
90. A patient arrives with a cough. What element is involved | Metal |
91. What connects meridians | lo meridians |
93. What modality uses pressure points | Jin shin do,Acupressure, Shiatsu , all are correct |
94. Which element is associated with ligaments and tendons | Wood |
95. What organ is the mother of the Earth element | Ht |
96. What points would you be palpating if you were on the occipital ridge | GB 12, GB 20, BLlO |
97. Where is the fast point of the bladder meridian located | inner canthus of the eye |
98. Where does the superficial aspect of the lung meridian begin | pectoralis major |
1. What time does the Large Intestine channel work at its peak | 5 - 7 am |
266. For which of the following symptoms should a client be referred to a physician | Pitting edema fiilJil17J |
267. Which is layer of the epidermis is closest to the stratum corneum | stratum lucidum )!a.fl iii. |
268. What type of joints are found between vertebrae | Gliding |
269. Which muscle would be paralyzed if the sciatic nerve were severed | Biceps femoris |
272. Which is not a normal element of blood | Fibroblasts |
274. Which of the following has the most slow-twitch muscle fibers | Soleus |
276. When giving massage, which of the following is not true | the patient should be under 65 years of age |
278. Which technique is used for the purpose of distributing lubricant evenly | Effleurage |
280. Which of the following is a gliding joint | facet joints |
Gliding joints exist where flat surfaces of bones meet, as with the facet joints, the intercarpal joints and intertarsal joints. 281.Where is the best place to start abdominal massage for constipation | descending colon |
286. Which aims most specifically to passively stretch muscle | Effleurage 287.At the wrist, the radius articulates with the |
288. How should massage be given to reduce swelling | proximal to the swelling, then distal then proximal |
289. Which condition is contraindicated for massage | Jaundice |
295. What's the most effective stroke to use on a healed proximal phalangeal fracture | Friction |
296. The gall bladder meridian is found on what plane | Corona |
297. Which meridian is on the most medial aspect of the chest | Kidney |
298. Yin meridians flow in which direction | inferior to superior |
299. Which part of the small intestines is greatest in length | Ileum |
301. Which of the following joints is a hinge joint | Elbow |
303. Which is the la rgest gland of the body | Liver |
304. Which Is not part of the acetabulum | Capitulu m |
305. Deep friction to adhesions is best followed by | light sedative effleurage 306 Which bone is not part of the cranium |
307. Which is the most elastic tissue | Yellow ligaments |
310. Which stroke milks muscles of wastes from overexertion | Petrissage 311. |
What type of muscle contraction Is being demoMtrated when a person returns to the floor during sit-ups | Eccentric An eccentric contraction occurs anytime movement is in the direction of gravity. |
312. If a client has a patch of psoriasis on their skin. what should you do | massage, if there is no broken skin |
313. Which of the following lifts the ribs with inhalation | serratusposterior |
315. Which part of the tibia is not covered by muscle | Anteromedial |
317. Which of the following is a saddle joint | Thumb 317a. Where would you find a saddle joint |
321. Where is the hyoid bone found | in the anterior neck region |
322. What bone is·part of the axial skeleton | Sacrum |
323. The saglttal plane divides the body in which parts | Side to side |
324. The tendons of which musdes form the Achilles' tendon | gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris |
325. Where are the intercostals muscles found | bewteen the ribs |
326. Which structure supports the body in the sitting position | ischial tuberosity |
327. Venous blood is found in which vessel | pu |
329. If one hip is held higher than the other, what muscle is probably tight on the high side | quadratus lumborurn |
If one hip is held higher than the other, what muscle is probably tight on the high side | !uITlborum |
331. Massage is contraindicated when what is pnesent | Red and swelling |
332. The wrist joint is made up of which two bones | radius and scaphoid ' |
335. Which gland is not located in the skin | tubular lii'if it,J ; 'if!J |
B7. Which is not in the mediastinum(iliilJiliZl'iiJ ll\l) r.i | lungs |
339.A client has been referred to you by their doctor. They were referred for neck massage for pain resulting from a whiplash they suffered 6 months ago. What muscle is directly affected by the condition | Scalenes |
340. What is the best treatment for Dupuytren's contractu re | effleurage, petrissage and friction |
341. Which is an example of a gliding joint | Wrist |
342. Which of the following is a type of white fibrous tissue | Ligament |
3411. Immediately after exercise, which is the most beneficial effect of body massage | promotes recovery of fatigue |
345. How many ribs does the sternum articulate with | 14(7pairs of ribs) |
348. Which joint has 2 semilunar cartilages | Knee |
3SOA. Which of the following is a sesamoid bone | PATELLA |
351. The acromion process is part of which bone | Scapular |
352. Which muscle depresses the shoulder and is attached to the humerus | latissimus dorsi 3S3. Which type of wound is often deep, jagged and irregular |
354. Skeletal muscle is approximately what percent of the body weight | 40% |
356. A client presents with a "winged" scapula. What muscle is over stretched | serratus anterior |
357. A major function of the cruciate ligament in the knee is to prevent excessive movement in what direction | forward and backward |
358. The acromion process is part of which bone | Scapula |
360. Where are nephrons located | Kidneys |
361. Which stroke would you use for neuralgia on a person that cannot tolerate effleurage | vibration and nerve tapping |
Erb's paralvsis is due to a lesion of which cervical nerve | 5 |
Carbohydrate digestion starts in the mouth with salfvary amylase. Fat and protein digestion begins in the stomach. Where does protein digestion begin | stomachs |
368.With general massage which strokes a re least used | tapotement and vibration |
370. What 2 bones articulate with the clavicle | scapula and sternum |
374. Massage may be most therapeutic for which condition | chronic rheumatoid arthritis 37S. In abdominal massage the correct position is |
376. Which of the following covers a muscle fiber | Endomysium |
377. Which technique is best used on an acute cervical muscle strain following trauma to the neck | light massage given in the fiber direction |
378. Which muscles are adductors | pectoralis and latissimus dorsi |
380. What extends the ulna on the humerus | Triceps |
381. Which is a manifestation of Parkinson's disease | fine tremors and spasticity |
384. Which bone does not articulate with a thoracic vertebral body | Clavicle |
385. In treating a patient with kyphosis, which muscle or muscles should the massage thera pist try to stretch and relax | pectorals |
386. Which of the following sinuses is not paranasal | Mandibular Which is not considered a paranasal sinus |
387. How should you address a mild hematoma | work around it with caution |
389. Which is part of the central nervous system | Cerebellum |
-'positioned | Supported |
391. Which muscle extends the head | Trapezius |
What occurs with Still's disease | spleen and lymph enlargement |
393. Which muscles are affected in a back spasm | erector spinae |
395. Which of the following is a postural muscle | upper trapezius |
396. With shin splints, what muscles should be massaged | tibialis posterior and tibialis anterior |
397. Where are the lumbricals found | foot and ha nd |
401. Which of the following attaches to the greater trochanter | gluteus medius |
402. What muscle supinates the forearm | biceps brachil |
Elceps brachii can flex and supinate the forearm, as well as flex the shoulder joint. 403.Which is part of the central nervous system | cerebellum |
407.To prevent bed sores, which stroke would you use | effleurage and.petrissage away from the pressure area |
409.Where would you massage a Colles' fracture recently out of a cast | finger kneading and wrist massage |
410. Which muscle bends the hands towards the wrist | flexor carpi radialis |
from the mandible to the hairline | |
412. What is involved with paraplegia | paralysis of 2 lower extremities |
414. Erb's paralysis is due to a lesion of which cervical root | 5 |
417. Which condition may be aided by massage | varicose ulcer |
419. Where can you contact the rhomboids | T3-T8 |
420. The liver is located in which quadrant | UPPER RIGHT |
421. Which of the following muscles does not cross 2 joints | SOLEUS |
422. Where is pronator quadratus found | at the anterior wris |
425. What is the best way to contact the psoas | with anterior deep abdominal work |
426. Which of the following is not a part of a cell | VALINE tlltllt!ll' S!lii |
427. If the condition of tissues significantly changes during a massage, what should the massage practitioner not do | note the change and continue the treatment |
428. In addition to massage, which is most helpful in increasing lymph flow | Exercise |
429. Which of the following tumors is cancerous | SACROMA |
431. Which nerve is Involved in moving the eyeball laterally | Abducens |
432. What part of the brain regulates temperature | hypothalamus 433.Which of the following lifts the ribs in inhalation |
434. Which of the following is not a granular leukocyte | Lymphocytes |
435. What is the best stroke for peripheral neuritis | Vibration |
437. Which muscle would not be useful to stretch along with the quadratus lumborum | rectus abdominus |
438. What stroke would be good for finding trigger points | ROLLING |
441. What nerves make up the brachia! plexus | CS·Tl |
442. Which stroke is appropriate for massaging the SCM | Effleurage |
443. Which nerve(s) originate from the brachia! plexus | long thoracic, ulnar, radial, all are correct |
444. Which nerve supplies the tibialis anterior | deep peroneal |
445.Which of the following is a primary muscle used during restful breathing | internal intercostals 446.For a general relaxation massage, how should the hips and knees be positioned |
449. Which extensor muscle is attached to the little finger | digiti quintus (minimi) |
450. What structure allows muscles to glide over bony processes | bursae il,( |
451. What stroke would be most effective on chronic irritation of the brachioradialis' proximal attachment | FRICTION |
452.Whlch of th'e following muscles, if chronically contracted, can cause sciatic pain | PIRIFORMIS |
453. What is the best treatment to restore range of motion for Colles' fracture | FRICTION |
454. Which stroke is best for the belly ofa muscle | Petrissage |
455. Where do you massage at an area of local venostasis | roximal to it, then distal and then proximal |
456. Your client wants to see you two times a week and is asking you to bill your massage through the chiropractor next door.;What should you do | inform the client that you cannot bill through the D.C. and work out a different plan |
457. Anaerobic respiration results in a build-up of which of the following | lactic add |
458. What is the upper attachment of the sartorius muscle | anterior superior iliac spine |
459. What stroke is best to break up scar tissue in the muscle belly | cross fiber friction |
460. In what direction is effleurage given | Centripetal |
461. Which of the following muscles crosses two joints | rectus femoris |
463. Which type of receptor measures the amount a muscle is stretched | muscle spindle |
464. Piriformis can perform which action at the hip | EXTENTION |
465. A client has an irregularly-shaped mole on her back. What do you do | avoid the mole and refer her to a physician |
466. What is the most appropriate stroke for edema in the lower leg and foot | light effleurage |
467. What nerve is affected with carpal tunnel syndrome | MEDIAN |
469. How many pairs of spinal nerves are there | 31 |
470. If the client experiences pain on resisted flexion of the knee, what muscle may be torn | Semimembranosus |
471.What vertebrae are most affected from kyphosis | Thoracic |
472. What stroke is best to break up scar tissue in the muscle belly | cross fiber friction |
473. How often must one renew a New York State massage therapy license | NEVER |
475. For how long must a NYS licensed massage therapist maintain client records | 6 YRS 476.Weakness of which muscle would cause weak shoulder abduction |
477. Why is tapotement indicated for pre-event sport massage | it stimulates the superficial nerves |
479. What is the name for the shaft of a long bone | Diaphysis |
480. Which of the following are the receptors for light touch | Meissner's corpuscles |
482. Which of the following make up the central nervous system | SRAIN AND SPINAL CORD |
,\&3. Which of the following attaches at the pes anserine | semitendonosis. gracilis, Sartorius Vllhich of the following is part of the pes anserine |
Which of the following is not part of the "pes anserine | rectus femoris |
48. What action is most limited with an achilles' tendon rupture | PLANTARFLEXION |
485. Where is levator scapula contacted | Cl-C4 |
486. What is the order in which urine flows | kidney, ureter, bladder. urethra |
487. What nerves are involved in the fight or flight response | Sympathetic |
488.Wh3t is the best stroke to resolve muscle cramping | COMPRESSION |
489. For which clients should universal precautions be used | ALL CLIENTS |
490. How should one work with a client who has severe varicose veins | avoid the varicosity and massage as usual |
491. What nerve is responsible for the sensation of pain in the medial arm and hand | ULNAR |
492. How should massage be given to a client with facial paralysis | from the chin upwards 493.During a movement, the synergist |
498. Which of the following terms describes inflammation of a nerve root | radiculitis[rtlllldikjullllaitis] |
499. What muscle is implicated when the client has pain on resisted medial rotation of the shoulder | Subscapularis |
soo. In a client with a lateral ankle sprain, what muscle is directly affected | peroneus longus Often, when patients sprain their ankle, they also injure peroneus longus. |
SOL Patellar tendor>itis directly effects which of the following muscles | rectus femoris |
S02. \f1/here is pronator quadratus found | at the anterior wrist crease |
S04. A client is prone. How are his knees usually positioned during the massage | FLEXED |
508. Where is the linea aspera located | posterior femur S09. Where is the scaphold bone located |
SlO.Which of the following bony landma rks cannot be palpatcd | occipital condyle |
.511. What is the actions of piriformis | and abduction |
512. Where is the pronator teres located | from medial humeral epicondyle to proximal radius |
513. Which of the following is true about resisted joint movements | they increase lymphatic flow to the area S14. What muscles are used for quiet inspiration |
Which muscle contracts during quiet inspiration | diaphragm |
SlS. Where in the vertebral column is the most motion possible | cervical spin |
516. Which of the following stops a cramp in the gastrocnemius | resisted dorsiflexion S17. Osteoarthritis affects which of the following tissues first |
S18. What accounts for a client feeling cool during a massage | massage increases vasodilation |
519. What is the correct treatment for myositis of tibialis anterior | ice and elevation |
520. What muscle ipsilaterally bends the head and contralaterally rotates it | SCM |
522. Which of the following is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen | SPLEEN 523.Trigger point work is contraindicated for which of the following areas |
524. What tissue surrounds the diaphysis of a bone | Periosteum |
526.lf a client has restricted shoulder abduction due to a tight muscle, what muscle is tight | Latissismus S27. Which of the following attaches to the medial sca pula |
528. Which muscles are involved in temporo-mandibular joint syndrome | masseter and buccinators |
529. Which of the following flexes and pronates the forearm | pronator teres |
530. If you haftiobturator nerve damage, what motion of the hip would you have trouble doing | adduction |
532. What lii.>eps blood from flowing backwards | Valves |
S35. In what position is the trapezius most evident | shrugging the shoulders |
537. Which muscle helps with both pronation and supination of the forearm | Brachioradialis |
S39. While you are performing passive medial rotation of the shoulder, you find limitation of motion. Which muscle is affecting thiS'·action | lnf raspinatus |
540. Which muscle adducts the scapula | Rhomboids |
541. Which muscle is the strongest abductor of the shoulder | Deltoid |
S46. Which bony landmark is found inferior to the clavicle, medial to the shoulder joint | coracoid process |
548. Which tendon is palpable at the lateral crease of the knee | biceps femoris |
The biceps femoris muscle inserts into the fibula just distal to the lateral knee crease. S48A.Which of the following muscles Inserts onto the fibula | BICEPS FEM ORIS |
551. Which is the most abundant tissue in the body | Connective 552.Where is oxygenated blood found |
553. Which stroke best improves circulation | Eff!eurage |
554. A woman in the late stage of HIV comes for circulation improvement to her legs. She suffers from neuralgia, headaches and nausea. Which treatment is most appropriate | polarity therapy |
555. Which of the following is a sesamoid bone | patella |
556. Which bone is in the proximal row of carpal bones | lunate |
557. What stroke stimulates or sedates local nerves | Vibration SSS. Which condition would require friction |
>59. Monosynaptic, ocular, righting and vasomotor are all examples of: reflexes 560.The occipital condyles articulate with which bone | Atlas |
Witwhich structure do the occipital condyles articulate with | atlas The,occiput articulates with the Cl vertebrae. |
561. How many spinal nerves are there | 62 There a re 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 62 total. |
563; How can you stretch the triceps | Flex elbow |
S64'1>what is the proper positioning for a client who is 8 months pregnant | side-lying on the left side 56S'.What is the best stroke for dislodging phlegm from the lungs |
566'Which would not benefit from passive range of motion (PROM) | acute rheumatoid arthritis |
567. With osteoarthritis, degenera tion occurs In what tissue | articular cartilage |
568. V\ll)at a re the special needs of children under 18 who want massage | they need parental consent to receive massage |
569.Which stroke would you apply to the patella margin | Friction |
570. What direction should effleurage be given in | centripetal 571.Where is sebum found |
572. Which of the following makes up the anterior wall of the abdomen | rectus abdominus |
574. Extreme caution should be used with which of the following | Edema |
576. Which of the following muscles laterally rotates the humerus | lnfraspinatus |
577. Which muscle flexes the ·knee and plantarflexes the ankle | Gastromemius |
578. What is the best stroke for assisting the return of normal range of motion after being in a cast | friction and passive |
579. Which is the most superficial, lateral abdominal muscle | external oblique |
581. When can a massage therapist release records without a client's consent | when subpoenaed by the court |
584. Which of the following is illegal i'l New York | equine massage . |
586. Which of the following carries oxygen | Erythrocytes |
587. Where does supination and pronation take place | at the radioulnar joints "58R Which of the following nerves arises from the bachial plexus |
589. Why is light pressure used for lymphatic ma>sage | because deep pressure compresses the lymph capillaries |
593. What tissue is found on the shaft of long bones | Periosteum |
594. Which muscle supinates | biceps brachii |
595. Where would petrissage be applied most affectively | Thighs |
596. What causes decubitus ulcers | bony prominences |
597. What stroke best breaks up adhesions in the muscle belly | TRANSVERSE FRICTION |
598.A client has an injury in the sub-acute phase and says he con't handle deep work. What might be the best stroke for increasing joint mobility. | FRICTION |
599.lNhich claim can most appropriately be made for the benefits of massage | INCREASE CIRCULATION |
601. One of the effects of massage is vasodilatation. Which of the following might a client most likely feel on the surface of the skin during or following massage | COLO |
602. A fem. ale clientith diabetes has in both legs. How should you perform massage | PROXIMAL TO DISTAL 603. A client has ne ralgia and can't stand effleurage. Which strokes would provide the best alternative treatment |
604. What digestive organ is most responsible for detoxification | LIVER |
608.When there's an equal force of resistance given to a clients muscle contraction, it's called | ISOMETRIC |
609. Which stroke is effective in moving waste material from muscles | petrissage |
610.Which systemic condition affects movable joints | rheumatoid arthritis (RA) |
611. What t.reatment is most affective for client with osteoporosis | active exercise |
612. Which ofr;he following releases antibodies in response to antigens in the blood | lymphocytes, 613. What isJhe state of a muscle in normal posture |
.' 616.When standing, what causes the venous system to flow properly, considering the effects of gravity | VALVES |
617.A client comes in.With a migraine. Which treatment would be most inappropriate | Tapotement |
518. What body syses derive the greatest benefit from massage | cardiovascular and lymphatic 619.Wh¥' rhuscle can pronate and supinate the forearm |
620. Whatskin conditions are most contagious | scabies, impetigo, pediculosis |
622. When bones of a joint are disarranged, what protective measure does the body do first | protective spasm of surrounding muscles |
623. Which muscle, when in spasm, will raise the iliac crest | quadratus lumborum |
624. If a client falls and hits her head while in your office, what's the best thing to check | HER BREATHING 625.Which muscle helps with flexion of the knee and lateral rotation of the hip |
626. Where is the insertion of peroneus longus | 1st cuneiform bone and base of the first metatarsal |
627. What stroke best breaks up,adhesions in the muscle belly | transverse frictioncerebellum 628.Which area is most responsible for. egulating motor coordination in the body |
629. What muscle is responsible in the disorder of "foot drop | tibialis anterior |
630. Which joint is both stabilized and moved by the rotator cuff muscles | glenohumeral joint |
'63i. What happens to the diaphragm on expiration | It relaxes |
Which bone of the foot is likely to develop bone spurs | Calcaneus 633. Which of the following muscles is an adductor |
''You can do!or them | allow flexible time for their visit |
637. What stroke is most appropriate to use in abdominal massage | Effleurage 638. Which is a deep abdominal muscle |
539. Which muscle medially rotates the glenohumeral joint | Subscapularis |
640. Where is the greatest cone. entration of sweat glands | soles of feet and palms of hands |
. f643. A first-time client has deep varicose veins in both legs. What is the best procedure to follow | don't massage and |
'.,54\Ln what form do muscles store energy for later use | Glycogen |
i'i4S. The axillary nerves control which movement | abduction of shoulder |
46. What c'ond.ition does a lack of or ineffective insulin Involve | diabetes mellitus r,iij |
647. If a client periences numbness on the sole of the foot and the movement of the toes is limited, what nerve is likely to be most iiivolved | TIBIAL |
64S·A therapist puts a client at greatest risk by doing which of the following | neglecting to wash hands |
the best treatment for a client's varicose veins | do general massage and avoid the area ich muscle is most responsible for impingement of the brachial plexus |
''lfuvhich is a gliding joint | FACET |
653. Which condition i n a client requires the therapist to use extreme caution when treating | Phlebitis |
massage to address his fatigue. What is the best treatment | MODERATE SWEDISH |
656. Which drug is used to produce sleep | 'l'i |
658. A client is recovering from a Celle's fracture. When the cast is removed, which is best to do | knead the hand and fingers |
662. What is a floating, moving blood clot called | embolus tt'f , tt |
663. Which of the following drugs Is used to reduce allergic reactions | Antihistamine |
664. What kind of immunity is developed when a baby inherits antibodies across the placenta and through the mother's breast milk | passive, naturally acquired immunity |
NSAIDs means non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are usually taken orally. 666_ What is a substa nce used to treat or prevent diseases or conditions | DRUG |
667. Which muscles would you address to access the patella tendon | vastus lateralis and vastus medialis 668. |
contracted | latissimus dorsi |
670.Which muscle attaches most superiorly on the scapula's axillary border | TERES MINOR |
673. What is an undesirable and unavoidable reaction produced by a drug | SIDE EFFECT 674. Tendons attach |
681.What should you do if a client has a grand mal seizure during a massage | protect the clien 682. What muscle flexes the trunk |
690. A woman is on a treadmill with an 8% incline and has pain in her buttocks. What muscle could be implicated | gluteus maximus |
691.A woman who is 7 months pregnant reports that she has been experiencing visual disturbances, severe headaches, heartburn and elevated blood pressure. What should you do | postpone the massage and instruct her to see her M.D 692.When the head or neck is flexed, which muscle is primarily involved in extension of head and neck back to the upright position |
693. Which of the following Is a systemic joint disease | rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 694. What type or category does tapping and hacking fall into |
695. You feel a lump on your client's back and are not sure what it Is. What do you do | work around the lump, mention it to the client and suggest they get it checked out |
697. Which structures pass through the diaphragm | esophagus, inferior vena cava, aorta 698. What is the best position to palpate the right SCM |
699. Which stroke is best used for warming tissue and preparing them for deeper work> Effleurage 700. The vagus nerve does what to the heart rate | Decrease |
701. What treatment is most effective for acute bursitis | Rest and ice |
702. What is the best treatment for chronic Achilles tendonitits | deep frictions followed by active stretching 703. Which is a phasic muscle |
704. What does light effleurage do | increase flow in superficial capillaries |
705. Which of these does the greatest amount of absorptions during the digestive process | Small intestine 706. When working the lower anterior leg, the knee shouid be in which posit;on |
707.ln order to practice Shiatsu in NYS, what is required | a NYS massage license 708. Piriformis performs; abduction and lateral rotation |
711. Shin splints would involve which muscle | tlbialis a nterior |
717. What is the best treatment for chronic Achilles tendonitis | dorslflex the foot and apply friction to the tendon 718. Which is an appropriate treatment for a client which had surgery of the linea alba one week prior to treatment |
719. Oxygenated blood is found where | left atrium of heart |
720. When treating a decubitis ulcer on the skin, what treatment would be best | f riction from the periphery to the edges of the ulcer |
721. Where is cerebral spinal fluid found | In the subarachnoid space and ventricles 722.What lymph nodes are located just anterior to the ear |
, 723. Which is not a normal element of blood | Fibroblasts |
724. What muscle can be treated on the posterior lateral thigh | biceps femoris |
725. What muscle would you find medial and deep to the erector spinalis | Multifidis |
7L6. Where is the upes anserine" located | proximal tibia |
Where is the pes anserine located | PROXIMAL TIBIA, The pes anserine is located just medial to the tibial tuberosity. 727. What stroke would be good for finding trigger points |
728. What actions are performed by the piriformis muscle | abduction and lateral rotation |
73la. A patient comes to you with talipes equinovarus. Which would you not do | talipes equinovarus |
732. What is the term used for an increased blood flow in tissues | hyperemia 733.NJhat is an increase in the size of a m.uscle called |
734. Which of the following stretches the quadratus lumborum | Knee to chest 735. Where are the intercostals muscles found |
736.What region of the vertebral column do "fight or flight" impulses come from | Thoracolumbar |
737. What muscle attaches posteriorly to the condyles of the femur | Gastroai\ mius |
Where does the gstrocnemius'MusCre oJiginate | femoral condyle . .-'1'-1' -,_. |
738. What nerve causes numbness to the face | Trigeminal ;·· '" |
740. Which disease is due to a significant loss of neurotransmitter in the brain | Parkinso's 741. Which helps soft tissue glje over bony areas |
742. What is the role of the massage therapist in medical massage | follow the "'"""·>h••n'l'·n• |
761. What;fs a deeubitus ulcer | a skin ulcer from prolonged pressure on the same spot |
762.When'pronating the forearm, what happens | The radial head pivots In the radial notch 763. wti'a gland is located directly in front of the ear |
765. WheA frictioning the medial epicondyle of the humerus, which muscle group will be most effected | WRIST FLEXOR 766. When performing CPR on a 5 year old child you would use |
767. Which is not an action of the latissimus dorsi | FLEXION |
769. Where is a saddle joint found | at the carpometacarpal of pollicis |
770. When applying passive range of motion {PROM) for a prolonged period of time, what effect does it have on the body | cause the muscle to shorten |
771. What coni!ifltih is indicated for using a massage chair rather than a table | LOW BACK PAIN 772. What would be the best technique for lymphedema |
773. What is the condition where there elaggerated posterior to anterior curve i n the thoracic vertebrae | Hyperkyphosis |
774. Which of the following carries oxygenated blood | pulmonary vein 775. Where does thoracic duct empty into |
776. What muscle performs external trunk rotation | external oblique |
•1.71o What would be the best thing to do to prevent joint stiffness in a subacute ankle sprain | FR ICTION |
178, What is the largest part of the intestines | COLON |
780. Which muscle inserts superiorly on the axillary border of the scapula | TERES MINOR |
organ | . is |
2. Ari inability to walk a straight line may indicate damage to which cranial nerve | vestibulocochlear lilJ /ii]! |
5. Taste sensation is mediated by which cranial nerves | facial and glossopharyngeal '2&'DllJl(,j |
12. Which of the following terms does not apply to how light rays are processed by the eyes | Dispersion ll!!Jili . i!T.ilfi |
19. Which lobe-function pairing is incorrect | frontal lobe - sensory interpretation |
20. Which of the following terms does not apply to how l ght rays are processed by the eyes | Dispersion |
21. The rectus eye muscle that moves the eyeball laterally in the horizontal plane is innervated by which cranial nerve | abducens !il |
B. When slowly sitting down in a chair, how are muscles being worked | quadriceps, eccentrically |
24. Which of the following muscles does not cause internal shoulder rotation | lnfrasplnatus |
25. Where would diverticulitis occur | large intestine |
28. What Is the correct route that a bolus of food would travel | pyloris lil!Jfl. ileocecal liil!lii11'!Jlii valve ll!lm. anus |
32. Which is not an example of mechanical digestion | use of bile to emulsify fats '11.11'.. |
37. What does the integumentary system consist of | the skin and its derivatives fil l |
40.What is the appendix attached to | Cecum 1§'.iil'ilffil |
41.What structure contains both voluntary and involuntary muscle | Esophagus itlii. . llfil |
44. Whece is amylase produced | mouth |
45. What are the main excretory organs of the body | lungs, kidneys, skin and alimentary canal .51'l 1t.lii. |
'15. Which plane divides the body into anterior and posterior portions | Coronal |
54. Which muscle abducts the hip | gluteus medius |
S.Your client's shoulders are hunched forward. What muscle would be tight | serratus anterior |
56. Which muscle does not extend the shoulder | Anterior deltoid |
sf.. Where does the iliacus muscle insert | Less trochanter |
2. Which of theses muscles receives innervation from a cranial nerve | Trapezius, Trapezius is Innervated by |
4. Which of the following muscles can extend and laterally rotate the humerus | DELTOID |
s. A march fracture is a hairline stress fracture of what bone | 5th metatarsal ,A march fracture, also known as |
6. Which of the following muscles can extend the elbow | triceps brachii |
7. What nerve causes numbness to the face | Trigeminal, The trigeminal nerve supplies sensation to the face while the facial nerve controls movement of the facial muscles. |
8. With chronic swelling of the patella, what should be done | effleurage proximal to the knee |
9. Which of these muscles does not cross two joints | Brachioradialis |
1. Which of the following is a muscle of mastication | TEMPORALIS, The muscles of mastication (chewing) l |
2. The cribriform plate is a specialized portion of which bone | ethmoid bone, Olfactory nerves pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. |
3. Which of the following muscles is not found in the "anatomical snuff box" region | extensor digiti miniml, The anatomical sn uffbox is a triangular deepening on the radial, dorsal aspect of the hand at the level of the carpal bones, specifically, the scaphold and trapezium bones forming the floor. The name originates from |
#NAME? | radioulnar |
S. An agonist is working agains; tha antagoni;t. Which is the best description for a synergist | works with the agonist to do the same action |
6. A client is lying on the table complaining of pain in her right leg. You undrape it and discover that the leg is red, swollen a nd not. What would be the best thing for you to do next | stop massage and refer to a specialist |
2. Which circular muscle leads from the stomach into the duodenum | pyloric sphincter lll!Hlf.!i!!'lftfL, The |
3. For which condition would having your client in a seated position be best | severe back pain. If a client is in too much pain to lie down, chair massage may be an option. |
4. In an athlete with an injured gracilis muscle, which would be the best exercise to strengthen it | squeeze a pillow between the knees, Any resisted abduction will strengthen the adductor muscles. Squeezing a pillow between the knees does abduct the hips/groin. |
5. A client develops bruises while you are massaging them. What should you do | stop massage and refer to an |
6, If a client has a calf cramp during the massage, what should a therapist do | provide active resistance to client's dorsiflexion, Having a client dorsiflex the ankle will create reciprocal Inhibition, which may relax the gastrocnemius. |
ll. What would be the goal in treating a patient with a skin graft with finger kneading | loosen the graft |
10. What do you do if a client has 3 large moles on their back | massage above and below and mention them to the client |
1. What cells differentiate into plasma cells producing.antibodies | B-cell lymphocytes |
2. What tissues does friction primarily effect | deep tissue underlying superticial tissue |
3. A first time client has diabetes mellitus. Which would you do | give f ull body massage, . 4, To. evaluate the ROM of a join would you do |
7. If quadratus lumborum (Ql) is tight bilaterally, which muscle would not be appropriate to stretch | rectus |
8. What best describes the client's input on an intake form | SUBJECTIVE |
9. You have a new client that is a sufferer of Type 1diabetes. What do you have to look out for | general integrity of the skin, Dia betics may have decreased sensation in the extremities due to poor circulation. look |
10. Your client has asthma with congestion and upper back pain, what techniques would be most appropriate | friction and tapotement |
11. Which best describes the direction of effleurage | centripetal roJ1t_,BlJ |
12. If a person has a stroke, which of the following will likely occur | Hemiplegia |
13. What stroke would be best to find sub-epidermal adhesions | ROLLING |
14. Your client is sixty-four and on Coumadin. To avoid bruising what should you avoid | deep petrissage, Coumadin is a blood-thinner which may interfere with clotting. |
15. Which is the most easily palpated tissue | scar tissue |
3. What would be a benefit of vibration applies to the abdomen | invigorate nerves |
4. Which is true regarding the golgi complex | it sorts, packages and delivers proteins, The Golgi complex or Golgi apparatus is responsible for manufacturing, warehousing and shipping certain cellular products, particularly those from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The Golgi complex modifies many pr |
6. What carpal bone would be felt on the medial side of the wrist crease | pisiform i!llifl' |
What Is affected with thoracic outlet syndrome | sensation to the arm,biceps reflex, extension of the elbow, |
9. Which is not a major ligament of the hip joint | lnguinofemoral |
10. Which muscle is known as the "hip hiker | quadratus lumborum |
2. What plexus is involved with thoracic outlet syndrome | BRACHIAL |
3. Which muscle is attached to the greater trochanter | gluteus medius |
4. What is the function of the anterior horn of the spinal cord | sends voluntary impulse to musle |
6. What is a function of a synergist muscle | assist the agonist |
7. What is a systemic disease affecting the joints | rheumatoid arthritis |
8. What is a common result of inflammation | Adhesions |
9. Which muscle is medial and deep to the erector spine | Multifidius 10. Which would result in a decrease in heart rate |
uptake by the cells | INSULIN |
1. What is the name of the small gland situated beneath the hypothalamus in the brain, also called the master gland | Pituitary |
2. Which of the following is the cartilaginous structure that contains the vocal cords and a small protrusion of cartilage commonly called the Adam's apple | Larynx |
4. If a client has contracted muscles and lack of circulation how would the tissue feel | COOL |
5. When frictloning the medial eplcondyle of the humerus, which muscle group would you be affecting the most | FLEXOR |
6. The taste buds located on the back of the tongue are attributed to which taste | BITIER, Contrary to popular understanding that different tastes map to different areas of the tongue, taste qualities are found in all areas of the tongue, although some regions are more sensitive than others. |
7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of lymph nodes | they release hormones |
8. Which of the following is a muscle that works against another muscle or performs the opposite movement | Antagonist |
9. Where are the pharyngeal tonsils located | below the nasopharynx |
10. What system carries blood to all parts of the body and removes waste products | Circulatory |
11. Goniometry is a system for measuring | JOINT ROM |
12. Where is the adrenal gland located in reference to the kidney | Superior |
13. What kind of massage do you do on an athlete before a sporting event | SUPERFICIAL.Ideally, before an athletic event, massage should be superficial with rapid strokes to stimulate and invigorate the body for activity. |
;s. Rockir. ti'>e potient would stimulate which system | Parasympathetic, Rocking usually provides relaxation, |
3. Which of the following is a bowtie-shaped gland in the neck just below the larynx | thyroid gland |
4. What is the network of capillaries in the kidneys where filtration of the blood takes place | glomeruli 'lil'J'J;J |
5. Which of the following is the term used to describe the study of disease | PATHOLOGY |
What is the science of the structure of the body and its parts | Anatomy |
What is the muscular tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach | Esophagus |
What is the name of the network of tubules in the cytoplasm responsible for packaging and shipping proteins to various areas of the cell | endoplasmic reticulum 1 |
Which receptor, found in muscles, provides information about the length or change in length of skeletal muscles | muscle spindles |
Which of the following is not an electrolyte | adamantinum (Am+) |
7. Which of the following is not a process in blood clot formation | stem cells are differentiated |
8. What structure is affected in osteoarthritis | articular cartilage |
and drains into the left subclavian vein | thoracic duct |
12. Which is the colored part of the eye that controls the amount of light that comes into the eye by dilating or constricting the pupil | IRIS |
13. Which are the best strokes for locating trigger points | SHORT GLIDING |
14. What is the name of the curved projections along the lateral sides of the nasal cavities that filter out dust particles and warm and humidify the incoming air | nasal conchae |
1. What is the name of the internal mucous membrane through which the body absorbs digested substances into the blood | Mucosa, Mucosa is moist tissue that lines certain parts of the inside of the body, including the nose, mouth, lungs, and the urinary and digestive tracts. Glands in the mucosa release a thick fluid called mucus. |
1. What is the name of the inner zone of the kidney that contains the renal pyramids | renal medulla |
3. What structure prevents liquid and food from entering the larynx when swallowing | epiglottis ER |
4. Which of the following is the lowest portion of the stomach that contains a sphincter of the same name | pylorus l!l!lfl |
5. What is the "breaking down" phase of metabolism | catabolism 1!1Â¥ |
hours after an event | post-event massage |
10. Which of the following is not among the many benefits of using water in therapy | it is expensive and hard to acquire |
1. What valve connects the large intestine to the small intestine | ileocecal valve |
3. Which of the following terms is defined as the attitudes and beliefs related to one's profession a nd how they are manifested through image, business practices and educational accomplishments | Professionalism |
5. In an area that regulates or legislates massage therapy, it is the responsibility and obligation of a nyone licensed or certified in that area to adhere to those regulations. It is unprofessional and unlawful to provide services contrary to those law | legal and ethical standards |
6. What category of burns and in what percentage has an extremely high mortality rate | third-degree burns on 50% or more of the body surface |
7. What is not considered a general effect of heat application | reduced inflammation |
8. A business owner is required by the internal revenue service to pay income taxes based on estimated income. In what time frame are these income taxes to be paid | on a quarterly basis |
9. Which term relates to how an individual's attitudes are portrayed in that person's attire1 business setting, cammuri!cation and behaviors according to the perspective of the profession and its clients | professional image |
10. What is an Individual bone cell is called | Osteocyte |
1. What are the four pockets or chambers in the brain where cerebral spinal fluid is produced | ventricle .'iY |
4. Your client has moved. What should you do with their records | keep them for 6 years |
5. What is the term for a sustained contraction of a muscle, also called a muscle spasm | tetanus f)jJXl |
6. Which of the following describes inflammation of the stomach mucosa | Gastritis |
8. Which of the following statements Is not true about synovlal joints | they are also cal led synarthroses |
9. What Is the naml;j;pf a benign tumor of the smooth muscle In the uterus that occurs in 20% to 30% of women older than age 30 | uterine fibroid |
10. which of the following is released at the neuromuscular junction to initiate muscle contraction | acetylcholine Z |
2. Which of the following Is an endangerment site | int€f1ciHo the ear · |
3. What is the group of widely used medications for pain rel!uction, anti-inflammatibn and fever control | A common medication in this group is as(ilirin. salicyla! l!lllll; |
mvs1tardial Infarction or stroke | heparin llf . , . , . |
6. Which of the following is an anxiety disorder that can deVeiop following a terrifying event in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened | post-traumatic stress disorder |
7. What are the tiny gaps in the myelin sheath at which the action potential is relayed olong the neuron | node' of Ranvier |
931.ln the anatomical position, which of the following structures faces anteriorly | subscapular Iossa |
932. When massaging adductor longus and sartorius, what structures are to be avoided | Femoral triangle |
935. Which structure does not pass through an opening in the diaph,agm | trachea The trachea and. lungs are located completely above the diaphragm. |
9.36 What muscles o< the lee | Deltoid |
940. Accidentally hitting your "funny bone," would affect which nerve | Ulnar nerve |
94i. When massaging the anterior neck, what structure should be avoided | carotid artery |
945. All nerves which supply the lower leg are derived from which nerve | Femoral |
946. Which structure would most likely be damaged with a plantar flexion and inversion injury | peroneus longu 947. Which massage stroke may generalty be used between any of the other strokes |
area. What would be the best treatment | trigger point therapy |
949.Which hypertonic muscle might result in rotation of the ilium causing a functional short leg | The iliopsoas |
950. Torticolis effects what muscle | Sternocleidomastoid |
951. Which of the following muscles would be found in the hypothenar region | abductor digiti minimi |
952. Which are you never allowed to include in an advertisement | a guarantee of results 953. Knuckling along the erector spinae will facilitate |
954. When treating chronic swelling due to a dislocated knee, which technique is required on the thigh | Effleurage 955. What bone does the tongue attach to |
956. Which stroke is appropriate for massaging the SCM | Effleurage |
957. Which stroke moves tissue under the skin but not the skin directly | friction 958. Which of these muscles does not attach to ribs |
958a.Which scapula muscle inserts at the medial border of the scapula | Rhomboids |
960. Which joint allows for only flexion and extension | ginglymus l!X!;R |
961. Friction is indicated for which of the following conditions | chronic epicondylitis |
962. Friction at the lateral epicondyle of the humerus would affect which muscle | extensor carpi radialis brevis The extensor carpi radia'lis brevis is the muscle most involved with tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis). |
963. What type of joint is the glenohumeral | ball and socket |
964. If a person were "pigeon toed" what muscle would be affected | tensor fascia lata |
965. Which structure would most likely be sprained with an ankle plantar flexion and inversion injury | anterior talofibular ligament |
SE;E.V\lhat kind of inj1J!")' tom;nonly causes tetanus | 17.i.JX\. puncture |
967. What would the pulse and skin temperature be of someone who is in shock | rapid, weak pulse, cold and clammy skin |
968. Which is not a sign of dehydration | increased blood pressure |
969. If the head is laterally flexed to the left and rotated to the right, which muscle is tight | leftsternocleidomastoid 970 What muscle aids most in the elimination of fecal waste |
The diaphragm muscle is used when bearing down, which helps with defecation. 971. What circulates blood back to the heart from the extremities | skeletal muscle |
972. Which of these muscles crosses two joints and can act on both the elbow and the shoulder | biceps brachii |
975. What muscle opposes serratus anterior | RHOMBOID5 |
BS1. ;r | a muscle |
862. Which"of these is a proximal carpal | lunate |
863.\Nhich disease is a form of infectious inflammation | Osteomyelitis |
8&4. With which condition would you exercise the most caution | a client on blood-thinners 865.Who can share a percentage of your earnings from massage therapy |
869. Which muscle turns the palm towards the ceiling when the elbow is flexed | biceps brachii |
870. Which combination of massage strokes is best used to treat congestion in the respiratory system | percussion and |
871. Which is required by NYS law | registration renewal every three years |
872. Your client with low back pain is prone. What should be done first is she is complaining of pain in the low back area | place a pillow under her abdomen |
875.Which of the following is not a type of membrane | fibrous 876.Which nerve innervates !he diaphragm |
87S Which layer of the epidermis 1s closest to the stratum corneum | stratum lucidum |
881.Which of the following is part of the peripheral nervous system | C•anial nerve 882.The heel bone is also called the |
883.While working the superior angle of the scapula, your client feels pain. Which muscle is lnvolved | levator scapula |
884.Which muscle periorms abduction, flexion and lateral rotation | sartorius |
885.W hich part of the intestines is the longest | Ileum |
886. Your client recently suffered an extremely painful whiplash from an accident the day before. His neck is very stiff and sore. What should you do | refer to a physician and reschedule the massage |
887. Weal | serratus anterior A weak serratus anterior will cause winging of the scapula. |
888. Which of the following is an inappropriate treatment for migraines | heat packs to the head 889. Which is the principle type of movement used in tapotement |
890.Which organ is most efficient at regulating body temperature | Skin The skin contains sweat glands which help regulate temperature. |
892 Which strokes are most effective to achieve postural drainage | vibration and tapotement |
893. Which muscle performs both plantarilexion at the ankle and flexion at the knee | Gastrocnemius |
895. Which muscle is part of the ITS | tensor fascia latae |
896. With which condition will a patient have the bronchioles constricted with wheezing | asthma |
Polyphagia (frequent eating), polydipsia (frequent thirst) and polyuria (frequent urination) are signs of diabetes. 898. Which of the following contains oxygenated blood | left atrium |
899. What disease may result in weakness of the quadriceps and calf muscles, years after the original infection occurred | Polio |
900. Which is not a coxal joint | Tibiofemoral |
901. Which striated muscle in not attached proximally to bone | the heart Cardiac muscle, like skeletal muscle is striated. |
Swelling of the distal interphalangeal joints is called Heberden's nodes. They are a sign of osteoarthritis and are caused by formation of osteophytes (calcific spurs) of the articular Uoint) cartilage in response to repeated trauma at the joint. 904. Whi | 7 |
Cranial nerve VII is the facial nerve and is responsible for muscles of facial expression. 905. Poliomyelitis is related to which structure | lower motor neuron |
Since the lower motor neuron is affected, flaccidity is the result, which is what we see with polio. 906.Which type of joint is the shoulder joint | ball and socket |
Which type of joint is the most mobile | ball and socket |
907. Which of the following heart valves controls the flow of blood from the ventricle to the aorta | semiulnar Blood moves from the left ventricle to the aorta by passing through the aortic smilunar valve. |
908. Which mu;cle would be affected if the tibial nerve was d"magecf | e"trcco >nlus |
The tibial nerve scpp!ies the mucn intludes gastrocnemius, soles and tibialis posterior. 909 Whirh rnusde flexes the knee and laterally rotates the thigh | Sartorius |
914. Which condition is present when there is injury to the ulnar nerve at the elbow | inability to flex fingers 915. Protrusion of the stomach into the mediastinal cavity above the diaphragm is called |
917. Which statement is true regarding the treatment of chronic rheumatoid arthritis | friction around a joint shauld not be painful |
919. Which massage technique Is usually indicated for acute atrophic arthritis | massage is contraindicated 920. The connective tissue that covers the entire muscle is called |
8. · Lyme's disease, Still's disease and rheumatoid arthritis are considered what type of diseases | Automimmune |
9. Which of the following is an adductor | Gracilis |
10. Which bone is in direct contact with the tympanic membrane | Malleus l!iil' |
8. What system contains the cisterna chyli | Lymphatic |
10. The obturator nerve supplies which muscle group | ADDUCTOR The obturator nerve supplies the add.uctors of the hip/groin. |
11. When the head is flexed and extended, such as when saying yes and no, which muscle performs this movement | Sternocleldomastoid |
13. If the spinal cord was severed at the level of T3, what would be the result | Paraplegia ,If there is a serious injury to the spinal cord below the level of the brachiaIplexus {CS-Tl), the arms would be functional but both legs would be paralyzed. This is called paraplegia. |
14. Which muscle can perform plantarflexion and eversion of the ankle joint | PERONEOU LONGUS, The |
15. What bony landmark can not be palpated | occipital condyle |
What is the movement of gases from a higher to lower concentration called | DIFFUSION J!; |
What quadriceps muscle attaches to the anterior inferior iliac spine {AllS) of the pelvis | RECTUS FEMORIS |
3. What of the following is a non-inflammatory disease | osteoarthdtis With osteoarthritis, there is rarely |
s. Where would a hiatal hernia be found | umbilicus |
5. Which of the following is not insulated with myelin and therefore appears grey | THE CELL BODY, Cell bodies |
6. Which organelle is responsible for cellular energy production | mitochondria i |
6. Cutting the median nerve will result in the inability to do what | FLEX THE THUMB, The muscles of the thumb |
7. Dupuytren's contracture involves what strutt\Jre | palmar aponeurosis. Dupuytren's contracture is sometimes called "palmar fasciitis." . "" |
'" Wt>at is a bundle of mucle fibers called | Fascicle |
9. An "ape hand" deformity is due to damage to which nerve | MED.IAN |
10. Which stroke is best for tendinous attachments | FRICTION |
10. When applying effleurage strokes, how should pressure be ad!Tlll'listered throughout each stroke | EVENLY |
13. Which is not a type of friction | Pincement |
14. With which of the following conditions would a massage therapist have to use extreme caution when treating | impetigo, hematoma, phlebitis |
4. Where is deoxygenated blood found | The pulm.onary artery is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood. |
7. Which muscle best assists in both pronation and supination of the forearm | Brachioradialis |
injury | tilt the head back and lift the chin |
14. Which is not a common consequence with peripheral nerve lesions | SWOLLEN JOINTS |
15. Which of the following strokes is indicated to reduce swelling | Effleurage is the treatment of choice for swelling or edema. |
1. If a patient has unilateral fAcial paralysis, inability to shut one eye and a droopy corner of the mouth, which cranial nerve is damaged | FACIAL,These symptoms describe Bell's palsy, a lesion of cranial nerve VII. |
2. Which muscle can elevate the ribs to assist with inspiration | PECTORALIS MINOR, Pectoralis minor is an accessory muscle of breathing. It can lift up on the ribs to assist with inspiration when a patient is having trouble breathing. |
3. Which of the following best characterizes Parkinson's disease | fine tremors and rigidity |
4. Which of the following could result in tingling sensations in the hand | thoracic outlet syndrome |
5. Your client was referred by a physician with a herniated disc at -L2. She is having pain and stiffness in the lumbar area. Which of the following treatments is indicated | cross fiber friction on the iliolumbar ligaments, Light friction to the iliolumbar ligaments, in the area of LS, may provide some relief. |
6. Which of the following is a hip flexor | lliopsoas, Major hip flexors include psoas, rectus femoris and iliacus. |
7. Which of the following would be treated with the most caution | acute rheumatoid arthritis |
981.Which of the following is not a function of saliva | to initiate protein digestion |
984.What muscle is involved with the compression of the brachia! plexus | Scalenes 985. A patient giving you a history of their problem is considered to be |
986. The largest abundance of sweat glands are found under the scalp and in the neck | FALSE The bands and feet have the greatest concentration of sweat glands. |
muscle could be involved | levator scapula |
988. Which is a function of the epithelial tissue | Ecretion,protection,absorption, all are correct 989. Weakness of which muscle causes "drop foot |
9SO With the exception of Buerger's disease, what is the best approach with vascular occlusive disease | NO MASSAGE |
994. Which patient would most benefit from deep friction | fibrosing,nkylosis |
Where does Guyon's canal syndrome occur | WRIST |
997. Which is not one of the four principal tissue types | BONE TISSUE |
998. Which is true of massage for Pott's disease | it is contraindicated in the acute phase |
2. This condition is also called rider's strain, as you might develop this after riding a horse | It involves a strain of the groin muscles. adductor tendonltis |
4. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system are subdivisions of which system | Autonomic |
5. Which muscle attaches to the tuberosity of the tibia | RECTUS FEMORIS, All four quadriceps muscles Insert into the tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament. |
7. Which pairing of nerve and organ innervation is incorrect | abducens nerve - facial muscles The abducens nerve Innervates the eye but not the facial muscles. |
9. What structure Is not found in the popliteal Iossa | deep peroneal nerve |
10. Which of the following bones is characterized by the presence of a diaphysis. an epiphysis, articular cartilage and a medullary cavity | TIBIA |
2. What muscle is a main postural muscle | TRAPEZIUS |
palmaris longus | |
The p'>lmaris longus tendon can be seen running down the center of the wrist into the hand, when the wrist if flexed. 5.Which can a massage therapist use In their practice | Goniometer |
6. Which of the following muscles does not flex the elbow joint | Anconeus |
7. Which muscles make up the medial and lateral borders of the cubital Iossa | brachioradialis and pronator teres The cubltal Iossa is the triangular area on the anterior view of the elbow. Its superior boundary is an imaginary |
8. Injury to the medial elbow would involve which nerve | ULNAR |
l. The rhomboid muscles perform what action | retraction and downward rotation |
2. At what joint does the axial skeleton articulate with the apperidicular skeleton | Sternoclavicular |
10. Which would be the least effective muscle to address for plantar fasciitis | biceps femoris |
11. Which muscle originates on the iliac crest, inserts into the IT band and performs flexion and abduction | TFL |
12. Which muscle would be effected if the superficial peroneal·nerve were damaged | PERONEOUS LONGUS |
13. Your client cannot fully extend is knee. Which muscle, if chronically contracted may be inhibiting his ability to extend the knee | 5emimembranosis, The hamstring muscles flex the knee. If they are extremely tight, they may limit knee extension. |
1. Which of the following are organs of the integumentary system | SKIN,HAIR ANO NAILS |
3. Which muscle does not perform flexion | vastus lateralis Vastus laterals is a quadriceps muscle that performs |
does it primarily affect | the vertebral column |
12. Which of the following is not a gland of the endocrine system | Sebaceous |
15. What muscle is involved in the compression of the brachial plexus | SCALENE |
16. What muscles should be released in thoracic outlet syndrome | SCAELEN ANO PEC MINOR 17. Which tissue is avascular and lacks nerve endings |
18. The posterior pituitary gland secretes what to regulate fluid and electrolytes | ADH, ADH is antidiuretic hormone.l151]1 |
19. Which stroke would be best to find subepidermal adhesions | SKIN ROLLING |
20. What should never be in a massage therapist's advertisement | pictures of the undraped human form.unsubstantiated claims,a guarantee of treatment results.all are correct |
4. Which type of fracture is found in the ankle | Pott's fracture is also called Oupuytren's fracture. |
6. Which of the following may result in suspension or revocation of your NYS massage therapy license | being convicted of a felony |
7. In treating kyphosis. which muscle or muscles should be relaxed and stretched | pectoralis major, With |
8. Your client is experiencing pain, numbness and occasional tingling in their thigh and calf. Whith of the following would most likely be the cause of their symptoms | a chronically tightened piriformis, A tight piriformis may compress the sciatic nerve. |
9. Which of the following may be a sign of a systemic disorder | pain and swelling in both ankles 10. Friction is the best technique for |
11. Which of the following spinal areas has the least amount of movement | TS-T8, Because the ribs stabilize the |
14. Which of the quadriceps muscles crosses two joints | RECTUS Fi |
15. What would prevent extension of the cervical spine | used cervical vertebrae,tight SCM muscles,tight |
1. What structure is located between the small and large intestine | ileocecal valve @lli!\ilj , @llll.illli |
2. Your client complains of a muscle cramp in her gastrocnemius. Which would be best to reduce the cramp | a reciprocal inhibition stretching technique, A reciprocal inhibition technique would inhibit the cramped muscle and theoretically cause it to relax. |
5. A patient gets cool lying on a massage table due which of the following effects of massage | Vasodilation Heat is lost from the b.ody due to vasodilation. |
7. Which muscle is not part of the abdominal muscle group | Multifidi, The acronym "REIT" lists the muscles of the abdomen |
1. Which of the following would you find in a client undergoing menopause | HOT FLASHES |
2. What are the bones that make up the ox coxae | ilium, pubis, ischium, The os coxae, made up of the ilium, ischium and pubis, is also called the innominate bone. |
3. How would you treat a patient with venostasis but without obstruction | [llvilllnil111st!llsisj DJ!!! |
9. Which bone is not one of the three divisions of the sternum | olecranon process, The body, also called the |
5. What gland is located directly in front of the ear | PAROTOID |
6. Which of these muscles would be involved with compression of the brachia! plexus | SCALENE |
7. Which structures carry impulses toward the brain | afferent nerves, Impulses are incoming and sensory. Efferent impulses are outgoing and motor. |
8. A client has pain from the medial epkondyle to the proximal radius. What muscle is involved | PRONATOR TERES |
9. Pain in the lateral clavicle would refer to what joint | Acromioclavicular |
10. Where is the hormone epinephrine '/ | t J |
1. Paresthesia or numbness running into the fourth and fifth fingers involves what nerve | Ulnar |
3. Which of the following may be legally stated in your advertising brochure | that massage therapy benefits health |
5. What specialized nerve ending is designed to detect the amount of tension placed on a muscle | golgi tendon organ, The muscle spindles are located near the belly of the muscle and sense stretch. The golgi tendon organs are found in tendons and detect tension. |
6. What muscle is deep to the gastrocnemius and is associated with strong plantarflexion of the foot | Soleus |
8. How should a patient be positioned when treating excess mucus in the lungs. as found with cystic fibrosis and bronchioestasis | head lower than the torsoHaving the feet and torso higher than the head helps drain mucus while percussion is performed. |
9. What happens during nerve depolarization | sodium ions rush in |
10. When a patient has a gran ma! seizure during your massage, you should | allow them unrestrained |
1. If you contract tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior together, what would be the action | inversion Since both muscles invert the foot, inversion would be the result if both muscles contracted together. |
2. What blood vessel carries oxygenated blood to the liver | hepatic artery, Two blood vessels enter the liver; the hepatic artery carrying oxygen and the portalvein carrying deoxygenated blood from the digestive organs. |
3. For a licensed massage therapist, which action is not considered professional misconduct | practicing |
5. What is the origin of the rectus femoris muscle | 'anterior inferior illiac spine |
6. Which of the following is not part of the distal row of the carpals | triquetrum . |
7. Where are erythrocytes formed | red bone marrow, Erythrocytes (red blood cells) are formed inside bone |
into the fingers and possibly reduce the force and strength of the radial pulse | thoracic outlet syndrome |
3. In reflexology, where would the large intestine be found | IN BOTH FEET ' |
4. The nerve impulse is sent to the cell body from which of the following | dendrite tJHil |
11. What is the best stroke for directly working over the splne | SKIN ROLLING, Skin rolling can be done over the spine to lift and grasp the skin and subcutaneous tissue. |
8. What muscle is used when the head is rotated to the left and tilted to the right | right SCM, The SCM muscle tilts the nead to the same (lpsilateral) side and rotates it to the opposite (contralateral) side. |
10. Where should massage be applied to first when treating a patient with edema of the elbow joint | THE ARM |
1. What other artery, besides the radial, enters the hand at the wrist | ULNAR |
4. What muscle group is directly affected by patellar tendonitis | O' |
5. !f you discover someone illegally practicing massage, who shml d you report thi'to | Office of Professional Discipline |
6. Which is the most common type of vascular headache | Migraine |
If friction is applied too deeply, what would be the response of the medulla | respirations would decrease, |
What happens during the refractory period of nerve impulse transmlssion | NO IMPULSE, The refractory • period is the time during which no impulses can be conducted because the nerve needs to restore Its polarized state before it can propagate an impulse again. |
Which of the following is an infectious skin disease | IMPETIGO i!&!§ |
With an acute lateral ankle strain, what structure is involved | peroneus longus, With a lateral ankle injury, the anterior talofibular ligament and peroneus longus muscles may be damaged. Since this question mentions a "sprain," the peroneus muscle would be the best answer. |
Which of the following Is the most highly Individualized for each person | CONNECTIVE TISSUE |
What muscle would be overstretched when a client has an anterior pelvic tilt and hyperlordosis | rectus abdominis ' |
8. Which strokes milk the muscle of accumulated waste products due to excessive exercise | Petrissage |
11. If the client has sciatic nerve damage, what action would he have trouble with | PlANTAFLEXION OF THE FOOT |
12 When bleeding occurs, which component hastens the repair of the vessel wall | Platelets |
14. For which condition is the application of ice within the first 24 hours contraindicated | intercostal neuralgia 15. Which set of conditions would be contraindicated for massage |
1. Which condition causes severe lightning-like pain in the face that comes in short bursts | Episodes may last for hours and then subside for weeks or months. Tic doloreux is also called trigeminal neuralgia. |
lO. Massage Is said to stimulate what part of the nervous system | Parasympathetic |
1. Which combination of massage techniques is best suited to relieve edema | effleurage and kneading |
2. Which nerve supplies the hamstring muscle group | SCATICA |
3. A carpenter comes to your office with pain at the coronoid process of his right ulna from hammering all day. What muscle is involved | Brachialis, The brachialis is an elbow flexor and inserts into the coronoid process of the ulna. If the pain was at the olecranon process, triceps brachia would be the involved muscle. |
4. Which should you do If you witness someone collapse and no other bystanders are available to help | check |
5. The pituitary is housed in what bony area | sella turcica,l!lli The sella turcica, an anatomical landmark of the sphenold bone, protects the pituitary gland. |
6. With the client prone and the posterior aspect of the leg up, how should the foot be positioned | SUPPORTED |
7. Which travels through the ventral root of the spinal cord | MOTOR NEURON |
8. What is not an effect of contrast baths | marked decrease of blood flow locally and reflexively |
,;. Which of the following muscles inserts under the chin | Platysma, The platysma muscle runs from the |
1.What is produced as a result of anaerobic cellular respiration | lactic acid, When glucose is used to make energy (ATP), this is called anaerobic metabolism and lactic acid is produced. |
2. Which of the following is not a result of exercise | increase in the number of muscle fibers |
3. What is the best treatment for a person with a skin ulcer | effleurage working from the periphery inward |
4. Which is the best stroke to increase circulation for flaccid paralysis | Effleurage |
5. What is at the lateral end of the spine of the scapula | ACROMION |
6. Which massage maneuver is used when tapping a large area of the body | PERCUSSION |
7. What type of treatment is applied for a calf spasm | dorsiflexion with resistance, Having the patient dorsiflex will create reciprocal inhibition and may cause the gastrocnemius spasm to lessen. |
8. If a person comes in saying that she sprained her ankle yesterday, what would you recommend for home care | elevate and ice every 30 minutes |
9. What is the best stroke to soften scar tissue | FRICTION |
10. for how long should a massage therapist wash their hands | 20SECONDS., The CDC recommends hand washing for 20 seconds. |
3. The long head of the triceps originates between these two muscles | TERES MAJOR AND MINOR |
6. What is the best way to massage facial paralysis | FROM CHIN UPWARDS |
7. Which of the following is not indicated as a form of treatment for an acute sprain or strain | fomentation '!A |
I! Which of the following is not a form of tapotement | ROLLING |
9. A client has limited shoulder =>bductlon. 1.Vhich muscle can restrict the action | PECTORAUS MAJOR |
1. Which type of joint is found between the articulating surfaces of vertebrae | GLIDING, The facet joints that connect vertebrae are flat and are, therefore gliding joints. |
4. Which is most beneficial for a patient with osteoporosis | weight-bearing exercise, Weight-bearing exercises are indicated to counteract or prevent osteoporosis. AROM and PROM represent active range of motion and passive range of motion exercise. |
6. Which is the best stroke for chronic congestion | percussion with vibration |
9. Which is not a compression technique | Tapotement |
10. Which of the following is not an effect of massage | breaks up and reduces cellulite |
12. Which part of the therapist's body is used the least when giving a massage | ELBOW 13.·Which is not a compression technique |
14. With which condition will a patient have the bronchioles constricted with wheezing | ASTHMA |
15. Which of the following conditions are contraindicated | abnormal lumps,acute inflammation,acute fever, |
1. Which of the strokes given below should be used on a person with neuralgia that cannot tolerate effleurage | vibration and nerve tapping |
2. Which is a contraindication for a hot. full immersion bath | cardiovascular disease, Heart disease and |
5. Which of the following is not a form of tapotement | ROLLING |
6. Which of the following does not describe effleurage | deep tissue work |
7. Which type of cartilage is a precursor to endochondral bone | hyaline )!a.Jl |
10, Which of the following would be least appropriate when treating myasthenia gravis | active exercise, Myasthenia gravis !!l.liEIJJ1.7f;JJ is characterized by significant muscle weakness. Active exercise would not be beneficial when the disease is active. |
2. Peripheral neuropathy and decreased arterial circulation in the extremities is associated with which degenerative disease | Diabetes |
3. What would be a negative complication of massaging a person with thrombophlebitis | creating an embolism |
4. Which of the following muscles attaches to the acromion process of th scapula | DELTOID |
S. With chronic swelling of the patella, what should be done | effleurage proximal to the knee |
7. What best describes the technique of Rolling | structural integration |
10. Which tissue is avascular | CARTILAGE |
3. How is subdeltoid bursitis treated | with heat and exercise if it is subacute or chronic |
6. A cluster headache belongs to which category | Vascular, Cluster headache, also known as histamine headache, is a form of neurovascular headache. |
9. Which two components are responsible for the hardness and pliability of bone | mineralized salts and |
2. Which of theses muscles receives innervation from a cranial nerve | Trapezius, Trapezius is innervated by cranial nerve XI, the spinal accessory nerve. |
4. Which of the following muscles can extend and laterally rotate the humerus | DELTOI D |
s. A march fracture is a hairline stress fracture of what bone | 5th metatarsal ,A march fracture, also known as |
6. Whkh of the following muscles can extend the elbow | triceps brachii |
7. What nerve causes numbness to the face | Trigeminal, The trigeminal nerve supplies sensation to the face while the facial nerve controls movement of the facial muscles. |
8. With chronic swelling of the patella, what should be done | effleurage proximal to the knee |
9. Which of these muscles does not cross two joints | Brachioradialis . |
l. Which of the following is a muscle of mastication | TEMPORALIS, The muscles of mastication (chewing} include the TMJ muscles |
z. The cribrifo rm plate is a specialiied portion of which bone | ethmoid bone, Olfactory nerves pass through |
3. Which of the following muscles is not found in the "anatomical snuff box" region | extensor digiti minimi, The a natomical snuffbox is a triangular deepening on the radial, dorsal aspect of the hand at the level of the carpal bones. specifically, the scaphoid and trapeiium bones forming the floor. The name originates from the use of th |
4. I n pronation and supination, what joints are affected both proximally and distally | radioulnar |
s. An agonist is working against. the antagonist. Which is the besr description for a synergist | works with the agonist to do the same action |
6. A client is lying on the table complaining of pain in her right leg. You und rape it and discover that the leg is red, swollen and hot. What would be the best thing for you to do next | stop massage and refer to a specialist |
7. If quadratus lumborum (QL) is tight bilaterally, which muscle would not be a ppropriate to stretch | rectus |
8. What best describes the client's input on an intake form | SUBJECTIVE |
9. You have a new client that is a sufferer of Type 1diabetes. What do you have to look out for | general integrity of the skin, Diabetics may have decreased sensation in the extremities due to poor circulation. Look for cuts or bruises on their skin in order to prevent them from worsening. |
10. Your client has asthma with congestion and upper back pain, what techniques would be most appropriate | friction and tapotement |
11. Which best describes the direction of effleurage | centripetal (EJ1t.'0'1 |
12. If a person has a stroke, which of the following will likely occur | Hemiplegia |
13. What stroke would be best to find sub-epidermal adhesions | ROLLING |
14. Your client is sixty-four and on Coumadin. To avoid bruising what should you avoid | deep petrissage, coumadin is a blood-thinner which may interfere with clotting. |
15. Which is the most easily palpated tissue | scar tissue |
2. Which circular muscle leads from the stomach into the duodenum | pyloric sphincter lilllflf.H<.JH11., The |
3. For which condition would having your client in a seated position be best | severe back pain. If a client is in too much pain to lie down, chair massage may be an option. |
4. In an athlete with an Injured gracilis muscle, which would be the best exercise to strengthen it | squeeze a pillow between the knees, Any resisted abduction will strengthen the adductor muscles. Squeezing a pillow between the knees does abduct the hips/groin. |
s. A client develops bruises while you are massaging them. What should you do | stop massage and refer to an |
8. What would be the goal in treating a patient with a skin graft with finger kneading | loosen the graft |
10. What do you do if a client has 3 large moles on their back | massage above and below and mention them to the client |
l. What cells differentiate into plasma cells producing.antibodies | B-cell lymphqcytes |
2. What tissues does friction primarily effect | deep tissue underlying superficial tissue |
3. A first time client has diabetes mellitus. Which would you do | give full body |
4. To evaluate the ROM of a j would you do | PROM, POM_is passive irufJful to evlu.ate range of range of moti |
3. What would be a benefit of vibration applies to the abdomen | invigorate nerves |
4. Which is true regarding the golgi complex | it sorts, packages and delivers proteins, Th e Golgi com plex or Golgi apparatus is responsible for manufacturing, warehousing and shipping certain cellular products, particularly those from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The Golgi complex modifies many |
6. What carpal bone would be felt on the medial side of the wrist crease | pisiform liii!' |
7. What are tl'e bumps on either side of the ankle called | Malleoli |
8. What area contains the least amount of lymph nodes | CRANIAL |
9. Which \issue is the most plentiful in the body | CONNECTIVE, Connective tissue also includes bone, blood and fat (adipose |
10. You wake up in the morning with a sore throat. Your client has a low immunity level. What should you do | call the |
13. What muscle performs medial rotation of the humerus | Subscapularis |
14. What is the antagonist to serratus anterior | Rhomboids,Serratus anterior protracts the scapula and the rhomboids |
Which is in the proximal row of carpals | scaphoid l!Hflli. be proximal row of carpals contains the sca phoid (navicull') |
Which stroke is the best treatment for facial paralysis | stroking up from chin to cheekbones What should you avoid the first time you treat a client with fibromyalgia |
What is the current protocol for the treatment of cancer | massage with caution |
What is a myoma | a tumor of muscle tissue |
16. If there is restricted shoulder abduction due tn a tight muscle, what muscle is tight | Latissimus 17. When is a person with HIV considered disabled |
19. Which of the following are sensitive to deep pressure | Meissner corpuscle |
20. What organ detoxifies | Jiver |
1. Which disease is characteri>.ed by resting tremors and a mask-like face | Parkinson's |
3. Which of the following valves separates the large and small intestines | lliocecal |
6. A 25 year old female with tennis elbow comes to you. What else besides massage can help her | Cryotherapy |
7. What structure prevents food from going down the trachea when eating | epiglottis ! |
8. If there is pain with active movement but not with passive movement, what does this probably indicate | muscle/tendon issue |
9. Which tissue is vascular and has no nerve endings | Adipose |
10. Which of the following attaches to the medial scapula | Rhomboid 11. The basic building blocks of proteins are |
12. Which is not an inflammation-based illness | Osteoarthritis |
16. What joint is a hinge joint | Knee |
18. With active stretching, asking the patient to contract the antagonist muscle in order to effect a further stretch is an example of what principle | reciprocal inhibition |
6. Which type of receptor measures the amount a muscle is stretched | muscle spindle |
8. Which muscle Ehes to both the medial eplcondyle and the proximal radius | pronatorteres |
9. Which glands produce hormones that effect calcium storage in the body | thyroid and parathyroid 10. What is the bumpy bone that you can feel at the back of the elbow |
11. When standing. what has the greatest effect in causing the venous system to flow properly, considering the effects of gravity | valves |
12. Which disease is characteri2ed by the loss of the elastic recoil of the lung tissue due to cigarette smoking | Emphysema 13.. Movement, maintaining posture, creating heat and maintaining organ volume are all functions of the |
14. What passes through the intervertebral foramina of the thoracic vertebrae | spinal nerves |
15. When you give rescue breaths, how much air should you blow into the victim | enough to make the chest rise gently |
17. what actit·dpes th illary',nerv -e'rform | abductio"r( -iirY.,nere Su,ppl,les |
18. Which carpal is palpated at the medial end of the wrist orease | Pisiform |
a "core | acne vulgaris['aeknllMllllllgerisJ {}'ii'l11Hl!i |
20. What should be avoided in a client with a migraine headache | Tapotement |
4. Which muscle attaches to both the medial epicondyle and the proximal radius | pronatorteres |
5. When pronating the forearm, what happens | the radial head pivots in the radial notch, During pronation and supination. the only bone that moves is the radius. |
6. Which gland is the "master gland | pituitary 1!¢.Bll |
&. Which of the following is a predisposing factor of disease | nutrition/diet |
,. If you had damage to the obturator nerve, which motion would you have trouble performing | Adduction, The obturator nerve supplies the adductors of the hip joint. |
9. Facial paralysis is due to a lesion in which cranial nerve | Facial |
10. Which of the following fractures occurs when a bone protrudes through open skin | compound fracture |
11. A woman experiences pain while on a treadmill with an 8 degree incline. Which muscle is affected | gluteusmaximus, The gluteus maximus is a powerful extensor of the hip joint. A treadmill set at an 8 degree incline is like climbing a hill, and the gluteus maximus will be needed. |
12. If the adrenal cortex is producing too much cortisol because of hypersecretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone {ACTH), which of the following conditions will develop | Cushing's disease |
13. What is the medical name for surgical removal of the uterus | hysterectomy 71!.'Wl!ll\. ( |
14. w;_;,"vi ci.e"ro11ow1ng w·;I most likely develop if a person lies in bed without shifting or moving and experiences prolonged pressure over bony prominences | decubitus ulcers Wltti |
15. Peripheral neuropathy and decreased arterial circulation in the extremities is associated with which degenerative disease | Diabetes |
16. Which of the following conditions is characterized by pain in the chest that radiates down the left arm | angina pectoris |
breast milk | passive, naturally acquired immunity |
3. A staggering gait, slurred speech and poor coordination are associated with which part of the brain | Cerebellum |
4. What is a good treatment for a woman with a history of lymphedema | manual lymph drainage |
6. If a person complains of lightning-like pain into the pinky after hitting their inner elbow, which nerve is irritated | Ulnar, The nerve that supplies the medial forearm Is the ulnar nerve. It is sometimes referred to as the "funny bone," which isn1t a nerve at alt What nerve! |
7. Which of the following terms is used to describe a condition that is intense, has a sudden onset, and is of short duration | Acute |
10. Which of the following muscles might need to be considered in assessment of chondromalacia patella | rectusfemoris,Chondromalacia is often due to weakness of the vastusmedialis muscle. Of the choices given, rectus femoris. another quadriceps muscle, is the best choice. |
12. Warts tit are benign neoplasms that are due to infection by which contagious organism | Virus |
16. Which muscle is most responsible for impingement of the brachia! plexus | upper trapezius |
18. A patient is experiencing numbness at the wrist. Other than carpal tunnel syndrome, what other structure might be Involved | brachia! plexus |
19. f-lypertonicity of which muscle can put excess pressure on the sciatic nerve resulting in pain or numbness radiating down the posterior thigh and leg | Piriformis |
1. Warts are benign neoplasms that are due to infection by which contagious organism | Virus |
3. A client with a medical history of diabetesis sweating and talking Incoherently. What would you encourage them to drink | Orange juice |
10. Which disease is characterized by resting tremors and a mask-like face | Parkinson's |
11. What is a type of medication widely used to decrease pain and reduce inflammation | NSAIDS are non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs. |
17. How many pairs of nerves are in the sacral plexus | 5,The sacral plexus is formed by the lumbosacral trunk (L4 and LS), the a nterior division of Sl, and portions of the 52 and 53 nerves. |
21. Which is part of the central nervous system | Cerebellum, The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The cerebellum is part of the brain. |
3. How many pairs of spinal nerves are in the body | 3lpairs |
S. Where does the cerebrospinal ti!i'i!fllli\l fluid originate | choroid plexus M |
10. During the repolarization phase of an action potential. which of the following is the primary activity | potassium ions are flowing out of the cell, Potassium ions have the greatest effect on the charge of the neuron. |
12. Which of the meninges is in contact with the brain and spinal cord | Pia mater,Thepia mater is the innermost layer of the meninges and is in contact with the brain and spinal cord. |
14. How many pairs of cranial nerves are in the body | 12 |
19. During the depolarization phase of an action potential, which of the following situations exists | the inside of the membrane is becoming more positive with respect to the outside, .The inside of a nerve cell has a charge of·70mV when resting. When depolarization occurs, sodium rushes into the cell and make it more positive. |
21. Accidentally hitting your "funny bone," would affect which nerve | Ulnar |
1. What nerve is affected by pressure into the axilla from hanging the arm over a chair or from pressure when using crutches | Radial |
2. Which happens with stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system | pupils dilate |
4. Which part of the brain regulates temperature and thirst | hypothalamus .lift!!l |
5. Damage to which cranial nerve would result in drooping of the outer lip | Facial |
6. Paraplegic paralysis affects what area of the body | lower torso mi 'f |
7. Which part of the brain is the relay station for all sensations except smell | thalamus .liHN |
10. Which proprioceptor, when stimulated by tension, causes a lengthening of it's associated muscle | golgi tendon organ |
12. Injury to the medial elbow would affect which nerve | Ulnar |
17. What does median nerve damage result in | inability to flex fingers |
18. Where does the cerebrospinal fluid circulate | subrachnoid spaces 11.lJ lilt"Ffi'g suba rachnoid 19. The part of the brain controlling the "vital functions" is the |
20. What causes sweating | sympatheic nerve impulses |
21. Which lobe of the brain contains the optic center | occipital |
23. Which is part of the autonomic nervous system | sympathetic ganglion |
2. What nerve supplies the hamstrings | Sciatic |
3. What type of neurons conduct impulses from the central nervous system to visceral effectors | autonomic motor |
4. Where do all nerves which supply the lower leg derive from | lumbosacral plexus |
19. Which of the following is not true regarding cerebrospinal fluid | it acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain |
W1iich is tr1e regarding the local effect of cold therapy | Vasoconstriction |
Which o! the following would give long-term benefits to a client with osteoporosis | active exercise Which r;nuscles can be found at the vertebral border of the scapula |
;t, '-'Yat are the bony prominences found when palpating down the center of the spine | spinous processes |
s. Which muscles are innervated by the axillary nerve | deltoid and teres minor |
6. With act've stretching, asking the patient to contract the antagonist muscle to effect a further stretch is an example of what principle | reciprocal inhibition |
8. What would active resisted exercise be indicated for | muscle strengthening |
3. If the hamstring muscles are contracted, what action can you not perform | extenstion |
10. Your client has pain with resisted abduction of the shoulder. Which muscle may be injured | , supraspinatus 11, Which gland shrinks in size as we age |
12. During the session, your whiplash client experiences sharp shooting pain bilaterally in their arms. What should you do | refer the client back to the physician |
13. Which is considered a form of massage therapy by NY state | rolfing |
14. What is the insertion for the peroneus longus muscle | 1st cuneiform and 1st metatarsal 15. U |
16. Where are nephrons located | kidney |
17. Which nerve is affected with carpal tunnel syndrome | median |
18. Which of the following signifies a temporary deficiency of blood to a cell ortissue | ,ischemia !illlfn,'ta |
19. Which bone is part of the appendicular skeleton | Humerus, The appendicular skeleton consists of the extremity bones and the pectoral (scapula and 'clavicle) and pelvic girdles. |
3. Which of the following would be treated with the most c;;ution | acute rheumatoid arthritis |
4. The brachia! plexus is directly affected by which of the following pathologies | thoracic outlet syndrome • !.c |
S. What accounts for a client feeling cool during a massage | massage increases vasodilatation - 'l |
6. Which kind of bones are found in the phalanges of the feet | Long bone,Any bone with the length greater then its width , |
find | spasm in the pterygoid muscles |
9. Where is the center of motor control located | The cerebellum controls posture, balance and muscular coordination. |
17. After the stomach, where does the digested food move | Duodenum |
18. How is massage beneficial to a client with hemophilia Jin!it | decreases stress and promotes relaxation 19. Where does blood go after it leaves the digestive organs |
20. Achilles tendonitis would directly affect which of the following muscles | Gastrocnemius |
1. Which part of the vertebral column is most flexible | CERVICAL |
2. What is the process by which white blood cells are manufactured | Leukopoeisis |
3. What is the upper attachment of rectus femoris | anterior inferior iliac crest |
4. What is an abnormal shortening of a muscle called | CONTRACTURE |
5. What vertebrae are most affected from excess kyphosis | Thoracic |
6. Which muscles would you address to assess the patella tendon | vastusmedialis and lateralis |
7. Where is the flexor pollicisbrevis muscle located | HAND |
8. An eighty year old man is referred for massage. He has a severe kyphosis, lower back pain and uses hearing aids in both ears. What other medical condition would he most likely be suffering from | osteoporosis '\!I' Jlll |
9. Which is not a sign of dehydration | increased saliva flow |
12. What substance initiates the sliding filament mechanism | CALCIUM |
13. What nerve innervates tibialisposterior | TIBIA The muscles of the calf region are innervated by the'tibial nerve, 14. What are pain receptors called |
15. What type of material are the intervertebral discs made of | fibrocartilage fibrocartilage !f $X'lil' |
13. What muscle runs mainly under the chin | digastric =ll!!IDL ""'F ljjjli'\i ltf'l;'I |
20. What landmark is found on the posterior femur | lineaaspera, The lineaaspera is the "rough line" on the posteri6r surface o |
1. In the lymphatic system, the thoracic duct empties its contents at what location of the venous nervous system | leftsubclavian vein The thoracic duct drains the entire left side of the body as well as the right lower extremity and |
11. In a client with a fractured scaphoid bone, where is the injury located | proximal row of carpals 12. Where should one massage when treating Dupytren's contracture |
13. If a client presents with an anterior pelvic tilt, what muscle is overly tight | psoas |
14. If the client experiences pain on resisted flexion of the knee, what muscle may be torn | Semimembranosis |
I j 2. The deltoid muscle is innervated by which nerve | axillary,The deltoid and teres minor muscles are innervated by the axillzrv nerve. |
1. What nerve can be irritated by excess friction applied to the posterior knee region | TIBIAL |
4. To evaluate the active range of motion of a joint, what would you have the client do | perform the motion |
15. Which of the following are the receptors for light touch | Meissner's corpuscles, For the most part, light touch is detected ' |
16. Which muscle is not an adductor | biceps brachii |
6. Which of the following muscles are flexors | psoas, rectus femoris, rectus abdominus |
_63...W;; musclei thelngest musr;!e inthe body | Sartorius |
64. When slowly sitting down in a chair. how are muscles being worked | quadriceps, eccentrically |
65. What is the largest muscle in the body | gluteus maxirnus |
66. Which muscle is not a part of the shoulder girdle group | Brachioradialis |
67. Which muscle is also known as the "hip hiker | quadratus lumborum |
68. The tibialis anterior performs what action(s) | inversion and dorsiflexion The tibialis anterior muscle is best stretched by |
69. Which muscle is used when whistling | Buccinators |
Which muscle is contracted when you open your eyes (elevate the upper eyelid) | levator palpebrae superiorls |
Sa.Which of the following tests could be used to assess for the strength of the | |
76. Which muscle is attached to (inserts on) the corners of the mouth | Risorius |
78. The adductor longus originates on which bone | anterior pubic bone |
What kind of contraction results in tension without any movement | isometric |
83. Which muscle depresses the ribs | internal intercostals |
86. The word | ancillary |
93. The stomach meridian is located between which pair of muscles | rectus femoris and vastus lateralis |
94. Where does the kidney meridian originate | plantar surface of the foot |
%. Which meridian has a point on the medial big toe | spleen |
97. Where does the superficial aspect of the lung meridian begin | Pee major |
98. What are tsubos | Acupoints |
102. To treat a client with low back pain and swelling in the lower leg, which channel would you treat | Bladder and kidney |
105. The gall bladder meridian is found on what plane | Carnal |
106. Applying pressure on the lung meridian releases energy in which muscle | Soleus 107.Which meridian is lateral to the midsagittal line of the cervical vertebrae |
110. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, which of the following considered a Yin (Zang) organ | Heart |
111. Massage on which part of the body would most likely affect the kidney meridian | posterior to medial malleolus |
.112. Which meridian rules circulation | Pericardium 113. Yin meridians are considered |
114. If a client complains of dry eyes and blurry vision, what meridian is out of baiance | Liver |
115. Which meridian is least associated with elimination | stomach |
116. Which meridian has a point on the ulnar side of the ring finger | Triple warmer 117. How many yin meridians end on the bottom of the foot |
118. Which meridian is on the most medial aspect of the chest | Kidney |
119. First and last points of which meridian are on the hand and face | gall bladder |
120. Where are the first and last points on the bladder meridian located | Head and foot |
121. Whichword best describes yin energy | Contraction |
123. Heavy tapotement is done on which type of muscles | Striated Sl eletal muscle is striated muscle. |
1 | 4. The primary effect of increasing venous drainage is to |
129,. What can cause rickets flil{ll!(pj in children | lack of Vitamin D |
Athlete | s foot is called tinea pedis. |
151. Which skin condition is contagious | i mpetigo Jlt.j§jjij |
158.Which of the following is contagious and is a contraindication for massage | scabies 11f flt ; 11f !M |
160. In which burn classification are the skin and subcutaneous tissues destroyed | Third |
161. Which extensor inserts into the 3rd metacarpal bone of the hand | extensor carpi radialis brevis 162. Which extensor muscle inserts into 4 phalanges |
163. Which muscle adducts, medially rotates and extends the shoulder joint | Teres major |
Which of the following muscles does not medially (internally) rotate the shoulder joint | pectoralis minor The pectoralis minor does not,aach to the umerus, and therefore, cannot rotate it. |
164. Which condition is present in a right hemiplegic with an inverted foot | Spasticity |
165. Which condition presents when thenfis an injury of the ulnar nerve at the elbow | Flaccidity 166. In alcoholic neuritis, the deficiency of what vitamin plays a key role |
1.n alcoholic neuritis, the deficiency of which vitamin seems to play an important role | thiamine !tBl |
167. Parkinson's disease characteristically has what symptoms | fine tremors and muscular rigidity |
168. If the client experiences pain on resisted flexion of the knee, what muscle may be involved | Semimembranosus |
which system | autonomic |
173. What stroke would be most effective when working on the brachioradialis muscle's insertion at the styloid process | Friction |
175. Which is an example of a fungal infection | athlete's foot |
the main flexors of the phalanges are flexor digitorum superficial is and flexor digitorum profundus. 177. With sub-deltoid bursitis, which movement of the shoulder would be the most painful | Abduction 178. Achilles tendonitis involves which of the following muscles |
The gastrocnemius, soleus' and plantaris all merge into the achilles tendon. 179. Which muscle adducts the femur at the hip joint | quadratus femoris |
180. Tightness and shortening of which muscle could cause an anterior pelvic tilt | psoas 181.What is an exaggerated lumbar curve called |
A hyperlordosis almost always coexists with an anterior pelvic tilt. 182. Which is not a form of tapoteme t | Rolling |
183. Lymph from which body region does not drain through inguinal nodes | Lumbar area |
,The lumbar area is above the inguinal nodes, therefore it does not drain into it. l 184. Which connective tissue tumor is malignant | Sarcoma |
' 185. Which muscle adducts, medially rotates and extends the shoulder joint | Teres major |
·\ 186. Which nerve fibers are affected in trigeminal nerve neuralgia | motor fibers to the TMJ muscles and sensory fibers to |
187. Wh•t emotion does wood represent | Anger |
llss. Blood cells are produced in what tissue | Cancellous fl'&11l' |
i9o.What is the upper attachment of rectus femoris | anterior inferior iliac spine |
What is the origin of the rectus femoris muscle | the AllS |
191. To whom do you report the illegal massage practice | Office of Professional Discipline |
192. What is name given to the muscle contraction that maintains the body's normal posture | tonus |
194. Wh t Is the best stroke for massaging the intercostal muscles | Friction |
195. Which muscle does not cross two joints | Brachlalis |
196. What Is the primary function of epithelial tissue | Secretion |
197. Which of the following is needed for muscle contraction | Glucose |
202. What area of the brain does Parkinson's disease effect | basal ga nglia |
203. What is the process by which white blood cells are formed | leukopoiesis 8.rfnl |
204. Which is not a type of connective tissue | squamous epithelium llZ.1 |
205. Which is not a complication that arises during administration of basic life support | cervical subluxation |
207. A relaxing effect on a muscle can be achieved with the application of which temperature | Heat |
208. For which condition is massage specifically contraindicated | peripheral neuritis J\!J E!ll |
209. Which carpal bone is found in the proximal row | lunate ll£ JI |
212. Your client Is unable to turn their head to the right. What muscle could be stuck in contraction preventing this rotation | left splenius cervicus |
213. How should subdeltoid bursitis be treated | if subacute or chronic, witti heat and exercise |
214. What nerve Is affected with Bell's palsy | Facial |
215.'Whlch massage technique is indicated for acute rheumatoid arthritis | none, it is contraindicated |
218. What Is the effect of massage for chronic tenosynovitis | frees tissue adhesions |
219. Which of the following can be palpated at the lateral edge of the popliteal crease | biceps femoris |
222.Which technique is beneficial .when treating chronic swelling due to a dislocated knee | effleurage |
223.Which is the best position for a patient with bronchiectasis | lying prone with feet elevated and 'head lowered |
224.What Is the approach to help relieve chronic swelling of the patella | effleurage proximal to the knee |
225.Which muscle is not affected in a back spasm | latissimus dorsi |
228. n what situation is chest percussion contralndlcated | generalized osteoporosis |
229. What type of movement is primarily used in tapotement | striking 230. |
Which statement is true·rega_rqlng the areas treated with medical massage | treat the affected and adjacent areas 231.Which of the following is the most common neurotransmitter |
233. Which of the'following carries oxygenated blood | pulmonary vein 233a |
234. In addition to massage, which is helpful In inereasing lymph flow | Exercise |
235. Which combination of massage strokes is best suited to treat edema | effleurage and kneading |
236. When treating chronic rheumatoid arthritis, which is true | friction around joints should never be painful 237.Massage is c |
242. With first aid for choking, what do you have the victim do | Cough |
243 Wat ;hould you assess for when working with a client who has diabetes | skin integrity ' ;_44. Which ; not found in the dermis |
247. Which are bones or landmarks of the skull | ethmold, sphenoid and mastoid process 248,What Is the average amount of blood in an adult |
56. At which joint does the axial skeleton articulates with the upper appendicular skeleton | Sternoclavicular |
258. What is the correct order of urine flow | kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra |
259. On wnat bone is the lateral malleolus found | Fibula |
260. What is tile position of the chin with a tight right SCM muscle | Chin to the left |
262. Which muscle faterally and medially rotates, abducts and flexes | gluteus medius |
263. Which gland is found in the sella turclca i;t¥.l( | Pituitary |
264. Which structure is found in the Inner ear | Cochlea, vestibule ,semici rcular canals, all are correct |
265. The appendix is located in which a bdominal region | Lower right |
7. When massaging a client with Bell's palsy, what area of the body should be massaged with caution | anterior to the ea;, The pa rotid gla nds are located anterior to the ear and may be injured with deep massage. |
18. In treating constipation with massage, where do you begin | Large instestine |