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4.2 Pathologies

aneurysm dilation or widening of a blood vessel caused by weakness in the wall of the blood vessel.
arrest the cessation of the heartbeat.
arteriosclerosis disease characterized by hardening of the walls of the arteries.
arteriosclerotic heart disease a pathological state in which the coronary arteries have become hardened.
atherosclerosis form of arteriosclerosis in which fatty substances deposit in and between the layers of the lining of arteries.
avascular necrosis condition in which there is death of tissue because of a lack of blood supply through the blood vessels
bacterial endocarditis inflammation of the inside lining of the heart caused by bacteria
circulatory collapse sudden failure of circulatory system and respiratory systems, resulting in a profound degree of shock.
congenital heart defect heart defect that a child is born with
congestive heart failure condition in which the heart fails to pump blood adequately, and cause congestion or backup of blood.
corpulmonale form of heart disease resulting from disease in the lungs.
coronary artery disease pathology that is present in the coronary vessels that supply blood to the heart.
coronary occlusion obstruction to circulation of blood in the heart.
embolus ball of clotted blood and possibly other substances that is carried within the bloodstream.
heart attack sudden seizure of pain and inability of the heart to function because of an interference in coronary circulation.
heart block normal path of the electrical conduction through the heart is blocked, preventing normal contractions of the heart.
hemangioma tumor consisting of blood vessels.
hematoma swelling that contains blood.
hemorrhoid dilated vein filled with blood in the area of the anal sphincter
hypertension elevation of the blood pressure aboce normal limits
hypotension condition of blood pressure below what is considered normal limits.
myocardial infarction necrosis or death of a portion of the heart muscle
myocardial insufficiency action of the muscle of the heart is not adquate
myocardial ischemia decrease in the blood supply to the muscle of the heart.
phlebitis inflammation of a vein.
pulmonary stenosis condition in which there is constriction or narrowing of the main blood bessel to the lungs.
rheumatic heart disease damage to the heart and scarring of the heart valves as a result of rheumatic fever.
shock collapse of circulatory function.
tamponade cardiac condition in which fluid builds up in the pericardial sac to the point that the heartbeat is impaired.
thrombophlebitit inflammation of a vein that results in the formation of a blood clot.
thrombus blood clot attached to the wall inside a blood vessel.
valvular disease pathology of the valves of the heart.
valvular insufficiency valve does not work efficiently.
valvular regurgitation valve does not close completely, allow some blood to flow backwards.
valvular stenosis condition in which there is a narrowing of the opening of a valve.
varicose veins enlarged, twisted veins, particularly in the lower extremities.
Created by: FMHSAHS102
Popular Medical sets




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