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Medical Terminology

D/C Discontinue
ac Before Meals
Cl Chlorine
AP Apical Pulse
- c With
BP Blood Pressure
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
DRG Diagnosis Related Grouping
^ -------- Up arrow / Higher/Elevated
AED Automated External Defibrillator
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
BMI Body Mass Index
CRT Certified Respiratory Therapist
ABG Arterial Blood Gas
gtts Drops
bid Two times a day
cc Cubic centimeters
h Hours
HS Bedtime
Ht Height
AM Morning
BR Bed Rest
BRP Bathroom Privileges
ECD Early Childhood Development
H2o Water
CBC Complete Blood Count
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
cap Capsule/Caplet
Hg Mercury
EENT Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat
Gyn Gynecologic
ADL Activities of Daily Living
CCU Coronary Care Unit
cl liq Clear liquids
Dx Diagnosis
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
ii/ II Two
CVA Cerebral Vascular Accident
CT Computerized Tomography
EMT Emergency Technician
ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support
V 5
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1000
c/o Complains of
F Female
M Male
EKG Electrocardiogram
- s without
-- ss Half
C Celsius
o Degrees
F Fahrenheit
IV Intravenous
IM Intramuscular
IC Intracavitary
__ aa of each
OR Operating Room
NPO Nothing By Mouth
Na Sodium
LMP Last Menstrual Period
LTC Long Term Care
N/S Normal Saline
mL Milliliter
mm Millimeter
OPD outpatient Department
Ob Obstetric
mg Milligram
OU Both Eyes
O2 Oxygen
IPPB Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing
KCL Potassium Chloride
I+A Intake and Output
ICD International Classification of Diseases
FBS Fasting Blood Sugar
prn As needed
stat Immediately
RN Registered Nurse
wt Weight
Rx Prescription
T Temperature
Spec Specimen
pt Patient
vp Venus Pressure
TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
q Every
OJ Orange Juice
qid Four times a day
qod Every other day
tsp Teaspoon
qt Quart
SSE Saline Enema
Bl Wk Blood Work
tab Tablet
PT Physical Therapy
w/c Wheelchair
ROM Range Of Motion
FFl Force Fluids
Sig Write on level
tid Three times a day
po With food
Created by: awfuloip
Popular Medical sets




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