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CEP 8 msu

counseling theories

Who founded psych dynamic therapy Sigmund Freud, alfred adler, carl jung
Autonomy To respect the rights of individuals to be self governing within their social and cultural framework
Justice To be FAIR in the treatment of ALL... To provide appropriate service to ALL
Fidelity To be FAITHFUL.. To keep promises and honor the trust placed in Rehab Counselors
Veracity To be HONEST
Nonmaleficence to do NO HARM to others
Beneficence to do good to others... to promote the well being of others
3 approaches to behavioral therapy Cognitive Behavior,operent conditioning, classic conditioning
Who was the founder of Operent Conditioning BF Skinner, el thorndike
What is Operent conditioning to use reinforcements and punishment to shape a behavior behavior that is reinforced will stay, the behavior that is not reinforced will go away
3 factors that influence the effectivness of classic conditioning 1. the CS must be before the US 2. The delay between the introduction of the US after the CS 3. The number of trials effect classic conditioning
what is a conditioned response A response that comes RIGHT AFTER a Conditioned Stimuli
Classic Conditioning, CONDITIONING PROCESS Stimulus that naturally gets the desired response.
Techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Collaborative Empiricism, distancing, thought stopping, guided discovery, relaxation, systematic desensitization, mental imagery, cognitive modeling , re framing
What is the goal of CBT to modify an individuals cognitive process (to change the way one sees the world
3 key tenents of CBT Places little emphasis on self development Personality is viewed as a result of a cause Personality is environmentally influenced
What is CBT Faulty disorders can be traced back to faulty thinking and learning
Whats the focus of CBT What something means to a client and how they respond
Which therapy is the most heavily researched Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
What is Classical Conditioning used for to help clients UNLEARN an inappropriate behavior when connected to specific stimuli
What is Operent Conditioning Positive Behavior Contract A plan toward change, collaborative, subject to change
Negative punishment (Operant Conditioning) Positive stimulus is removed after undesirable behavior (take away TV privileges)
What is the focus of Behavioral Therapy To correct learning which improves new coping skills, enhance communication, overcome manipulative emotional conflicts
What is Social Skills training (operant Conditioning) Multidisiplinary approach ( social learning through coaching and feedback.
What is a Token economy (operent conditioning) Compensate for a behavior
Flooding ( Classical Conditioning) Being exposed to fear until a client is less afraid IDEA fear is learned and needs to be unlearned
Systematic Desensitization (classic Conditioning) Treatment aimed to remove fear response of a phobia and substitute relaxation
Adversive therapy ( classic Conditioning) Being exposed to a stimulus while being subjected to some form of discomfort
3 treatment techniques of Behavioral therapy ( classical conditioning) adversive, flooding, systematic desensitization
5 techniques in operant conditioning shaping, differential reinforcement, behavioral contracts,token economy, social skills training
What is Stimulus Generalization A response is present with items that are similar to the fear itself
what is Positive Punishment ( operant conditioning) when undesirable behavior decreases after giving a stimuli
who was the founder of Classical Conditioning Ivan Pavlov
stimulus discrimination a response is present ONLY with the fear itself (nothing similar)
Differential Reinforcement ( operant conditioning) ALL behaviors are positively reinforced except the targeted behavior
Shaping (operent conditioning) Targeting maladaptive behavior not typically occurring in natural environment.
Assumptions of Behavioral Therapy 1. Behavior is learned 2. Learning is learing 3. behavoral is contexually based 4. Experiential learing is the focus 5. Each client is unique 6 Assessments are critical and ongoing
What is the Rights Approach Protection of Morals (choose freely)
What is Sublimation (psychodynamic therapy) Adopting socially acceptable behaviors to express forbidden impulses.
Rationalization (psychodynamic therapy) Using false reasoning for engaging in the behavior
What are the key tenents of REBT Rational emotive behavioral therapy Dualty of human nature people are goal oriented people are illogical defeatest Holism thinking, feeling, behaving are interelated
ABC model of REBT All humans strive for surviving, be pain free, satisfied, beliefs are not facts and happiness
3 techniques in REBT Cognitive, behavioral, emotice
Cognitive technique ( REBT) Logical disputes, empirical disputes, functional disputes and alternative disputes
Behavioral techniques ( REBT) homework, skill training, systematic desensitization, penalties and rewards
Emotive techniques ( REBT) imagry, role play and shame attacking
Who founded Cognitive behavioral therapy Beck
who founded Person Centered theory (rogerian therapy) carl rogers
Who founded REBT Albert Ellis
what is the focus of REBT how do beliefs determine the way human beings feel and behave
what are the MAJOR CONSTRUCTS /tenents of Person Centered Therapy genuousness Positive Regard Positive self regard self concept empathetic actualizing tendencies
3 Major philosophies of Person Centered Therapy 1. Goal oriented 2. the client is the only expert in their life 3. wants independence, cooperative, trustworthy, and move forward to full potential
4 What are the challenges for Person Centered therapy ( rogerian theory) 1 the assumption that counselors know best 2 the validity of advice 3 the belief that clients cannot understand and resolve their problems 4the focus on problems over people
What role does the therapist play in Rogerian Theory ( person centered therapy) the therapist is fallible or a guide to self actualization
What are the 2 major goals of Person Centered Therapy to have the client experience feelings relationship building
what does Person Centered Therapy focus on the problem not the person ( the how)
some disorders that Cognitive behavioral therapy can help PTSD OCD Schitzophrenia anxiety depression
What are the objectives of the Rehab counseling CODE OF ETHICS 1.Promote public welfare by specifying ethical behavior 2. Establish principles that define ethical behavior and best practice 3. serve as an ethical guide 4. serves as the basis for the processing of alleged code violations by Certified RC.
Systematic Desensitization ( cognitive Behavioral Therapy) learning procedure to substitute one type of response for another
Limitations of Cognitive Behavioral therapy 1. can only be used on certain people, Not good for people with Developmental disabilities or autism
What is Stress inoculation ( CBT) a process of teaching clients both cognitive and physical skills for autonomously coping with future stressful situations.
REFRAMING ( CBT strategy) Reformulating or refocusing! seeks to modify or restructure ones perception of a problem To change the perception of the problem.
RECONSTRUCTURING ( CBT strategy) teaches people to replace negative cognition or thoughts with positive, self enhancing thoughts
Guided Discovery ( CBT technique) The therapist guided info but do not tell, the client needs to figure out the problem on their own.
Distancing ( CBT technique) Testing validity of ingrained beliefs
Thought Stopping ( CBT technique) Stop bad thoughts and begin good thoughts on the spot
Relaxation ( CBT technique) to do meditation techniques to relax muscles
Mental Imagery (CBT techniques) Cognitive modeling Both are ways to learn appropriate SELF TALK
Collaborative empiricism (CBT Technique) the client is information gathering
what is the main focus of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Change Negative cognition into realistic appraisal
what are the 6 BIG ethical Principles that Rehabilitation Counseling is build on Autonomy Benevolence NON Maleficence Justice Veracity Fidelity
what are the 5 views of Psycho-dynamic theory Topographic, genetic,dynamic,economic structural adaptive
what are the psycho anylitical perspectives of psycho-dynamic theory Physiological, psychological and socio cultural
what are some Limitations of Psycho-dynamic theory
How is the client therapist relationship viewed in Psycho-dynamic therapy central and the vehicle through which change occurs ( focus on the HOW)
Projection ( psycho dynamic ) Externalizing forbidden ideas/needs and putting them on others ( if you dont like something about yourself you can point it out in others quickly)
Repression ( psycho-dynamic) Forcing painful memories and experiences out of conscious memory
5 sources of ethical standards Utilitarianism-good vs harm Rights- protection of morals (to choose freely) Fair and Just- all treated equal common good- community based life and protection virtue- societal ideals for human development
Freudian theory Sexual and aggressive energies originated in the ID the modulated to the EGO and then is
Who founded Gestalt Therapy Fritz Perlz
Regression ( psychodynamic) Reverting to childlike behavior
Compensation ( psychodynamic) Seeking to excel in functionally related or unrelated activities or behaviors to make up for disability generated loss
What are some differences between Freud and Aldler Freud- mental problems were sexual Dominance, submission and aggression were all at the center of mental illness Adler- people are a product of social influence, mainly 0-7 years of age people are motivated the past influences the future
focus of Adlerian theory Holistic Nature Wholeness of the person is necessary for full understanding
4 tenents of Adlerian theory 1.the social context- behavior is only understood in the social context 2.Goal directedness- all behavior is goal driven 3.the lifestyle- interactions with others measure self growth
Who founded trait factor theory Frank Parsons
What does Trait factor theory focus on The knowledge of self knowledge of requirments and the accurated reasoning of the 2 factors
key players in Trait factor theory Individual and environment
The Code of ethics the code of ethics is a living document that encourages good, sound ethical practice, whether a RC is in a structured or a layed back environment they must follow the code of ethics
Scope of Practice Rehab counseling is a systematic process which assists persons with physical, mental, developmental, cognitive, emotional disabilities. To achieve their personal, career and independent living goals. Involves communication, goal setting,
Levels of family counseling Level 1- individual level 2- family feedback level 3- provide emotional support level 4- provide structured assessments level 5- family counseling
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