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Midterm Medical Term

Medical Terminology

an, a without
Intra inside
pan all
sub under
peri around
epi above
hyper excessive, above what is normal
hypo low, below what is normal
retro behind
trans across
ology study of
pathy disease
scope instrument to view with
scopy process of viewing
megaly enlarged
algia pain
cyte cell
ectomy surgically removed
gram record
itis inflammation
Health Care Acquired Infections nosocomial
ac, ar, al, ary, an, eal pertaining to suffixes
superior above
inferior below
medial toward midline
lateral away from midline
supine face up, laying on back
anterior toward the front
posterior toward the back
proximal near
distal far
pre before
malacia softening
diaphoresis sweating
verruca wart
nevus mole
tinea fungus
alopecia baldness
eosin/o rosy
erythema redness
cyanotic blue
jaundice orange
melano black
RUQ Right Upper Quandrant
RLQ Right Lower Quandrant
LUQ Left Upper Quandrant
LLQ Left Lower Quandrant
Name the 6 abdominal regions (tic tac toe) Hypochrondriac, Epigastric, Lumbar, Umbilical, Inguinal, Hypogastric
Name the 5 areas of Spinal Column Cervical C1-C7, Throacic T1-T12, Lumbar L1-L5, Sacral S1-S5, Coccygeal- tailbone
pruritus itching
urticaria hives
crust scab
vesicle blister
ecchymosis bruise
lesion open sore
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
subcutaneous under the skin
adip/o, lip/o fat
leukocyte white cell
macule flat spot
papule pimple
xer/o dryness
cutaneous skin
onych/o nail
ungu/o nail
dermatologist Specialist in diseases of the skin
cryosurgery removal of lesions by freezing
antibiotics treat what kind of infections? bacterial
plasty surgical repair
dys painful or difficult
graphy process of recording
anti against
lysis destruction
Bacterial inflammatory skin disease characterized as vesicles, pustules and CRUSTED OVER lesions is what skin disease Impetigo
Burns are classified as? 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree
Bx Biopsy
C&S Culture and Sensitivity
CHRONIC RECURRENT dermatosis marked by itchy, scaly, red plaques covered by SILVER GRAY SCALES is what skin disorder? psorisis
CONTAGIOUS, PARASITIC infection of the skin with intense pruritus is? scabies
How would you explain a C&S to a patient? I would tell them I am going to swab their mouth and rub it in a petry dish and place it in an incubator for 24-48 hrs to see if any bacteria grows in the dish.
Is herpes a bacteria or a virus? is a virus
Syphillis, gonorrhea, chlamydia virus or bacterial? bacterial
Gleason Score is used to test for what? Prostat Cancer
Pap tests are used to screen for Cervical Cancer
Fetus, zygote, embryo are terms for development of a baby
o/o, oophor/o, ov/o are terms for egg
hCG pregnancy
prpuce foreskin
testis male gonad
amenorrhea no menstrual flow
fibroids benign tumors of the uterus
G2, P2 A0 stand for 2 pregnancies, 2 live births, o abortions,miscarriages, still births
BRCA Genetic marker to see if at high risk for breast cancer
fraternal twins 2 eggs, 2 sperm cells
identical twins 1 egg, 1 sperm
spermatogenesis formation of sperm
menarche beginning of 1st menstrual cycle
mammogram record image of breast
orchiopexy to fix, put into place a testicle
mastectomy surgical removal of the breast
testicular pertaining to testicle
colposcopy process of viewing the vagina
prostatitis inflammation of prostate gland
neonatology study of newborn infants
primigravida first pregnancy
balanitis inflammation of the glans penis
gynecology study of women's reproductive organs, including breasts
vasectomy surgical removal of part of the vas deferens
hysterectomy surgical removal of uterus
oophorectomy surgical removal of ovary/ovaries
nulliparous no births
salpingitis inflammation of fallopian tubes
BPH benign prostat hyperplasia
PSA prostat specific antigen
STD sexually transmitted disease
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
D & C Dialation and Curretege
apnea not breathing
dyspnea painful or difficulty breathing
eupnea normal breathing
orthopnea has to sit up to breathe
bradypnea slow breathing
tachypnea fast breathing
pneumothorax air gathers in pleural cavity because of hole in lung
epistaxis nosebleed
inspiration inhale, breathing in
exhalation exhale, breathing out
atelectasis collapsed lung
ausculation listening
cyanosis condition of blue
endotracheal placement of a tube into mouth, pharynx,larynx to trachea
intubation putting a trachea tube into mouth
extubation taking trachea tube out
tonsillitis inflammation of tonsils
purulent containing pus
laryngitis inflammation of voicebox
pharyngitis inflammation of throat
pulmonitis inflammation of lung
bronshitis inflammation of bronchi
CXR chest x-ray
CT Computed Tomography
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
ABG arterial blood gases
Thoracentesis surgical puncture to remove fluid from pleural space
pneumonia acute inflammation & infection of alveoli
rales/rhonchi/wheezes abnormal lung sounds
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPR cardio pulmonary resuscitation
PFT's pulmonary function tests
PE pulmonary embolism
SOB shortness of breath
TB tuberculosis
TB is infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
emphysema is hyperinflation of air sacs w/ destruction of aveolar walls
asthma is chronic bronchial inflammatory disorder
effusion is abnormal accumulation of fluid
tracheaostomy is surgical creatio of an opening into the trachea
what is the urinary system made up of? kidneys, ureter, bladder, urethra
ARF Acute renal failure
CRF chronic renal failure
CKD chronic kidney disease
BUN blood, urea, nitrogen
GFR glomerular flow rate
K+ potassium
Na+ sodium
Ca++ calcium
electrolytes consist of what potassium, sodium, calcium
UA urinalysis
KUB kidneys, ureters, bladder
UTI urinary tract infection
diagnostic tests include UA,BUN, KUB
hematuria blood in urine
cyctitus bladder infection
pyle/o renal pelvis
vesic/o urinary bladder
olgi/o scanty, little
lith stone
tripsy crushing
lithotripsy shock waves directed toward kidney stone from outside of body
blephar/o eyelid
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
corne/o cornea
irid/o iris
kerat/o cornea
lacrim/o tear
ocul/o eye
ophthalm/o eye
opt/o eye, vision
pupill/o pupil
retin/o retina
scler/o sclera
ambly/o dim
dipl/o double
mi/o smaller/less
mydr/o widen, enlarge
phot/o light
presby/o old age
-opia, -opsia vision
astigmatism a defective curvature
hyperopia farsighted
myopia nearsighted
presbyopia impairment of vision due to old age
cataract cloudy lens
chalazion hard mass on inside of eye
glaucoma increased pressure of eye
hordeolym stye
strabismus abnormal deviation of the eye (cross eyed)
Snellen eye chart
enucleation surgical removal of eye
LASIK procedure to correct vision
prosthesis artifical body part
medication- Miotic constricts pupil
medication- Mydriatic dialates pupil
opthalmoscope instrument used to look into eyes
amblyopia lazy eye
PEERLA Pupils Equal (both eyes) Round, React to Light and Accommidation
OD Right eye
OS left eye
OU both eyes
light makes your pupils constrict
darkness makes your pupils dialate
iridectomy surgical removal of iris
blepharoptosis droopy eyelid
blepharplasty surgical procedure to correct droopy eyelid
canthus inner/outter corners of eye
accommodation normal adjustment of vision from far to near
humor fluids in eye
concave eye caves inward
convex bubbles outward
conjunctiva membrane covering eye
cornea structure of eye
fovea centralis tiny spot where vision is best
iris color part of eye
lens structure of eye that refracts (bends) light
macula yellow region on retina
optic chiasm point where nerves cross
optic disc cranial nerve that controls vision
pupil dark round part of eye
refraction bending of light rays
retina layer of cells at back of eye
rod allows you to see everything (periferal)
cone allows you to see color
sclera white part of eye
acous/o, audit/o, audi/o, ot/o hearing
auricul/o outside of ear
myring/o ear drum
-acusus, -otia hearing
otoscope instrument to view inside ear
auditory canal outter flap of ear to eardrum
meatus auditory canal
auricle/pinna outside of ear
cerumen ear wax
eustachian tube open between throat and ear (auditory tube)
malleus 1st bone of middle ear (hammer)
incus 2nd bone of middle ear (anvil)
stapes 3rd bone of middle ear (stirrup)
ossicle smallest bone of ear (includes malleus, incus and stapes)
tympanic membrane ear drum (membrane between outer/inner ear)
deafness loss of ability to hear
otitis inflammation of ear
externa outter ear
media middle ear
interna inner ear
tinnitus ringing in ear (to much asprin will cause this it is the first sign of toxicity)
vertigo dizziness
HEENT Head Eyes Ears Nose Throat
ENT Ear Nose Throat
otorhinolaryngologist ENT doctor (ears, nose, throat)
smallest bones in body malleus, incus, stapes (behind eardrum)
myringotomy hole in eardrum
tymapanoplasty surgical procedure that fixes hole in ear
tuning fork tests the conduction (hearing) in ears
Created by: angelseyes44!
Popular Medical sets




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