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Chapter 5 - RTT 122

Exploring Medical Language 9th Edition

adenoid/o adenoids
alveol alveolus
bronchi/o, bronch/o bronchus
diaphragmat/o, phren/o diaphragm
epiglott/o epiglottis
laryng/o larynx
lob/o lobe
nas/o, rhin/o nose
pharyng/o pharynx
pleur/o pleura
pneum/o, pneumato/o, pneumon/o lung, air
pulmon/o lung
sept/o septum (wall off, face)
sinus/o sinus
thorac/o thorax, chest, chest cavity
tonsill/o tonsil
trache/o trachea
atel/o imperfect, incomplete
capn/o carbon dioxide
hem/o, hemat/o blood
muc/o mucus
orth/o straight
ox/i oxygen
phon/o sound, voice
py/o pus
radi/o x-rays, ionizing radiation
somn/o sleep
son/o sound
spir/o breathe, breathing
tom/o to cut, section, or slice
a-, an- absence of, without
endo- within
eu- normal, good
poly- many, much
tachy- fast, rapid
-algia pain
-ar, -ary, -eal pertaining to
-cele hernia or protrusion
-centesis surgical puncture to aspirate fluid
-ectasis stretching out, dilation, expansion
-emia in the blood
-gram record, radiographic image
-graph instrument used to record, record
-graphy process of recording, radiographic imaging
-meter instrument used to measure
-metry measurement
-pexy surgical fixation, suspension
-pnea breathing
-rrhagia rapid flow of blood
-scope instrument used for visual examination
-scopic pertaining to visual examination
-scopy visual examination
-spasm sudden, involuntary muscle contraction (spasmodic contraction)
-stenosis constriction or narrowing
-stomy creation of an artificial opening
-thorax chest, chest cavity
-tomy cut into, incision
adenoiditis inflammation of the adenoids
alveolitis inflammation of the alveoli
atelectasis incomplete expansion
bronchiectasis dilation of the bronchi
bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
bronchogenic carcinoma cancerous tumor originating in a bronchus (lung cancer)
bronchopneumonia diseased state of the bronchi and lungs (inflammation of lungs that beings in the terminal bronchioles)
diaphragmatocele hernia of the diaphragm
epiglottitis inflammation of the epiglottis
hemothorax blood in the chest cavity
laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
laryngotracheobronchitits (LTB) inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi (croup)
lobar pneumonia pertaining to the lobes; diseased state of the lung
nasopharyngitis inflammation of the nose and pharynx
pharyngitis inflammation of the pharynx
pleuritis inflammation of the pleura (Pleurisy)
pneumatocele hernia of the lung
pneumoconiosis abnormal condidiont of dust in the lungs
pneumonia diseased state of the lung (infection and inflammation caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi)
pneumonitis inflammation of the lung
pneumothorax air in the pleural cavity
pulmonary neoplasm pertaining to the lung, new growth
pyothorax pus in the pleural cavity (empyema)
rhinitis inflammation of the nose
rhinomycosis abnormal condition of fungus in the nose
rhinorrhagia rapid flow of blood from the nose (epistaxis)
sinusitis inflammation of the sinuses
thoracalgia pain in the chest
tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils
tacheitis inflammation of the trachea
tracheostenosis narrowing of the trachea
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) respiratory failure as a result of disease or injury. Symptoms include dyspnea, tachypnea, and cyanosis
asthma respiratory disease characterized by coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, caused by constriction and inflammation of airways that is reversible between attacks
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) progressive lung disease restricting air flow. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are two main components.
coccidiodomycosis fungal disease affecting the lungs and sometimes other organs of the body
cor pulmonale serious cardiac disease associated with chronic lung disorders, such as emphysema
croup condition resulting from acute obstruction of the larynx
cystic fibrosis hereditary disorder of the exocrine glands characterized by excess mucuc production in the respiratory tract, pancreatic deficiency, and other symptoms
deviated septum one part of the nasal cavity is smaller because of malformation or injury of the nasal septum
emphysema stretching of lung tissue caused by the alveoli becoming distended and losing elasticity
epistaxis nosebleed (rhinorrhagia)
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis chronic progressive lung disorder characterized by increasing scarring
influenza highly contagious and often severe viral infection of the respiratory tract
obstructive sleep apnea repetitive pharyngeal collapse during sleep, which leads to absence of breathing
pertussis highly contagious bacterial infection of the respiratory tract characterized by an acute crowing inspiration, or whoop (Whooping cough)
pleural effusion fluid in the pleural space caused by a disease process or trauma
pulmonary edema fluid accumulation in the alveoli and bronchioles, most often a manifestation of heart failure
pulmonary embolism matter foreign to circulation, carried to the pulmonary artery and its branches, where it blocks circulation to the lungs and can be fatal if sufficient size and number.
tuberculosis infectious bacterial disease, most commonly spread by inhalation of small particles, usually affecting the lungs
upper respiratory infection infection of the nasal cavity, pharynx, or larynx
adenoidectomy exicision of the adenoids
adenotome instrument used to cut the adenoids
bronchoplasty surgical repair of a bronchus
laryngectomy excision of the larynx
laryngoplasty surgical repair of the larynx
laryngostomy creation of an artificial opening into the larynx
laryngotracheotomy incision of the larynx and trachea
lobectomy excision of a lobe
pleuropexy surgical fixation of the pleura
pneumonectomy excision of a lung
rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose
septoplasty surgical repair of the nasal septum
sinusotomy incision into a sinus
thoracocentesis surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the chest cavity (thoracentesis)
thoracotomy incision into the chest cavity
tonsillectomy excision of the tonsils
tracheoplasty surgical repair of the trachea
tracheostomy creation of an artificial opening into the trachea
trachotomy incision into the trachea
Radiography x-ray
Computed tomography (CT) computerized radiographic images using x-rays to produce a series of sectional images
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) produces images by exposing body to high strength, computer-controlled magnetic fields.
Nuclear medicine (NM) produces images by administering radioactive material to be delivered to the body part of interest. The tracer emits energy which the computer translates into two-dimensional images.
Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) an NM technique that yields three-dimensional computer constructed images
Positron emission tomography (PET) an NM procedure where positron-emitting radioactive material is injected in the body. These positrons are picked up by a ring of detectors positioned around the body.
Sonography ultrasound; process of recording sound
bronchoscope instrument used for visual examination of the bronchi
bronchoscopy visual examination of the bronchi
endoscope instrument used for visual examination within
endoscopic pertaining to visual examination within
endoscopy visual examination within
laryngoscope instrument used for visual examination of the larynx
laryngoscopy visual examination of the larynx
radiograph record of x-rays
radiography process of recording x-rays
sonogram record of sound
thoracoscope instruments used for visual examination of the chest cavity
thoracoscopy visual examination of the chest cavity
tomography process of recording slices
capnometer instrument used to measure carbon dioxide
oximeter instrument used to measure oxygen
spirometer instrument used to measure breathing
spirometry a measurement of breathing
polysomnography process of recording many tests during sleep
ventilation-perfusion scanning (VPS) NM procedure performed by inhaling a radionuclide and injecting a radionuclide into an artery followed by imaging to show how well the inhaled air is distributed
acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear test performed on sputum to determine the presence of acid-fast bacilli, which causes TB
sputum culture and sensitivity (C&S) test performed on sputum to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria and the antibiotics it is sensitive to
pulmonary function tests (PFTs) grou[ of tests performed to measure breathing capacity and used to determine external respiratotry function
PPD (purified protein derivative) test performed on individuals who have recently been exposed to TB.
acapnia condition of absence of carbon dioxide
alveolar pertaining to the alveolus
anoxia condition of absence of oxygen
aphonia condition of absence of voice
apnea absence of breathing
bronchoalveolar pertaining to the bronchi and alveoli
bronchospasm spasmodic contraction of the bronchi
diaphragmatic pertaining to the diaphramg
dysphonia condition of difficult speaking
dyspnea difficult breathing
endotracheal pertaining to within the trachea
eupnea normal breathing
hypercapnia condition of deficient carbon dioxide
hypernea excessive breathing
hypocapnia condition of deficient carbon dioxide
hypopnea deficient breathing
hypoxemia deficient oxygen in the blood
hypoxia condition of deficient oxygen
intrapleural pertaining to within the pleura
laryngeal pertaining to the larynx
laryngospasm spasmodic contraction of the larynx
mucoid resembling mucus
mucous pertaining to mucus
nasopharyngeal pertaining to the nose and pharynx
orthopnea able to breathe easier in an upright position
phrenalgia pain in the diaphragm
pulmonary pertaining to the lungs
pulmonologist physician who studies and treats diseases of the lung
pulmonology study of the lung
radiologist physician who specializes in the use of xrays, ultrasound, and magnetic fields in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
radiology study of xryas
rhinorrhea discharge from the nose
tachypnea rapid breathing
thoracic pertaining to the chest
asphyxia deprivation of oxygen for tissue use; suffocation
aspirate to withdraw fluid or suction fluid; also to draw foreign material into the respiratory tract
bronchoconstrictor agent causing narrowing of the bronchi
bronchodilator agent causing the bronchi to widen
mucopurulent containing both mucus and pus
nebulizer device that creates a mist used to deliver medication for giving respiratory treatment
nosocomial infection an infection acquired during hospitalization
paroxysm periodic, sudden attack
patent open
Created by: slloyd2
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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