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Study Guide for Heme

Hematology & Coagulation study stack from CEG

What is the main function of an erythrocyte?
Briefly describe the synthesis of hemoglobin.
Discuss the properties and function of hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin Reference Ranges Newborns: 16.5-21.5 Adult Males: 14.0-18.0 Adult Females: 12.0-16.0
What is the Cyanmethemoglobin Method?
What is the Oxyhemoglobin Method?
What may cause false elevated hemoglobin values and methods to obtain to the correct value?
Hematocrit Reference Ranges Newborns: 44-72 Adult Males: 40-54 Adult Females: 38-47
Describe the procedure for doing a manual hematocrit. (Including the units) Two capillary tubes, well-mixed whole blood, clay sealant, specialized centrifuge; carefully calibrated and timed, read result from chart. Column = %
How does hemolysis affect the hematocrit?
How does an increased white blood cell count affect hematocrit?
Normocytic definition
Macrocytic definition
Microcytic definition
Normochromic definition
Hypochromic definition
MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume) definition
MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin) definition
MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration) definition
RDW (Red cell Distribution Width) definition
Formula for MCV
Formula for MCH
Formula for MCHC
When MCHC and MCV are decreased
Disease states that cause abnormal indices
Anisocytosis definition and clinical significance
Poikilocytosis definition and clinical significance
Elliptocyte definition and clinical significance
Spherocyte definition and clinical significance
Target Cell definition and clinical significance
Drepanocyte definition and clinical significance
Stomatocyte definition and clinical significance
Schistocyte definition and clinical significance
Acanthrocyte definition and clinical significance
Rouleaux definition and clinical significance
Dacrocyte definition and clinical significance
Polychromasia definition and clinical significance
Sickle Cell definition and clinical significance
Burr Cell definition and clinical significance
Basophilic Stippling definition and clinical significance
Howell-Jolly Bodies definition and clinical significance
Siderotic Granules definition and clinical significance
Pappenheimer Bodies definition and clinical significance
Reticulocyte definition and clinical significance
Heinz Bodies definition and clinical significance
Cabot Rings definition and clinical significance
Malarial Organisms definition and clinical significance
Anemia definition
Polycythemia definition
Erythrocytosis definition
Pancytopenia defintion
Intracellular Hemolytic Anemia ?
Extracellular Hemolytic Anemia ?
Sickle Cell Trait
Sickle Cell Anemia
Aplastic Anemia
Spherocytes are seen in what diseases?
Iron Deficiency Anemia laboratory findings
Pernicious Anemia laboratory findings
Aplastic Anemia laboratory findings
Liver Disease laboratory findings
Significance of Nucleated Red Blood Cells in a peripheral blood smear
Function of a Leukocyte
Pelger-Huet Anomaly
Smudge Cell definition and clinical significance
Auer Rods definition and clinical significance
Hypersegmentation definition and clinical significance
Shift to the Left
Shift to the Right
Toxic Granulation definition and clinical significance
Dohle Bodies definition and clinical significance
Reactive Lymphocytes definition and clinical significance
Acute Leukemia on a blood smear
Chronic Leukemia on a blood smear
Infectious Mononucleosis on a blood smear
Chemotherapy on a blood smear
Allergic Reaction on a blood smear
Chronic Leukemia
Acute Leukemia
Multiple Myeloma
Hematopoiesis definition
Chromatin definition
N/C (Nucleus/Cytoplasm Ratio) definition
Stem Cell definition
Mitosis definition
Origin of Blood Cells
Segmented Neutrophils
Neutrophilic Band
Neubauer Hemacytometer
Why is a humidity chamber used
Manual White Count
Manual Platelet Count
Dirty or Scratched Coverslip - manual count effect
Air Bubbles - manual count effect
Underfilling the Chamber - manual count effect
Overfilling the Chamber - manual count effect
Blotting Excess Fluid with Tissue - manual count effect
Insufficient time for cells to settle - manual count effect
Hypotonic vs Hypertonic Fluid - manual count effect
Improperly Made Dilutions - manual count effect
Indirect Platelet Count
Westergren Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Created by: lilmejoss
Popular Medical sets




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