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CS1 -- Lymph

WVSOM -- CS1: Lymphatics

What are the 3 main functions of the lymphatic system? protection, fluid balance, and fat absorption/transport
What are the two things in the body that do not have lymph vessels? brain and placenta
What is the color of lymph fluid? opalescent and yellow-tinged
What is the most common WBC in the lymphatic system? lymphocytes
Where does the right upper body drain lymph? right subclavian vein
Where does the body other than the right upper body drain? left subclavian vein
What are the 10 most accessible lymph nodes accessible to inspection and palpation? occipital, anterior cervical, posterior cervical, submandibular, submental, sublingual, pre and post auricular, supraclavicular, axillary and inguinan/popiteal
What system overlaps with the lymphatic system? immune system
What are the 6 “bad” findings in lymph nodes? solitary, hard, immobile, large, tender and inflamed
What is virchow’s node? Left supraclavicular node
What does Virchow’s node indicate? thoracic or abdominal malignancy
What is a swollen cervical node related to? sore throat
What is a swollen submental node related to? dental abscess
What is a swollen axillary node related to? breast CA
What is a swollen supraclavicular node related to? abdomen or thoracic cancer
What is a swollen inguinal node related to? STD
What do gereralized swollen lymph nodes related to? AIDS
Where is the thymus? gland located in the superior mediastinum, extendingupward into the lower neck
What is the function of the thymus? site of production of T-lymphocytes.
Why is the thymus important? essential to the development of protective immune function in early life.
What happens to the thymus at puberty? degrades
Where is the spleen? left upper quadrant
What does white pulp of spleen do? lymphatic nodules and diffuse lymphatic tissue seen around vessels
What is red pulp? venous sinusoids in the spleen
What kind of cells are numerous in the spleen? blood filtering macrophages
When does the umbilical cord usually drop of? 1-2 weeks after birth
What does it indicate if the umbilical cord does not drop off within 1-2 weeks after birth? a possible congenital defect
What should you ask the patient before you palpate for enlarged lymph nodes? FIRST ask the patient if they have any enlarged lymph nodes.
What is the order of assessing lymph nodes? ASK if the patient has enlarged lymph nodes, inspect for enlarged lymph nodes and then palpate for enlarged lymph nodes
How do you palpate lymph nodes? press lightly at first and then increase your pressure.
What should be noted about enlarged lymph nodes?(6) location, size, shape, consistency, tenderness and movability/fixation
What are the 2 functional types of lymphcytes? B Cells and T cells
What do B cells do? They are plasma cells and have antibodies
What are T cells Kill cells and activate immune response
Where is the site of the immune response? Lymph node
What is the order of lymph vessels from smallest to largest? capillaries -> veins -> nodes -> ducts
How is lymph collected? diffusion
What are the 6 lymph organs? lymph nodes, thymus, tonsils, peyer's patches appendix and bone marrow
What is the function of the lymph node? Filtering, phagocytosis, activation of immune response
When do lymph nodes get enlarged? when workload is increased by infection
What do swollen nodes indicate? inflammation, malignancy and infection
What accounts for 75% of lymphatic drainage? lymphatic
Red streaks going up a limb indicate? infection of the lymph nodes
What is lymphedema? obstruction
What is lymphangtis? swelling/inflammation along tract that can spill into the blood stream
What is lymphoma? neoplasm of the lymph system
What is primary lymphedema? agensis, hypoplasia or obstruction
What is secondary lymphedema? acquired usually by surgery, tumor or infection
Created by: tjamrose
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