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med term wk 5

Medical Terminology a living language

what are the four primary structures of the cardiovascular system? Heart, arteries, veins, capillaries
angi/o vessel
aort/o aorta
arteri/o artery
atheri/o fatty substance
atri/o atrium
cardi/o heart
coron/o heart
corpor/o body
embol/o plug
isch/o to hold back
myocardi/o heart muscle
pect/o chest
-manometer instrument to measure pressure
-ole small
-tension pressure
-tonic pertaining to tone
-ule small
phleb/o vein
sphygm/o pulse
steth/o chest
thromb/o clot
valv/o valve
valvul/o valve
varic/o dialated vein
vascul/o blood vessel
vas/o vessel, duct
ven/o vein
vetricul/o ventricle
what is the function of the heart? pumps blood through blood vessels
what is the function of the artery? carries blood away from the heart
what is the function of the vein? carries blood towards the heart
what is the function of the capillary? exchange site between blood and tissue
what is another name for the cardiovascular system? circulatory system
what are the two parts of the circulatory system? pulmonary circulation, systemic circulation
in the pulmonary circulation________ blood is transported to the lungs but whn it is being transported back it is called________. Deoxygenated blood, oxygenated blood
in systemic circulation _________ is transported away from the heart towards the ____ and ______ then back to the heart oxygenated blood, cells, tissue
in addition to distributing oxygen and other nutrients the cardiovascular system collects ___ from the cells and transports them to the lung, liver and kidneys where they are ____ from the body. waste, eliminated
what type of fibers make up the heart? cardiac muscle fibers
how many chambers/cavities are in the heart? four
how many times would a heart beat in a minute? between 60 and 100
how many times does the heart beat in a day? one hundred thousand
where is the heart located? in the mediastinum
the apex of the heart is located at the ___ part of the sternum lower
what would you call the inner layer of the heart which serves to reduce friction as the blood passes through the heart chambers? endocardium
what would you call the thick muscular middle layer of the heart? myocardium
what purpose does the myocardium serve? contracts creating the pressure required to pump blood
what would you call the visceral layer of the outer layer of the heart? epicardium, visceral pericardium
what would you call the absolute outer layer of the heart? parietal pericardium
what are the upper chambers of the heart called? atria
what are the lower chambers of the heart called? ventricles
interatrial septum separates the left and right___ atria
interventricular septum separates the left and right_____ ventricles
which sections of the heart perform the pumping action? ventricles
what type of valve is the tricuspid valve? atrioventricular valve
the atrioventricular valve controls the opening between the ____and the ____ atrium, ventricle
what type of valve is the pulmonary valve? semilunar valve
the pulmonary valve controls the opening between the ____ and the____ right ventricle, pulmonary artery
what is another name for the mitral valve? bicuspid valve
what type of valve is the mitral valve? atrioventricular valve
which side of the heart does is the mitral valve located? left
which side of the heart is the tricuspid valve located? right
what type of valve is the aortic valve? semilunar valve
where is the aortic valve located? between the left ventricle and the aorta
what are the names of the veins that attach to the right atrium? superior vena cava, inferior vena cava
which section of the heart is connected to the pulmonary artery? right ventricle
which section of the heart is connected to the pulmonary veins? left atrium
what is the largest artery in the body? aorta
which part of the heart is attached to the aorta? left ventricle
the relaxed phase in which a heart chamber collects blood is called? diastole
the contracted state in which a heart chamber pushes blood from the chamber is called? systole
what happens in the sinatrial node? electrical impulses begin causing the atria to contract.
after the sinoatrial node is stimulated which node is stimulated? atrioventricular node
after the atrioventricular node is stimulated what is the next thing to be stimulated? atrioventricular bundle
what is another name for the atrioventricular bundle? bindle of His
where would an electrical signal travel after the bundle of His? down the bundle branches within the ventricular septum
after the electrical impulse travels down the bundle branches what is stimulated? the purkinje fibers
what do the purkinje fibers do when stimulated? contract the ventricles
what are the three types of blood vessels? arteries, capillaries, veins
what is the lumen? the channel within the blood vessels through which the blood flows
where does the coronary artery come from and what does it provide blood for? the aorta, myocardium
what are the smallest type of arteries called? arterioles
where do the arterioles deliver blood? capillaries
what would you call a network of tiny blood vessels? capillary bed
where does blood go once it exits a capillary bed? venules
what are the smallest veins called? venules
what is the purpose of the valve in the veins? to control the direction of blood flow
what is blood pressure? a measurement of the force exerted by blood against the wall of a blood vessel
what is the instrument used to measure blood pressure called? sphygmomanmeter
sphygm/o pulse
-manometer instrument used to measure pressure
what is the normal systolic pressure for an adult? less than 120
what is the normal diastolic pressure for an adult? less than 80
duct/o to bring
orth/o strait
sept/o wall
son/o sound
-ectomy surgical removal
-gram record
-graphy process of recording
-ia condition
-lytic destruction
-rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis hardening
-stenosis narrowing
-inter between
-intra within
inflamation of a vessel angiitis
embolus blood clot
an area of tissue which is dying because of loss of blood supply infarct
a temporary localized deficiency of blood supply due to an obstruction ischemia
the sudden drop in blood pressure that occurs when a person stands suddenly orthostatic hypotension
a racing heartbeat palpitations
what would you call backflow of blood through a valve? regurgitation
what would you call a blood clot forming within blood vessels? thrombus
what would you call it when an electrical impulse is blocked from traveling down the bundle branches? bundle branch block
what would you call a hole present at birth in the septum between two heart chambers? congenital septal defect
what would you call a condition in which there is reduced outflow from the left side of the heart because of weakness in the myocardia? congestive heart failure
what would you call a condition where there is insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle due to an obstruction? coronary artery disease
what would you call a serious quivering or contraction of the heart muscles fibrillation
what would you call a condition in which the atria beat too rapidly but to a regular pattern? flutter
what would you call a condition in which the flaps of the heart are too loose resulting in blood backflow? hert valve prolapse
what would you call a condition in whic the valves of the heart are too stiff allowing for limited flow and do not shut tightly allowing backflow of blood? heart valve stenosis
what would you call a condition caused by the partial or complete closing of one or more coronary arteries? myocardial infarction
what would you call a combination of four congenital anomalies: pulmonary stenosis, an interventricular septal defect, improper placement of the aorta, hypertrophy of the right ventricle? tetralogy of fallot
what would you call weakness in the wall of an artery resulting in localized widening of the artery? aneurysm
what would you call a ruptured artery? arteriorrhexis
what would you call a deposit of a fatty substance in the wall of an artery? atheroma
what would you call a congenital narrowing of the aorta? coarctation of the aorta
what would you call a vericous vein found in the anal region? hemorrhoid
what's another name for high blood pressure? hypertension
what's another name for low blood pressure? hypotension
what would you call a congenital heart anomoly in which the fetal connection between the pulmonary artery and aorta fail to close at birth? patent ductus arteriosus
what would you call periodic ischemic attacks affecting the extremities of the body in which the extremities become cyanotic and painful? raynauds phenomenon
what would you call the process of listening to sounds within the body using a stethoscope? auscultation
what would you call a blood test to determine the level of enzymes specific to heart muscles in the blood? cardiac enzymes
what would you call a blood test to measure the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood? serum lipoprotein level
what would you call an x-ray of a vessel taken during an angiography? angiogram
what would you call an x-ray of a blood vessel after the injection of an opaque material is injected? angiography
what would you use to measure the velocity of blood moving through vessels and to check for blood clots? doppler ultrasanography
what is a noninvasive diagnostic method using ultrasound to visualize internal cardiac structures? echocardiography
what would you call a portable ecg monitor which assesses the heart and pulse activity holter monitor
what does CPR stand for? cardiopulmonary resuscitation
what would you call it when blood is routed to a heart-lung machine during surgery? extracorporeal circulation
what would you call the surgical joining together of two arteries? arterial anastomosis
what would you call the removal of diseased or damaged inner lining of an artery? endraterectomy
what would you call the surgical treatment for varicose veins in which the vein is tied off and removed? ligation and stripping
what would you call the process for treating localized coronary artery narrowing by inserting a balloon catheter and dilating the blood vessel? percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
what would you call a stainless steel tube placed within a blood vessel to widen the lumen? stent
what is the abbreviation for automated external defibrillator? AED
what is the abbreviation for atrial Defibrillation AF
what is the abbreviation for Acute myocardial infarction? AMI
what is the abbreviation for arteriosclerosis? AS
what is the abbreviation for Atrial septal defect? ASD
what is the abbreviation for arteriosclerotic heart disease? ASHD
what is the abbreviation for Atrioventricular? AV, A-V
what is the abbreviation for bundle branch block? BBB
what is the abbreviation for blood pressure? BP
what is the abbreviation for beats per minute? BPM
what is the abbreviation for coronary artery bypass graft? CABG
what is the abbreviation for coronary artery disease? CAD
what is the abbreviation for catheterization? Cath
what is the abbreviation for Cardiac catheterization or chief complaint? CC
what is the abbreviation for coronary care unit? CCU
what is the abbreviation for congestive heart failure? CHF
what is the abbreviation for coarctation of the aorta? CoA
what is the abbreviation for chest pain? CP
what is the abbreviation for congenital septal defect? CSD
what is the abbreviation for cardiovascular? CV
what is the abbreviation for deep vein thrombosis? DVT
what is the abbreviation for extra corporeal circulation? ECC
what is the abbreviation for electrocardiogram? ECG, EKG
what is the abbreviation for echocardiogram? ECHO
what is the abbreviation for glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase? GOT
what is the abbreviation for hypertension? HTN
what is the abbreviation for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator? ICD
what is the abbreviation for intensive care unit? ICU
what is the abbreviation for intravenous? IV
what is the abbreviation for left ventricular assist device? LVAD
what is the abbreviation for left ventricular hypertrophy? LVH
what is the abbreviation for myocardial infarction or mitral insufficiency? MI
what is the abbreviation for millimeters of mercury? mm Hg
what is the abbreviation for mitral regurgitation? MR
what is the abbreviation for mitral stenosis? MS
what is the abbreviation for mitral valve prolapse? MVP
what is the abbreviation for pulse? P
what is the abbreviation for premature atrial contraction? PAC
what is the abbreviation for patient ductus arteriosus? PDA
what is the abbreviation for peracutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty? PTCA
what is the abbreviation for premature ventricular contraction? PVC
what is the abbreviation for the first heart sound? S1
what is the abbreviation for the second heart sound? S2
what is the abbreviation for sinoatrial? SA, S-A
what is the abbreviation for streptokinase? SK
what is the abbreviation for tissue-type plasminogen activator? tPA
what is the abbreviation for ventricular fibrillation? V fib
what is the abbreviation for ventricular septal defect? VSD
what is the abbreviation for ventricular tachycardia? VT
Created by: Megsandbacon
Popular Medical sets




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