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Status _____ refers to a seizure lasting more than 10 minutes.
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Nasal flaring and retractions may indicate _____ respiratory distress in a child.
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Child/Infant Med.

Child/Infant Medical Trivia

Status _____ refers to a seizure lasting more than 10 minutes. epilepticus
Nasal flaring and retractions may indicate _____ respiratory distress in a child. compensated
A respiratory rate of 15-30 is considered normal for a _____. child
When checking a childs blood pressure be sure to use the correct size _____. cuff
In children under 6 years of age, assess perfusion by checking _____ refill. capillary
The sudden, unexpected death of an infant in which there is no identifiable cause of death, is called _____. SIDS
For a severe allergic reaction in a child administer .15mg of _____ by auto injector. Epinephrine
For the choking infant deliver 5 _____ followed by 5 chest thrusts. backblows
A person between 12 and 18 of age is an _____. adolescent
Infants have a soft spot on their head, called the anterior _____. fontanelle
A respiratory rate over 60 and cyanosis indicates _____ respiratory failure. decompensated
A child who cannot speak, cry, or cough has a _____ airway obstruction. complete
The diameter of a newborn's trachea is only about 1/3 the diameter of a _____. dime
Failure of the _____ system is usually what causes the cardiovascular system to fail. respiratory
While a common type of seizure in an infant, _____ seizures seldom occur in adults. febrile
Medical direction may have you give activated charcoal if the poisoning patient is _____. alert
When applying PASG to a child, do not inflate the _____ section. abdominal
The first four weeks of life is _____. neonate
A child up to 12 months of age is an _____. infant
A respiratory rate less than 10 and unresponsiveness indicates respiratory ______. arrest
A choking child who can still breath and cry has a _____ airway obstruction. partial
When ventilating an apneic infant, ventilate at a rate of _____ per minute. twenty
Do not perform a blind _____ sweep on a choking infant. finger
Created by: emilyshea_x
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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