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male genetal exam
WVSOM -- CS1 Male genetalia exam
Question | Answer |
Which veins of the tesitcle are most likely to become varicosed? | left |
Which testicle hangs lower? | left |
Urinary stream is more like to be involved with? | benign prostatic hypertrophy |
What is testicular torsion? | twisting of the spermatocord which cuts of venous return. Venous engorgement leads to backpressure thru the capillaries which prevents arterial blood delivery. SURGICAL EMERGENCY |
What are the characteristics of the testicle? | ovoid and approximately 4x3x2 cm |
What is cryptorchidism | absense of one or both testicles in the scrotum due to failure of descent. Associated with a 20-40% increased risk of testicular cancer |
What is H and P of testicular torsion? | acute onset, nausea, vomiting, orchalgia, scrotal discoloration and swelling. Absent cremasteric reflex |
What is cremasteric reflex? | This reflex is elicited by lightly stroking the superior and medial part of the thigh. The normal response is a contraction of the cremaster muscle that pulls up the scrotum and testis on the side stroked. |
When do testicles descend? | by 6 months. By age of 1 it is a problem |
What is epididymitis? | inflammation of the epididymis usually associated with bacterial infection. |
What is H and P of epididymitis? | gradual onset, Hx of recent urinary tract or sexually transmitted infection. Pyruia or bacteria with fever. Pain is relieved by elevation of the scrotum |
A mother is concerned because she c an’t find 1 month olds right testicle and his foreskin doesn’t retract. Should she be concerned? | no |
A patient eats a diet high in animal fat. That puts him at risk for? | colon and prostate cancer as well as heart disease |
A patient presents with sudden onset of suprapubic pain. What is the most likely cause? | Urinary tract infection |
What is priapism? | due ot thrombosis of the corpora cavernosa. Think Sickle Cell and leukemia. |
What is pyuria? | pus in urine |
What is polyuria? | >2 liters a day |
A 23 yr old male presents with a painful 3 cm mass below the right inguinal ligament. What test will be most helpful? | auscultation of the mass |
What is tensesmus? | painful, continued ineffective straining at the stool caused by inflammation |
What are varicoceles? | testicular veins that are prone to backpressure buildup leading to dilation and varicosities |
What is a good description of varicoceles? | bag of worms |
What may cause scrotal enlargement? | testicular torsion, varicocele, hydrocele, spermatocele, hernia and tumor |
What is hydrocele? | Fluid accumulation in the tunica vaginalis, fluid is confied to the scrotum. It is transilluminate |
What is spermatocele? | cystic swelling in the epididymis. Not as large hydrocele |
What is hypospadias? | congenital defect where the urethral opening lies too far ventral on the glans, shaft or perineal area |
What is prepuce? | retractable covering for the genitals such as the foreskin or clitoral hood |
What is phimosis? | inability to retract the foreskin from the glans penis |
What is balanitis? | inflammation of the glans only |
What is balanoposthitis? | inflamation of glans and prepuce |
What is clear/white discharge indicate? | chlamydia |
What does yellow-green discharge indicate? | gonococcal |
What is dysuria? | painful urination usually associated with UTI |
What is nocturia | increased frequency at night (2 or more times) |
How many lobes in the prostate? | 5 |
What is the normal texture of the prostate? | firm, smooth, slightly movable and should be symmetric. |
How far should the prostate protrude into the rectum? | <1cm |
What is benign prostatic hyperplasia? | enlargement of the prostate throughout life that becomes symptomatic |
What is pneumaturia? | air bubbles or gas in the urine stream |
What is fecaluria? | fecal material in the urine |
A twelve year old with right testicular pain presents with his left testicle being lower than his right. What does he most likely have? | torsion of the right testicle |
What is most common site of prostate cancer? | posterior lobe |
Whathich lobes generally hypertrophy? | middle and lateral lobes |
What is PSA? | Prostate specific antigen which is a protein produced by all prostate cells. It increases greatly with prostate cancer |
What is a grade 1 enlargement of the prostate? | 1-2 cm (3fingers) |
What is a grade 2 enlargement of the prostate? | 2-3 cm (4 fingers) |
What si a grade 3 enlargement of the prostate? | 3-4 cm (>4 fingers wide) |
What is a grade 4 enlargement of theprostate? | >4 cm (most anterior pelvic outlet) |
What are internal hemorrhoids | varicosities above the ano-rectal junction. Not palpable on rectal exam. No discomfort uless prolapsed, thrombosed, or infected. Bleeding with or without defecation. |
What are external hemorrhoids? | varicosities below the anorectal junction. Causes itching and bleeding with defecation. Protrude with straining |
What are fissures? | tears in the anal mucosa, usually in the posterior midline. Caused by traumatic passage of large hard stool. Painful with itching and bleeding |
What are fistulas? | tract running between the anus and other tissues caused by the drainage of an abscess. The external opening ois often surrounded by granulation tissue and ay have purulent drainage. |
What is puritus Ani? | perianal burning and irritation caused by chronic inflammation |
What do excoriation and pigmentation changes indicate? | fungal infections or parasites |
What is an indirect hernia? | viscera passes thru deep and superficial inguinal rings. May enter the scrotum. Feel against the tip of finger on palpation |
What is direct hernia? | passes thru the superficial ring only. Normally does not enter the scrotum. Feel against side of finger on palpation thru hasselbach’s triangle |
What is a femoral hernia? | passes thru the fossa ovalis and enters the femoral canal (most common in women) |
What should be considered with the fetus? | sexual differentiation of the male external genetialia occurs starting the 8th week of gestation. |
What should be considered with infant/child? | a physiologic form of phimosis may be present in an infat. Between 3-6 y/o the forskin becomes separable from the glans |
What happens in puberty? | penis and testicles grow; scrotum reddens and becomes more pendulous. Pubic hair becomes curly, dark, dense, and distributed in a diamond shaped pattern. |
What changes occur in elderly? | pubic hair thins, scrotum even more pendulous, and ejactulatory volume may incrase |
Pain occurs with sudden distention of: | renal pelvis, ureter and bladder |
What causes renal pelvis pain? | kidney stones…occurs in the flank |
What causes ureter pain? | kidney stones or bladder obstruction. |
Where does upper ureter pain present? | flank |
Where does lower ureter pain present? | scrotum and lower abdomen |
What is associated with bladder pain? | bladder stones and infection |
Where is bladder pain? | suprapubic pain |
What causes testicular pain? | orchitis, hydrocele, spermatic cord, epididymis, tumor, torsion and referred pain from ureter |
What is hematuria? | blood in urine |
What is the three glass test? | glass 1 is initiation of urine stream, glass 2 is midstream urine and glass 3 is termination of urine stream |
What does glass 3 test indication? | a source above the bladder neck indicating renal and prostate. |
What causes hematuria? | infections, stones, cancer, drug-induced, trauma |
What does hematuria in all glasses suggest? | a renal, diffuse source or massive bleeding |
What are risk factors for penile risk factors? | not circumcised and condyloma accuminatum |
What is condyloma accuminatum? | genetal wards |
What are testicular cancer risk factors? | cryptochidsm |
What are prostate risk factors? | age > 50, African American and high fat diet |
What are colorectal cancer risk factors? | age > 40, family Hx of polyp disease, personal Hx of polyp disease or inflammatory bowel disease, personal Hx of breast, ovar, or endometrial cancer, high fat, low fiber diet, and environmental exposures |