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Medical Terminology

Unit 3: Oncology and CNS

Adenectomy Excision of a gland
Adenitis Inflammation of a gland
Adenoma Tumor of a gland or glandular tissue
Adenopathy Disease condition of a gland or glandular tissue
Antineoplastic Agent that works against tumor growth
Atheroma Fatty tissue tumor found in blood vessels
Atherosclerosis Hardening of blood vessels caused by fatty growths
Carcinoma Cancer of epithelial tissue
Cephalalgia Head pain (cephalodynia)
Cephalic Pertaining to the head
Cephalodynic Pertaining to head pain (adj.)
Cerebral Pertaining to the cerebrum
Cerebritis Inflammation of the cerebrum
Cerebroma Tumor of the cerebrum
Cerebrospinal Pertaining to the cerebrum and spine
Cerebrovascular Pertaining to the cerebrum and blood vessels
Cerebrum Largest part of the brain includes frontal temporal & occipital bones
Craniectomy Excision of part of the skull
Craniomalacia Softening of the skull
Craniometer Instrument used to measure the size of the skull
Cranioplasty Surgical repair of the skull
Craniotomy Incision into the skull
Cranium Skull Electroencephalogram Tracing (picture) showing brain wave activity
Electroencephalograph shows brain waves as electrical patterns
Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
Encephalomalacia Softening of brain tissue
Encephalomeningitis Inflammation of the brain and meninges
Encephalomyelopathy Disease condition of the brain and spinal cord
Electroneurodiagnostic Electrical diagnostic imaging of nervous system function
Glandular Pertaining to a gland
Histology Study of tissues
Hyper- above or more than normal
Hyperactivity over active
Hyperemesis excessive vomiting (maybe caused by gallbladder attacks)
Hyperemesis gravidarum excessive vomiting complication of pregnancy
Hypercritical a person who is over critical
Hyperflexion Flexion of a limb or part beyond its normal range
Hyperlipidemia blood lipids above normal
Hyperproteinuria above normal protein levels in urine
Hypertension High blood pressure
Hypertoxicity overly toxic
Hypertrophy Overdevelopment
Hypo- below or less than normal
Hypocalcemia an abnormally small amount of calcium in the blood
Hypodactylia the absence or partially missing of fingers and/or toes at birth
Hyposensitive sensitivity level below normal
Hypothermia subnormal body temperature
Hypokalemia an abnormally low concentration of potassium in the blood
Hypothyroidism deficient activity of the thyroid gland
Hypodermic pertaining to parts under the skin
Hypotension Low blood pressure
Hypotrophy Underdevelopment or decrease in size
Lesion abnormal tissue cond's.macules/vesicles/papules/ulcers/abscesses/tumors
Lipoid Resembling fat
Lipoma Fatty tissue tumor
Lymphadenopathy Disease condition of the lymph glands
Lymphoma Lymph tissue tumor
Melanocarcinoma Malignant (cancerous) melanoma
Melanoma Tumor involving growth of melanocytes
Meninges 3 layered membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord
Meningitis Inflammation of the meninges
Meningocele Herniation of the meninges
Metastasis Tumor that spreads beyond its origin (noun) pl. metastases
Metastasize To spread beyond its origin (v)
Metastatic Pertaining to a metastasis or metastases
Mucosa Mucous membrane (n)
Mucus Water substance secreted by mucous membranes
Neonatal Pertaining to newborn
Neoplasm New growth (tumor)
Neurodiagnostic Pertaining to diagnostic studies examining the nervous system by detecting electrical changes
Oncologist Physician specialist in diseases involving tumors
Oncology The science that studies tumors
Sarcoma Cancer of connective tissue
Serosa Serous membrane
Tumor Abnormal growth of tissue
Ulcer more specific type of lesion. Open sores on the skin or mucous membranes
AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ASCP American Society of Clinical Pathology
BX Biopsy
BCC Basal cell pressure
BP Blood pressure
Ca Calcium
CA Cancer
CIS Carcinoma in situ
CLA Certified laboratory assistant
CP Cerebral palsy
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
CV Cardiovascular
CVA Cerebrovascular accident (Stroke)
EEG Electroencephalography
END Electroneurodiagnostic
ENG Electronystagmography
EP Evoked potential
HA Headache
HCVD Hypertensive cardiovascular disease
MBD Minimal brain dysfunction
Met. Metas. Mets. Metastasis/ mestastases
MLT Medical laboratory technician
mmHg Millimeters of mercury (pressure)
MT Medical technologist
NCS Nerves conduction studies
PSG Polysomnography
TIA Transient ischemic attack
Benign Gland Adenoma
Benign Dark pigmented skin Melanoma
Benign Small elevation of tissue Papilloma
Benign Fibrous tissue Fibroadenoma
Malignant glandular tissue Adenocarcinoma
Malignant Dark skin pigment Melanocarcinoma (malignant melanoma)
Malignant Squamous cell (skin) Squamous cell carcinoma
Malignant Basal cell (skin) Basal cell carcinoma
Benign Bone Osteoma
Benign Cartilage Chondroma
Benign Smooth muscle Leiomyoma
Benign Fat Lipoma
Benign Fat-porridgelike Atheroma
Benign Blood vessel Hemangioma
Benign Nerve Neuroma
Histoblast an embryonic tissue cell
Histocyte a tissue cell
Histoid resembling tissue
Nerve tissue function control and communicate
Epithelium tissue function secrete and protect
Muscle (cardiac) tissue function move and protect
Connective tissue function support and connect
ather/o porridgelike, fatty
arteri/o arteries
arthr/o joint
-algia pain
cardiovascular vessels of the heart
diesease abnormal function
Created by: sbradley1
Popular Medical sets




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